Think Outside the toy Box: Avengers Marvel Legends Wave 1 and 2

From Tyson, CHU’s resident toy guy:
The Avengers Marvel Legends Action Figure Waves 1 and 2 are both set to hit the shelves sometime in March.
I am already seeing Hawkeye, Sentry and Machine Man from Waves 1 on shelves at Target and Toys R Us, that’s it.
I was just informed Wave 2 has just been put up for pre-sale. The BAF (build a figure) for this wave is the Mad Titan himself, Thanos. Pre-sales on ebay are already showing that this wave is the market favorite. If I were you I would secure the whole case now while you can. It would be rare for you to find the whole set on the pegs at any store. If so, congrats, you’re probably the same person who found New Mutants 98 at the half price book store. What we’re getting at is don’t wait until the movie comes out to try and secure your figures. Pre-sales for Wave 2 are already topping the Guardians of the Galaxy wave prior to its release.
Don’t get me wrong Wave 1 of the Avengers series is no slouch. The BAF on that one is the ruler of Asgard himself, Odin the Allfather. This is one of the biggest bang for your buck BAF out there. There are two different versions to be built. Check out the images below.
Stays tuned for more updates and until then, think outside the toy box.

9 thoughts on “Think Outside the toy Box: Avengers Marvel Legends Wave 1 and 2”

  1. Nice write up. I think these look cool, And want to own them, but I haven’t invested much in toys since I don’t know enough about it or what would pay off in the after market. Look forward to hearing more Tyson!

    1. I know when the GOTG figures came out, I was able to pick up Rocket Raccoon and Nova at Walmart for $19.99 on most visits there and turn around and sell them for $30 plus during the first couple month of release. I did just sell a Rocket Raccoon and AIM soldier A few days ago for $23 plus. So you can flip for a profit.

  2. Ahh toys, I remember getting up early when I was like 11 to get to this Toy Store so I could grab some of the new Phantom Menance toys just being released. I still actually got the Darth Maul mint in package…I reckon it’s devalued since then!

    1. You make me feel old. I did the same thing except it was with Return of the Jedi.. unfortunately, I don’t have any of my original action figures. 🙁

      1. I hear you. I was a Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi Junkie! Had them all as a kid. Used and abused them, blew half of them up with fire crackers. Not much left of them after that. But over the last few years I have been rebuilding my collection and have purchased most of the action figure from the REAL Star Wars movies.

  3. Action figures were the first thing I collected. Full sets of Star Wars figures sitting in my parents nicely boxed of red Lightsaber, green Lightsaber, hologram, slide and phantom menace.
    I remember my grandmother for Christmas one year got me the same three figures . As luck should have it they where weequay slide figures which still go for some $$$.

  4. Interesting that Odin’s eyepatch is on a different eye on the two figures.

  5. I read rumors that the other version is old king Thor. That would make since with the “cyber” arm and journbjorn (axe sp?) and red cape. I just never got solid confirmation before writing it up.

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