Supergirl's first villain on CBS show

CBS will be releasing a Supergirl TV show. The first villain to show up will be a character called “The Lumberjack.” The show will star Melissa Benoist. MV5BMjE2MzA2NTYxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTcyODM5Ng@@._V1_SY1200_CR83,0,630,1200_AL_

Kara Danvers née Zor-El will have her work cut out for her from the get-go, seeing as her adversary in the series pilot will be the DC Comics baddie Lumberjack. To that end, the CBS freshman is seeking a hulk akin to “Rory McCann, the 6-foot-6 actor from Game of Thrones” (pictured above) to play this “big, burly monster of a man, who has battled Kara’s cousin” — that’d be you-know-who — “in the past” and shows up to ascertain her level of power, on behalf of an unseen superior

The Lumberjack appears in Wonder Woman #268 which can be picked up between $6 and $12 on eBay.