Kevin Smith is no stranger to comic books. He has written them. He owns a store. He has a TV show about the shop. Now, he wants to direct a comic book movie. had the story:
Director Kevin Smith might have had the chance to write a Superman movie, but as we all know that didn’t pan out, but there’s another character at DC he’d love to take a shot at.
The mysterious Question.
While at the PGA’s annual conference, Smith opened up about directing and what brought him back, but also a few surprising matters that started with his daughter, Harley Quinn Smith. “I can’t bring my kid to a comic book movie because there’s nothing up there for her,” he said. Smith tried bringing up Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow, to which his daughter apparently replied she was “one out of seven.”
Smith also dismissed the idea he’d ever get the chance to direct a comic book adaptation. Though if he had the opportunity, he would do a “noir-ish thriller” take on a DC Comics’ the Question.
“I always thought if you were in an alley and f—ing Batman showed up you’d be like, ‘Oh f—, Batman.’ But if a dude shows up with no features and starts punching you, you would probably kill yourself in fear,” Smith explained.
THe Questions first appearance is in Blue Beetle #1 (1963) He is revamped and reintroduced in The Question #1 (1986)
. Finally, Rene Montoya takes over the mantle in 52 Week 48