Blind Adam's Top 20 Hidden Gems

Hello folks. It’s your boy Blind Adam. Hope your holidays were awesome. Thank
you all for everything. Thank you all for being an awesome group of friends and family. I buy and sell comics at shows, these are the books I am currently looking for / looking at. Now lets make the money.
1. Flash Vol. 2 #27– Captain Cold becomes an anti-hero. Jan. 21st sees the Legends of Tomorrow tv show drop on CW. Well, Captain Cold is one of the heroes on the show. This is the first time we see Captain Cold work with the Flash as this is part of a Suicide Squad story from Suicide Squad #s 15-17.
2. vVoltron #1 Moderen Comics- Voltron is being done by Netflix. Voltron comics have been fun reads as of late. So this is the first appearance and is just fun fun fun I can see this becoming hot
3. Adventures Of Superman #424– This book should be a $20 bill. First Cat Grant. First modern Sam Lane, two important players on the Supergirl t.v. show. I find cheap copies at conventions all the time
4. Flash Secret Files #3– 1st Hunter Zolomon, the new zoom, $40 and up. Zoom is the feature villain this season and this is his first appearance outside of Flash #197-200 blitz which is a great read
5. Amazing Spider-man Toothpaste Special #1– battles Green Goblin just a cool book and something tells me we will get more Goblin on the big screen $10-20
6. Grimjack #26 is a major key. Early, if not first, color Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles why isn’t this triple digits?
7. Superman Adventures #1 1st Mercy Graves in comics. Not as popular as Harley Quinn but Mercy Graves was introduced in animated series, brought into comics, and now will be in this little movie called Batman Vs. Superman $10
8. Detective Comics #735 1st Mercy Graves in DCU proper $5
9. Tales From the Age of Apocalypse #2– 1st professional work by Brian K. Vaughan. $5 between bkv having a devoted fanbase and the X-Men Apocalypse thing theaters soon, why is the book under $10 in the wild?
10. Deathmate Black– 1st gen 13. Yes this is in quarter bins, yes DC is not doing much with this once beloved comic, but one day Gen 13 will make a come back. Fan film, parody movie, something but this is the first appearance and the straight to dvd movie was awesome
11. Heroes Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Jim Lee or Alex Ross covers) Hardcover- Heroes Reborn is an interesting series, Titan is doing a new comic based on the show. NBC did a decent job with this show and this the first comic book outside of the promo comics that were given away at press junkets for season one $20-30
12. Green Arrow #137 reintroduction of Oliver Queen this was a hot book back in 2001 but dropped off but lets make it hot again $15-20
13. Muppet Babies #1Star Comics- watched Muppet Babies on youtube, why is this not on dvd? The Star series was fun, only found issue #1 and I think it should be a $25 book buts that me. Muppet Babies #10 is the gem in the series.
14. Superman Volume 2 #51 start of the triangle numbering system black cover cheap find superman vs batman movie
15. Marvel Tales #106, 209– reprints Amazing Spider-man #129 wow amazing spiderman #129 is reaching the four digit range. Well Marvel Tales #106 or #209 is a good way to have the first Punisher for a fraction of that price. Heck, Marvel Tales 209-226, I believe, reprints all the pre-Punisher mini series spider-man appearances. Mike Zeck covers, dollar box stuff, will end up wall books.
16. Prophet #5 1st Steve Platt on series. Movie hype for a dollar box find so this might get hot again
17. Detective Comics #740– second DCU appearance of Harley Quinn $10-20. Compared to Batman Harley Quinn this is a cheaper book for now. Margot Robbie will be the best part of that ss movie and all of her appearances will be gold truest me bro.
18. Fantastic Four #645– final Fantastic Four comic ever. At least for now. This should be $10
19. Star Wars #1 Alex Ross variant (2013 Dark Horse Series). Just a cool variant I wanted on the list. $50 tops. Star Wars, Alex Ross, more movies, means up, up, up. Bonus book: Star Wars Return of the Jedi #1 (Dark Horse)– Adam Hughes Slave Leia. People love the costume, it has now been banned by Disney. Hughes draws sexy women. This is just an awesome cover.
20. Marvel Tales #137 Nabisco Variant– reprints Amazing Fantasy #15 1st Spiderman. Also reprints Strange Tales #100, 1st Dr Strange. With all the hype on Dr. Strange, Strange Tales issues, especially #110, are in demand. I say this is the safe bet to make the money on and the Nabisco variant is only $10 on eBay
Thank you all again.

13 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Top 20 Hidden Gems”

  1. I forgot all about that Dark Horse re-launch of their Star Wars books that then was suddenly cut short by all the Disney-buying-the-rights events. Makes me wonder what could have been in an alternate universe where Dark Horse kept the rights.

    1. I was actually enjoying the Dark Horse Star Wars being written by Brian Wood…. some good stuff before all the rights switched back to Marvel.

  2. I am probably in the minority here, but I am actually enjoying the Supergirl TV Series. I’ve definitely got to grab a copy of Cat Grant’s 1st appearance. I knew she was a character in the comics, but I mostly know her as the sleaze/tabloid journalist from “Lois & Clark”, lol.
    To add to your Mercy Graves specs, it’s also notable that the current series’ Justice League#31 is the 1st New52 Appearance of Mercy Graves, in which she is drawn as an Asian woman, and seems to be the likeness they are using for Batman Vs. Superman.

    1. I like it as well. Started watching it with my 6 yr old daughter, and it’s grown on me. A little formulaic and cheesy at times, but still fun to watch.
      Of course it helps that the actress is cute as all get out…..

  3. Just wondering if Detective 740 is supposed to be Detective 737? Some overlooked cheap early Harley Quinn appearances might be Batman Shadow of Bat 93, Batman 573, 574, Action 765 and Superman Man of Steel 105 published before Harley Quinn 1 (2000).

  4. Thanks again for the post, Adam. Good stuff as always.
    I’m still curious about something from a previous post though. Last month you said:
    “10. Edge of Spiderverse #2 5th printing– yes, everyone knows about this book.”
    Can you clarify what this refers to please? Thanks.

  5. I have collected Cable 43 in the past as Brian K Vaughn’s first work. That issue is dated as May 1997 while Tales From Ages of Apocalypse is dated December 1997.

    1. You know I always though Sinister Bloodline was his first published work too but I guess that is incorrect. In Cable 43 he wrote some of the dialogue. In doing some research I learned that he also received credit for the Kazar Annual 1997 which came out the same month. I guess the Tales GN was his first solo writing work.

  6. Prophet 4 is the first Platt on Prophet/ Grimjack 26 is undervalued but so is New Age Comics 1/ Deathmate Gold is probably a better choice thanks to a massive print run on this series. Cool list!

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