Comics picks of the week for release 5/20/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up.
Here are our picks of the week for delivery 5/20/15:
One week until Fight Club….. Just saying.
Hoping for a small week this week, never works out.
New Image #1
Valhalla Mad #1 I like Joe Casey. I do. I forgive him for Sex (that sounds weird, the comic I mean.) Anyway before this becomes more uncomforatble….

Their names are legend: the Glorious Knox! Greghorn the Battlebjörn! Jhago the Irritator! Three warrior gods vacationing on Earth, just looking to get their drink on and have a good time!

The One with a lot of Buzz
A-Force #1– All Female Avengers. Good luck finding the variants, or at least get up early. Female led books are all the buzz.
The Returning Favorite
Wytches #6– Can’t help it, I love this book. Also, sold the movie rights the same week the book came out.
The Small Press Champ
Insufferable #1– What if Nightwing grew up to be a dick? Much like Irredeemable before it, this looks at the dirty side of Superheros.
Pick of the Week
Oh Killstrike #1– Remember all those horrible grim and gritty books that came out? The really terrible ones in the 90’s? Imagine if one of them became real and came and lived with you.

Jared, a new father, fears parenthood. An old comics fan, he turns to them for comfort. But when he unwittingly lets loose his favorite character, Killstrike – a singleminded, vengeance loving anti-hero – onto the world, Jared must find a way to send him back before he harms all the people he loves the most. But before that happens, Killstrike leads Jared on a quest of self-discovery to make him realize the kid who loved this character is not the man he has become.

That is it for us this week. Let us know what you are spec-ing on.

4 thoughts on “Comics picks of the week for release 5/20/15”

  1. A-Force variants are the spec of the week, and Deadpool’s SW figure variant will be a decent seller for a bit. I’ll see what the early rise brings tomorrow

      1. I know they will be available next week at my local shops but I just bought a nice handful from Midtown as well. I love me some Fight Club..
        Midtown has the Lee Bermejo cover as “Ultra-Rare”.. anyone know the ratio or is it a split 3 way between the 3 main covers?

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