Spoilers: Batman #90 – Selina’s Past Ways Come Back To Haunt Her (and Bruce) + The Designer

He makes his offers to each and takes each of them one by one into another room of what they can offer to make the final plan come to fruition.

The Joker doesn’t play by anyone else’s rules though and when it’s his turn, he says something that clearly upsets The Designer.

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5 thoughts on “Spoilers: Batman #90 – Selina’s Past Ways Come Back To Haunt Her (and Bruce) + The Designer”

  1. So 1st full and death? Nah it must have been his designed plan to get Joker to evolve, and get that ‘look in his eyes’, as Selena put it, right?

  2. Still struggling with a character by the name “the designer”’having such bad taste in a costume…

    Flash backs don’t count as first appearances, right? ?

  3. Haven’t read 89 yet, is that also a flashback? If not, obviously confirms he survived everything in 90.

  4. How the fuck dos he see through that bag over his face, is that Matt Murdock or wait!!!!!! Must be Kanye under that mask.

    1. Wait, you’re seriously questioning a mask in comics? We got a man that can run faster than light and Superman can fly and can’t die, but you’re questioning a mask with no eye holes? Think about it for a second and come back to us why you question that mask but none of the other thousands of heroes with super human abilities that defy physics and logic.. 😉

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