Animosity #1 Sells Out

A little late getting these out. Animosity #1, on both Poyo’s Picks and my picks of the week, sold out at Diamond on Wednesday. Animosity #1 is getting stellar reviews everywhere and were disappearing of store shelves this week into this weekend. Not only was it a great spec pic, it was an awesome read.Β 
Copies of Animosity #1 have been selling well on eBay and prices are finally starting to take an uptick. The regular cover is now pushing above cover price and the 1:10 variant is going for $40 and up.
Marguerite Bennett seemed happy about this on twitter

18 thoughts on “Animosity #1 Sells Out”

  1. Nice….. I was able to get my copies that I ordered. Also got the 1:10 since I ordered it back in previews.

    1. The ignorance of so many buyers continues to astound and impress me. Listings on ebay for the Aspen color Suicide Squad #1 all the way up to $50, when one can still get from the Aspen store. I guess that’s why it’s so easy to flip. People don’t seem to be all that bright

      1. Yes. This is why I don’t have issues with flipping. If people are willing to just throw money at you, then by all means, take it if you can. πŸ˜‰

      2. Kinda weird you think if your that big of a Turner fan to drop big $$$ on Turner variants you should know of Aspen comics. Color just sold out too.

        1. It doesn’t surprise me of anything. I am sure there are the hardcore people who frequent this site and others that know about it and more casual fans that don’t. People get turned on to this site every day and learn stuff they had no clue about or never thought of.
          Sent from my iPhone

  2. I pre-ordered this awhile ago. Had my main Shop add it to my pullbox, that one is for the PC. I grabbed 2 of the variants from Midtown. I picked up one more regular cover the other day. I read it and really liked it. I like Aftershock, I have a couple of their titles in my pullbox. May have to get some more of these if I see them.

  3. Aftershock has some of the best reads out there, and I’m stoked to see Animosity sell out and go up in value. I’ve been collecting a lot of their tittles like Strayer and Black Eyed Kids just to read them. Maybe more people are catching on to how great these books are which will in turn give them some spec value.

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