13 thoughts on “In Case You Missed it: Gal Gadot showing off for Wonder Woman”

  1. Are they going to cgi the muscles onto her arms?
    I don’t know why, but I keep thinking about that Planet Fitness commercial they’ve been showing on tv where the meathead keeps saying “You want big muscles”? lol

  2. Pretty, but an awful choice. Nikki Bella (WWE) certainly looks the part, but doesn’t really have the poise or acting chops to pull it off.

  3. Hey, if they can make Tom Cruise not look like he’s 5’7″ in every damn movie he’s in.. she can pull this off most likely! 😉

    1. I’d have not picked Christopher Reeves as superman or Michael Keaton as Batman but look how those turned out. Wonder woman’s powers are magical/mythical and while yes she is supposed to be an Amazon I don’t think she needs to be huge.

      1. That’s a fair point. Keaton appeared to be a terrible choice for Batman that worked out really well. I’m not saying I won’t see anything with her as Wonder Woman, I’ll see it unless the reviews are laughingly bad (which I doubt they will be). My wife who is a huge Wonder Woman fan (has a huge Wonder Woman Tattoo on her arm) was overly critical when she saw who they selected. It’s always hard when you have a pre-defined image in your head of a character (especially a much beloved one in my wife’s case) and hollywood decides to break the mold.

  4. Agree that it’s hard to judge without seeing her costume and in motion… but anybody else think it’s weird they have a professional style photo shoot for what’s clearly a staged workout? It’s like a PR move to tell fan boys “don’t worry about it… she’s workin’ on it”…

  5. This is a case of bad casting. Caused by playing favoritism while overlooking shortcomings of the actual role.

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