One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Advanced Reorder list from Diamond Comics. This is a list of books being most reordered by retailers before the publication date of the comic.
East of West dominates the list this week:
1. East of West #2- Second issues usually drop off in orders. Retailers are scrambling to get 1st prints of the second issue of this sold out book.
2. East of West #1 2nd Print- Even with a huge print run, even with an over print, even with retailers ordering the book in droves, this book sold out. Expect to see the prices rise on eBay as the initial print run dries out.
3. Guardians of the Galaxy #2 – Movie coming, hot series… need I say more.
4. Jupiters Legacy #1 Cvr A- This one is on the list several times as each cover is listed differently. Expect this one to be big!
5. Batman Incorporated #10 – Fall out from the death of Robin continues to boost interest in this book (But it is still being canceled. )
7. Injustice Gods Among Us #4 – Hype from the video game tie in is still high with early issues selling at multiples of cover price.
8,10,12. Jupiters Legacy #1 Cvr B,C,D – See #4
9. Helheim #2 – 1st issue sold out and doing ok on secondary market. Under ordered 1st issue has sent stores reordering the second.
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