Alana’s Weekend Specs: Pinching Pennies

Aloha CHUniverse and welcome back to weekend specs! I got to say everything is big money these days and unless you’re rich like Poyo and can vacation in Maui you probably have trouble affording a lot of keys in the current comic market. In times like these you have to be way ahead of the curve and get in early, before the hordes of online comic news warriors do and prices chug up. So we’re going to save some money this week by pulling out the old crystal ball and spec the future, let’s jump in!

Green Lantern #87 1st John Stewart
Ok I said we are going to keep it cheap but this is a last call on this book while it’s still semi affordable. Casting news will be soon and this book will explode just like Fantastic Four #52 did. Some would believe the coming movie would be a Hal solo film again but no DC wants diversity here.

Green Lantern Legacy #1 1st Tai Pham
So its said it will be a team up movie so most are led to believe this means Hal and John, but again its all about diversity these days. They could throw a cueveball and go with a female lantern or even Tai. I bring up Tai because his 1st appearance is scarce. So if he was to land a role in the film this book could go astronomical. First appearing in this book a young adult DC graphic novel good luck Happy hunting!

DC Comics Presents #27 1st Mongul
Superman villains dont get alot of love, but Mongul is one of Supes greater villains. You probably have #26 for all its keyness but don’t pass on this one its cheap.

What the #11 1st Wolverina
We all love a female with claws, this one predates them all Wildthing, X23, Honey Badger, Rein. Its a cheap book for now.

Amazing Spiderman #637 1st new Madame Web
People are buying the wrong book, do you think Sony will use some grandma tied to a chair in a Madame Web movie? No they will use the younger sexier second version. Also a 2nd print and some variants for this one but she is not on the covers.

Spider-boy #1 1st Bizarnage
Thought you had all the symbiotes covered guess again. Bizarnage is from the DC Marvel mashups making him the only DC Universe symbiote/Klyntar.

Swamp Thing #90 1st Tefe Holland
Daughter of Swampy could be a good cast for JL Dark instead of daddy. Cheap and a tough black cover, you want this.

Also a little bonus this week a regular cover, and incentive variant worth a look.

Swamp Thing #102 regular cover my favorite Swampy cover and thats Tefe.

All Hail Megatron #1 incentive variant. A great homage that crosses different collectors.

Thats it for this week ill try and churn a new one out at least once a month. Sorry for the delay between articles haven’t collected much the last year and a half but its good to be back. Thanks for reading and happy hunting!

18 thoughts on “Alana’s Weekend Specs: Pinching Pennies”

  1. I researched Green Lantern Legacy a bit more it seems available at Amazon I’m pretty sure the hardcover isn’t 1st print but the trade probably is. I don’t think there was a 2nd printing in trade form. Comichron states the print run is 3314 really low for a 1st appearance from a big two publisher. In comparison Captain Marvel 2nd print #17 that goes for $1000 has an estimated print run of 3000+. I flipped through the 144 page monster online and definitely fits the bill of a Green Lantern corps coming movie with a John Stewart showing the ropes to the new young Lantern.

    1. I read the whole thing it’s a great book easy reading to get your kids into comics introduces two new Green Lanterns and one new Yellow Lantern. Really overlooked low printed book.

    1. Hehe… Man, wish I could say I’m rich.. took me almost a good solid year of selling computer parts and comics to pay for my Maui vacation. 🙂

  2. Very insightful and I believe you are correct to expect diversity. I think Jessica Cruz would also fit the bill nicely. And for God’s sake, someone get Wolverine some adamantium condoms! ?

  3. Smh…..the problem with Green Lantern Legacy is that it’s a graphic novel. You cant go by Comichron numbers because the book is available at all bookstores: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. Comichron only reports on books from Diamond to Comic Stores. Its not worth a spec because its not a comic book.

    1. “Its not worth a spec because its not a comic book.”

      Sure it is. You can spec on anything and honestly I don’t see this as a high ordering graphic novel either. Even if you go by comichron numbers, they still never tell us the actual print runs, which are always a secret unless the publishers themselves release the actual numbers.

      1. It’s for sure wroth a spec, but don’t expect too much because this bad boy is readily available at big box book stores.

        I pre-ordered this one, but that’s only because I don’t miss out on a marvel or DC first appearance, no matter how insignificant. I wouldn’t call Tai insignificant though. He’s young, Asian, got his ring from a female, fighting racism, etc. This one checks all the woke boxes.

  4. will sip ataste of the bubbley for the return of weekend specs.welcome back blind adam out

  5. That ‘All Hail Megatron #1’ was a store exclusive, not a retail incentive.

    I’d love to have one in my collection, but American store exclusives tend to be out of bounds due to exorbitant postage costs or a straight up refusal to sell outside the continental United States.

    I don’t know if Apocalypse Comics was an online-only store or if they had a brick and mortar, but I guess it doesn’t matter as they no longer appear to exist.

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