Deadpool announces the 12 Days of Deadpool

A new video hit this morning from everyone’s second favorite festive guy in a red suit, Deadpool. Ryan Reynold’s again launches a funny video spotlighting the movie. This time it is 12 Days of Deadpool. 

Each day a different site will get exclusive content leading up to a new trailer on Christmas.

5 thoughts on “Deadpool announces the 12 Days of Deadpool”

  1. The only series I have enjoyed so far is the Collin Bunn stuff. Really enjoyed what if deadpool killed the Marvel Univ. After that series I have been getting all the ones he writes.

  2. Night of the Living Deadpool was the only one I read. Other than that, the desire to read him is just not there. I will go see the movie though, it looks entertaining for sure.

  3. Poyo: If you ever come across some copies or TPB of deadpool kills marvel univ, I would highly recommend it. It will make you laugh cuz of all the funny sh@t he says lol.

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