Blind Adam us a comic book dealer in New York and New Jersey, and yes, he is blind. He has been contributing a fun list of hidden gems each week.
What’s up CHU, it’s your boy Blind Adam back again. I want to say thank you all for reading. Thank you all for the feedback. Now let’s look at some books.
1. Comics Interview #31– Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns. Frank Miller is a god. Batman Dark Knight Returns is his best work. This book is a rare Dark Knight Returns appearance $10
2. Dc Comics Spotlight #1– 1st Dark Knight Returns, 1st Watchmen, Batman Superman Wonder Woman cover $80-125 if you find this under $50 grab it!
3. Green Arrow #1– Kevin Smith series. Return of Oliver Queen under vauled awesomeness $5-20
4. Green Arrow #2– Kevin Smith. 1st Mia. the second Speedy.She goes on to be the second Speedy and this is her first appearance. Issue #44 is her first appearance in costume $20
5. Essential Punisher Trade Paperback– as Larry of Larry’s comics taught me, trades are back issue with thicker spins. Daredevil Season 2 will feature the Punisher. This reprints all the pre mini-series appearances in one book, and is out of print I believe $20
6. Lucifer #75– I loved the first episode of Lucifer on Fox. I see potential in his comics. Sandman #4, first appearance, easy $100 bill. Lucifer #1, big money, but #75 is a final issue with low print and is easy $10-25
7. X-Files #41– speaking of low print final issues the X-Files is back both at IDW and on Fox. This is the final issue of the Topps series I am checking out Heroes Illustrated #0 or #8, just covering my bases. $10
8. Batman and Robin Adventures #8– this is the 5th or 6th appearance of Harley Quinn tough book in the wild.
9. Guardians of Nowhere #1 Gwenom variant. Not if but when will Marvel makeGwenom a thing like Gwenpool? I love this cover $20 easy
10. Howard the Duck (Vol.1) #4– Nothing special outside of it being a tough find with a cool cover $30
11. New X-Men #118– 1st Stepford Coocoo’s. My favorite group of teenage psychics in the x-teams. Come on girls, cos-play them already. Dollar box find
12. Batman vs Daredevil one shot– No real spec play. Just a cool book I find at conventions $5
13. Super Mario Brothers #1– Valiant books are all the rage again. But please remember this, there first book was a video game comic featuring the plumber brothers, a turtle, and a princess. Why is the first Mario Bros in comics so cheap?
14. Teen Titans Go #1 Free Comic Book Day edition– Teen Titans Go back issues have gone up in price this reprints issue 1 and is $5-10 easy
15. Gen 13 #25 Voyager Pack– This is polybaged with the Danger Girl preview and has art by that J. Scott Campbell guy. I so want them to make a Danger Girl film. $5-10 and Danger Girl needs some more cos-play love
16. Deadpool vs Carnage #1-4– This book needs to be $10, the sets need to be $40. Just listened to the motion comics and damn this is a fun series featuring two popular dudes and one movie star .
17. The Adventures of the Kool-aid Man #1– Oh Yeah! Yes, this is a indie gem. I can never find it at shows and the Kool-aid man is the bomb.
18. WWE Super Stars #1 C.M. Punk it’s clobbering time variant- C.M. Punk is killing it on Drax. He was the best in the world in the WWE maybe one day he will actually fight in MMA, but I digress, this is a tough variant homage to Fantastic Four #51. $25 and up
19. Spectacular Spider-Man #90– An early black costume appearance. Lets make this a two way tie with Marvel Team-up #141
as these two issues featuring the black Spidey suit are cheaper then Amazing Spider-man #252
or Secret Wars #8
why is that?
20. New Teen Titans #10– Second Slade Wilson the Deathstroke and compared to #2, his first appearance, this is super cheap. I can find them for $10 and under but this should be a $50 book. As I can see
Deathstroke being in Superman vs Batman or Suicide Squad and back on Arrow in season five.
Once again, thank you for being an awesomesauce family. Blind Adam Out
7 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems”
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Gwenom can still be found on eBay for 4.99 a pop.
Yeah. It is a good looking cover too. I think a lot of the prices Adam talks about are “convention prices”
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Such a great cover and character concept. Imagine a Gwenpool vs. Gwenom 1:50 J Scott Campbell variant!
Oh the humanity!!
I have some of those early Valiant Nintendo comics, I’m not sure which ones guess I will have to do some digging into some old longboxes.
I’ve got a bunch of them, too. I used to love Captain N: The Game Master; with that sassy Mother Brain! Lol. I grab these whenever I see them, but I don’t see them very often; and I still don’t even own a full set myself. Some of them are odd sizes, too; landing between comic book & magazine size.
Fun! Thank you for the article Adam.
If DC decides to bring Deathstroke to the big screen then New Teen Titans # 10 will certainly see a quick rise. Deathstroke is getting more popular so even if they don’t it is pretty cheap in ungraded NM right now and worth picking up at least one if you don’t have it already. I don’t believe this book had a huge print run either…at least compared to DC’s heavy hitters.