Updated 3/5/16:
What’s up CHU, Mel the Movie guy here. So I was reading the Pop Article and I’m going to give suggestions on how to flip Pops. Flipping pops is different than flipping comics, as most comics get hot the 1st week of release then fizzle out, but with pops once they get hot they pretty much keep that value. When I started buying pops last year I was just buying the characters I knew and wanted to see them on my mantel.
As I got into it more I found this list that is updated every so often. The list can be found here. You’re going to want to bookmark that and check in every so often. The retired pops are the ones that will most likely rise in value. The good thing about that is some pops can still be found for regular price. It will take close to a year for them to reach full potential, for example the 1st pop I brought was Tupac for $11 bucks now its close to $70, same with Red Skull
I got it for $11 and sold one for $100. You really cant pinpoint which one will get retired before the list comes out.
Some stores like Hot Topic will release exclusive pops that do really well in the aftermarket like Hot Topic Teen Titan White Raven; it’s always a good pick up to get the Store exclusive. Walgreens recently released 4 marvel pops, that have done really well but they are dropping in aftermarket price so with the exclusives you have to act fast. Another gauge you might want to use would be the pop vinyl price guide site which can be found here. Sign up for that so you can get a feel on what’s hot.
Oh, another thing, BUY POPS FROM AMAZON AT YOUR OWN RISK. Some people ship them things without a care in the world. I’ve had a couple of crushed boxes, but you can get loose boxes off of eBay sometimes. I will be here to answer any questions you may have, Pop Vinyl’s are awesome collectibles. My wife hates them because I have so many now.
TOP Hottest FUNKO POPS for March
1. Kylo Ren Unmasked– Wal-Mart Exclusive- $20
2. Green Goblin (Metallic Chase)– Walgreen’s Exclusive- $45
3. Harley With Mallet Pink Hearts– Hot Topic Exclusive- $20
4. Batman Vs. Superman 2 Pack Metallic– Toys R Us Exclusive- $34
5. Deadpool Rubber Chicken– Walgreens Exclusive- $18
6. Batman Vs. Superman 2 Pack Glow in the Dark– Wal-Mart Exclusive- $35
7. Deadpool Bath Time– Target Exclusive- $21
8. Kurama Glow in the Dark– EB Games Exclusive- $40
9. Deadpool Leaping– Marvel Collector Corp Exclusive- $31
Top 10 Best Selling Pops according to Poppriceguide.com
1. Shadow Trooper Star Wars– SDCC Exclusive averages $1010.00
2. Holographic Darth Maul Star Wars– Another SDCC Exclusive averaging $805.00
3. Batman Flashpoint Heroes– A 2011 NYCC Exclusive averaging $566.67
4. Biggs Darklighter Star Wars– Another SDCC Exclusive averaging $441.17
5. Green Arrow (Metallic) Heroes– A Gemini exclusive, averages $412.33
6. Freddy Funko Clone Trooper Star Wars– Another SDCC exclusive, averages $371.25
7. 501st Clone Trooper Star Wars– A 2012 SDCC Exclusive, averages $381.56
8. Cheshire Cat (Blue) Disney– Another 2012 SDCC exclusive averaging $407.43, with sales over $450 recently.
9. Ned Stark (headless) Game of Thrones– SDCC 2013 Exclusive, averages $348.62
10. Shazam (metallic) Heroes– Another Gemini Collectibles exclusive, averages $330.00
39 thoughts on “Mel's guide to selling Funko Pops”
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Mels tha shit! nice article
Thanks brother
Good write up Mel. Thank you.
Awesome info just getting into Pops myself from years of action figures.
Lol I got into them from the Lootcrate Joker/Batman
Great info, thank you!
Mel, what’s your view/opinion on the vehicles they started doing? I have the delorean and party wagon. Deadpool a chimichanga truck is on the way. I want ecto1 and 66 bat mobile to die a happy man. oh of course now I have to get doc to for with delorean and all the turtles for the van. It never ends lol.
I personally love the vehicles..Ive never flipped on though,they pretty much stayed the same price in the aftermarket ..I have the delorian and Scarface Caddy lol
I personally hate hate hate the business model followed by the funko company, imo go after the mighty muggs if you can still find them, funko is too saturated with their own product that they are esentially shooting themselves in the foot. Only a “few” will rise in value as in comparison to the muggs they are ALL rising in value, just my 2 cents.
Thanks Bradley. I agree that there is a market saturation of the products, but some i just love.
Go after mighty muggs they are all retired, funko is not the way to go
The think I like about funko is they have something for everyone. Yes the market is saturated but they made sure to wet everyone’s pallets doing so. Like comics I get the Pops I like and if they go up in a value woohoo! Thanks for the tip on mighty muggs didnt know they retired them.
Attention! Barnes and Noble has all the Avengers: Age of Ultron pops for $8.05 with free shipping over $25! Plus, use code X8W8L3A for 20% off your order.
I hate flippers so much. They ruin it for the people who actually enjoy Pops for what they are. Go ahead and leave hate responses now.
Sorry to hear that you think that flippers are so evil. I have sold a lot of pops but also have a pretty good collection. No one is going to leave you hate responses. This is a really good group of people. The only person who is hating on anyone is you when you mention you hate flippers so much. Anyway, everyone’s collecting goals are different and some people do buy things, to sell things, to buy the other things they really want.
question for you my man, when selling funko pops, is it better to have them in their boxes without them ever being open?
In the box is the best way
Hi Mel! Do you think it’d be a good idea to buy pops and sell em on a Consistent basis, or will it take forever to sell some items?
buy em hold em..the key ones
Is it a good idea to sell POPS Consistently or will it be very difficult to make profit?
For the exclusives, if you find them, early enough you can flip easily and quickly. The Hot Topic, Walgreens, and other exclusives flip easily when they are first released.
If I wanted to sell a bunch of pop vinyl figures, what would be the best way to do so?
eBay or Amazon. eBay would be quicker. Also try setting up an account on poppriceguide.com and listing them for sale there.
Facebook groups ..if your in a hurry to get rid of them ..Ebay if you want max profits
Is it worth spending 60 bucks for a pop head? I have my eye on one .
Sorry, what is a pop head?
Enjoyed the article. I’ve looked into buying a handful of exclusives recently; however, it seems like half the time I’d barely break even. Batman/Superman 2pack TRU exclusive, Finn with Lightsaber B&N exclusive. Pink Harley from Hot Topic. Some of the Walgreens Marvel exclusives.
It seems like it’s going to cost 6 bucks + packing materials to ship one of these things. Tack on ebay fees and the price of pops, plus fierce ebay competition In some cases, it seems like I would lose money and that I’d often only make a buck or two.
Maybe, I’m just late to the party on these specific pops and need to get in on them earlier. I’m not sure. Any tips on how to choose exclusives to go after?
Getting in early for flip potential is key. I have done well with selling pops when I have gotten in early enough. We are looking at market saturation now. So many places are carrying them that they are easier to get. I am focused mostly on exclusives, but also chase, and vaulted ones as well. Those are the three categories that seem to rise.
Sent from my iPhone
Wen do you think this list will be updated and what pops do you think will be next to be vaulted/retired???? i only ask cuz the teen titans go was on the list but they been popping up again in t.r.u. at retail…
They do the retired pop list every so often. We have no control over it. You can also check out funko’s vault on their website for pops that are vaulted and un vaulted. They do re release pops like the toy story ones with changed or new packaging like some of the Star Wars ones.
We update the hot pop list monthly so it will probably be updated this weekend.
So i have a chase ID4 alien. I want to sell it, but where should i do so? They go for $60-90 online.
eBay and Amazon. They should move quickly.
Just for clarification the top 10 best selling pops aren’t the rarest out there
Understand completely. They are the hot ones at the moment. But it is still interesting to look at. We put up vids of the rarest.
Hi I recenlty thought it would be a good investment to start throwing some cash at. Buying exclusive pop figures and then selling them later on because we all know how profitable collecting certain items could be. The best one i got right now is the Green ranger from Toy Tokyo at NYCC 2016 and i bought it on a whim. I had no idea it would generate so much cash so soon. I bought it for $20 and it is now going for like $100 online. Which is great. So because of that alone i said ok let me see what i can do with this. Anyway i have a few questions.
1) Exclusive pops from certain companies. Like you say here the marvel from Walgreens, i picked up one of them i believe and i also picked up alomst all of the Star Wars figures from them too. My question is though, do you think i should pick up as many store exslusives or exclusives in general? Will they generate a lot of increased value?
2) Right now i see a sticker called PX Preview. What do you think about them? Do they have a great value?
3) How long do you think it will take for their highest selling point to hit? Here you say a year. But if i wait about 5 years do you think it would be better?
4) Do you know of a site that shows us the best exclusive pops coming out in the future?
5) What about the metallic pops? DO you think they have a better value?
6) Do you know of any sites where i can buy pops that arent around anymore? Mainly exclusive ones?
7) DO you think its a good idea to pay a little more for an exclusive that came out say a year ago, only to hold it to sell at a later point in time for more?
My inner geek is telling me im doing this for the wrong reason, to turn a cash profit. But my business mind is telling me no its not a big deal so im at a moral cross-road probably lkee a lot of you here. But i have capital to buy these since they are so cheap and i can turn a quick good profit to make my capital grow for maybe a business one day if i save up on top of selling the pops. And well one more question. Any other tips you can give me on being a seller in general?
I will answer all your questions tomorrow
1)hot topic exclusives are hit and miss..Walgreens are a lil bit better investment imo
2)PX previews use to generate intrest but have since died out for what ever reason
3) 1- 2 years for it to peak
4)poppriceguide or follow funkopop on instagram
5)yep mettalic pops and flocked pops are great if ya can find em
7)Depends …https://funko.com/collections/pop/the-vault buy all the cheap vaulted ones ..wait a year watch em bubble