Comics Delayed in Austin Tx from Agent Poyo's doom and gloom report

I have been receiving word from Agent Poyo that Austin Tx are comic shops are going to get delayed orders and will not have comics on Wednesday. 


Word is that the bad weather we have been getting here in the Maryland area has effected shipments going down. You might want to check with your local comic shops to see if there will be delays in your area. 

Please let us know if you know of any other regions that are experiencing delays due to Maryland’s crappy weather.

9 thoughts on “Comics Delayed in Austin Tx from Agent Poyo's doom and gloom report”

  1. Yes, two confirmed they will likely have comics out later in the day, one other possibly delayed until Thursday.

  2. I get my Diamond shipments on Wednesday since I am mailorder only. My Diamond shipment from last week arrived yesterday (Tuesday). My tracking for tomorrow’s shipment is showing as on time at the moment. All is good – there is a week or two every year there is some sort of weather delay.

  3. Comics in the southeast really come from a warehouse in northern Mississippi, but they have had bad weather too that impacted some shipments.

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