Speaking of Spider-Gwen, we just mentioned the signed Gwen #1’s out there, but here is more Spider-Gwen news.
Make sure to grab Spider-Gwen #2 next week, heck grab or pre-order a couple, because it is sold out in advance of release. Spider-Gwen is hot and it is not a bad idea to set a couple away for a few months from now when all the first prints are gone.
Check out the preview pages below from CBR.com
48 thoughts on “Spider-Gwen #2 Sold out”
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Well, I’m sure #2 is gonna be half the print run that #1 was. The stacks are getting smaller though at the local shops with Spider-Gwen #1’s but I’ve been picking them up each time I go. I’ve been picking up the EOSV #2 4th prints along with Spider-Gwen #1 1st prints, bundling them together to make easy money…
EOSV # 2 (4th Print) more in demand than 3rd printing? 5th print coming out soon,correct?
Seems to be. I sold a few 3rd prints with Spider-Gwen #1 but not as quickly as the 4th print. 5th print I think comes out next week.
The only printing I don’t have is the 2nd print which will be the one to have.
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Yeah, 2nd print was hard to come by, was only able to snag one of those.
I’m actually surprised that the third print is not more in demand. It’s a different cover. Gotta hang on to my first prints now. I’d like to see where this issue finally peaks.
what is the print run number for amz spiderman #4 1st Silk?
Print run was 120,000 or so.
Hey Agent Poyo. I know you’re more of an ebay flipper than a long -term investment guy. I’m more of a long-term investment guy (10 years+) than a flipper. Does Spider-Gwen #1 or Silk #1 have a long-term growth potential or will it be worth 3.99 or less 10 years from now? Are your hot picks for the week merely those books you expect to flip short-term for profit? Are there books coming out these days (aside from variants, I don’t do variants) that have potential for long-term growth?
People love the Poyo. I am sure he will chime in, but in the mean time I am going to take the reigns since I also do picks of the week on here and answer your questions. I think both Silk and Spider-Gwen have long term potential. They both are going back for reprints and probably multiple reprints and the first prints will rise in value. Most new Marvel sell outs have. Try finding many of the new Marvel #1’s for cover price. It is impossible. I am both an investment guy and a flipper as well. I have a collection of books that are core ones and books I don’t care if I sell. The problem is the longer I hold one thing the harder it is for me to sell them. My flipping supports my collection as well as is a nice business. Self supporting habit. The books I pick for the picks of the week are both growers and showers. Some will pop right away and are worth the flip, while others will take time to reach maturity. But since the question was posed to Agent Poyo, I will step aside and let him answer it.
I see Silk as the holder book and gwen is sell sell sell. She’s a fad that will die eventually.I’m not hating on Gwen btw eosv i love that book glad I bought several and sold. Bought a Batman adventures 12 9.6 with the profit I made with Eosv 2
That’s a good flip
Thanks for your reply Anthony.
I actually agree. I think both Silk and Gwen are good long term investments, particularly their first appearances. Marvel is popular for sure. They make awesome movies now so the potential for them to go up in value long term is a good bet or chance. The chance that both Gwen or Silk show up in movies or gain popularity in the long run is probably good.
This is why I jumped quick on some of the Spider-Gwen phantom variants.. such an easy sell for really quick profit. I snagged enough to also hold onto a few for long term, along with 1 of each of the covers I liked best to put into collection to probably never sell.. well, maybe for the kids college one day or they can sell when I’m long gone as a good investment return.
Most of the time my picks I’ll mention if it’s a flip or maybe long term gamble, at least I think I’m trying to imply what the potential for them are. Quite honestly though, I also make my picks on what I think might be a good entertaining read without the investment aspect of it. I’m actually a collector first, then flipper.
I also have the same problem Anthony has, the longer I hold onto a comic, the harder it is to sell it. For example, I skimmed Big Man Plans #1 and passed on it. But when I saw the 1:30 variant at cover price, I snagged it, brought it home, took pictures, posted it online to sell and immediately packed it up to be ready to ship. It was gone the next morning at a cool $22 profit to me.
Edge of Spider Verse 2 should be more valuable than Amazing Spiderman 4 (2014) because of higher demand and lower supply which increase prices more than story/character potential. Uncertain future but present favors SpiderGwen over Silk.
I just don’t think Silk can compete with Gwen. Maybe it’s because I was at a Spider-Gwen signing last week, and it was insane. Waited in lines for five hours, and some people drove from Maryland and Florida (store was in Charlotte). Hundreds and hundreds of people. Had no idea it was that big.
atm what’s holding Gwen up is lots of Greed and tons of speculation. Remember key words to live by regarding investments in Modern Comics “Don’t fall in Love with your Moderns” If people are willing to invest and pay boat loads for Gwen be smart and Ride the gravy train.
The Gwemaniacs are causing all this demand up front, which I think will only make it easier to get, they’ll over print to meet the demand, etc. I think Silk is the sleeper here though. While everyone is paying attention to Gwen, buying, flipping, going nutso… Silk will gain popularity at a more normal rate over time and gain just as many collectors seeking out her first appearance along with the harder to find 1:10 Ramos variant of ASM #4. I think that one with the 1:25 Silk #1 are definitely the winners with Silk.
As for Spider-Gwen, hard to tell. Of course the Phantom Variant is hot right now but who knows where it’ll end up at. There’s so many to choose from and the print run on Spider-Gwen likely doubled or tripled what Silk was at. If you think ASM #4 was a big print run, just wait and see how big Spider-Gwen will be. Most of the LCS in my area still have stacks of them, with no Silk #1 to be found.
Random Spider-Gwen #1 Phantom question. Has anyone received their pre orders from Graham Crackers?
No. I have asked them many times. They say they have not received the Black and White ones and will not ship combined orders until they get them. Starting to get a bit pissed.
I got the same response. As long as they arrive safely, I’m good.
@agentpoyo I suppose pissed was strong. Just hope to get them before the con for obvious reasons. I have two color I got from third eye so I am not SOL but the B&W would be nice to take as well. I’m not saying they are being disingenuous or anything, but an email to everyone that is waiting would have been nice.
Nope, have not gotten mine either.
So I submitted five to CBCS from last weekend, which was a triple signing. 1 regular cover, 1 Heroes Variant, 1 Anka Variant, 1 Phantom Variant and 1 Edge of #2. Assuming they all come back 9.6-9.8, what should I do with them? Flip some? Flip all?
I sent some unsigned phantoms off last week fast passed. Both color and black and white. I am going to flip and hope I am first to market for maximum profit.
Fast passed mine as well. The rep there said that they got slammed a couple months ago, and modern turnaround is currently 90 days. I should get mine back around 35 with a fast pass.
Last fast pass I submitted was 1/20 and got back like 2/15.
I’d pick the one or ones you like best and flip the rest to pay for the others.
Hope you’re right with the turnaround. Maybe it’s the company slogan “under promise, over perform”. I do that in my line of work daily. Would love to have them back that quick. They probably treat you a little differently since you’re a witness, and probably send them a lot of books.
I have sent them a few books. Like 25 in the last month. It’s getting to be more and more. I am not sure I am getting special treatment but in this case I wouldn’t mind.
Thanks for your reply Anthony. This is somewhat of a non-sequitur but what was Marvel thinking when they cancelled Hawkeye? I loved Fraction and Aja on that series and would have bought every issue until the end of time.
No idea but scheduling delays and such were
Killing it.
Quality takes time. I think it was a bad business move on Marvel’s part. All-New Hawkeye #1 will be a dollar bin book in 6 months or less. Lemire might be able to pump out the issues on time but I won’t be reading it.
Why? Have you read #1? Honestly, I think the last series with Fraction started out strong but I got bored with it.. I like his gal pal but not enough to follow her to California for how many issues? Fraction was meant to be an indie guy.. his name is out there as a popular writer, he’ll focus on his own ideas to pay the bills most likely..
I think the safest long term bet is to sell the #1 Silk and Spider-Gwens now while they are as hot as they are. Perhaps I’d hold a SG AH variant if I had one, but the rest id part with. It’s a safe assumption both #1’s will cool off a bit before, and if any movie announcement is ever made for either one of them. Even then most will flock towards the first appearances in EOSV #2 and ASM #4.
Personally I see Spider-Gwen as the long time winner although a large amount of people disagree. SG is way too hot for Marvel to ignore in other avenues in the future. Silk is safe for sure and one day make it to the big screen herself yet I can easily see SG getting a feature film over Silk. Yes that would most likely require SG to crossover and Marvel is pretty smart business wise.
SG does have a band repping her already after all lol.
Spider Gwen definately a long term as gwen stacy was ASM 2 movie, so this can look promising of reviving her back as spider gwen.
Yup, I’m dumping mine, keeping a few for the collection. Spider-Gwen is definitely the money maker though for Marvel. She’s pretty much the Harley Quinn of the Marvel Universe at this time. Slap her on the cover of any comic and it’s going to sell. But people are flocking to buy her, so demand is up but so is the print numbers. Over time, the flame will simmer off, probably for both.. expect heat later on down the road when bigger news comes around, movies, etc.
I feel Amazing Spider-Man # 31 (1st Series) 1st Gwen Stacey is a solid an still surprisingly affordable key comic that should sky rocket now…..thoughts?
Well, remember, different universes. In our Spider-Man universe, that Gwen is still dead.
True,but thinking that without Gwen Stacey,there would be no Spider Gwen…..
Well, she didn’t die in her universe. There are two Gwen’s when you start talking multiverse. One is dead, another one became a spider. #31 Gwen in our Universe had a different story that ended shortly. Spider-Gwen has her own story now. It’s a solid key book to own but I don’t think it’s going to sky rocket due to Spider-Gwen.
I’ve preordered the ECCC StanLee collectibles variants. Do you think these have potential?
I’m sure they have potential. As long as they are flipped real quick and picked up at a decent price or cover. I think we are getting to the point of SG variant saturation IMO.
Yes I agree it is very saturated. In these times it’s about getting the ‘one’. I have ordered straight from the source, I’ve seen some pre-orders selling already on ebay for more than double that.
I think Edge of Spider-Verse #2, 3rd printing variant, will soon sought after once the completists realize it is a different cover from the other printings. Just be patient…
Quick question for Anthony and Poyo. I value your opinions so im curious about your thoughts on one point…variants. It seems like the Gwen Phantom is popular, BUT it also seems like alot of the Marvel 1:25, 1:50 variants hold their price better than “joe comic shop” variant covers. Is there any rhyme or reason to that? Is it prefered to just get what you like? I like alot of the variant covers, but my wallet has limitations, so when i do make an upgraded purchase on a variant, it sorta needs to be “special/key”…if that makes any sense. I tend to hold onto my stuff if that matters as well.
Depends. Look at the print run verses the store variants. For marvel the minimum order for a store variant is 3,000 copies. So on a book that has a 60,000 print run that is 1:20. 30,000 print run is 1:10. A regular 1:25 variant for 60,000 is 1,500 copies. And for 1:50 is 1,200 copies. Already rarer than a store variant. At 40,000 print run a 1:25 is 1000 printed and 1:50 is 500. Traditional variants are rarer and Marvel is going to put their talent into their variants where the store variants are essentially work for hire. There are tons of great store variants though. Don’t get me wrong. Third Eye does good ones and does the Phantom program. It comes down to rarity when it comes
Down to it and the traditional variant are usually more rare when it comes to Marvel.
I think it just boils down to demand + availability.
The other reason some store variants might not do as well is, well, Marvel isn’t promoting them. The store has to promote them themselves. There’s store variants that pop up later that even I had no idea were out there. So I think that plays a factor. Some collectors are stuck with the local shop of their choice, never venture out beyond that and probably simply don’t seek out store variants.