Blind Adam us a comic book dealer in New York and New Jersey, and yes, he is blind. He has been contributing a fun list of hidden gems each week.
What’s up CHU, it’s your boy Blind Adam back again.
To my awesome Comics Heating Up family, thank you, thank you for reading this each and every week. Thank you for all the support, friendship and encouragement thank you for making a blind mans dream come true.
Now lets see what books to make the money on
1. Flashpoint Citizen Cold #1– Captain Cold is a hero. Captain Cold is a great t.v. star. Legends of Tomorrow is awesome and this is a unsung hero in the dollar bins make em $5
2 & 3. Batman and Robin #19 and #20
this is a tie the first two appearances of Carrie Kelly out of the Dark Knight Returns and according to my Hollywood sources Carrie is in Superman vs. Batman. #20 is $5 and don’t quote me on it but I think there a second print for #19
4. Animanics #1– first Pinky and The Brain in comics this is most likely heating up. $1-3 at best. I just thought it is cool, and don’t let anyone fool you, Pinky is the smart one not The Brain
5. I-zombie #28– hot property final issue low print run
6. Astonishing X-Men #51– Northstar wedding. In doing research for a fan film I discovered this was the first gay wedding in comics. If that’s the case then why so cheap now? If only I can remember the comic where it was revealed that Destiny and Mystique were lovers
7. The Flash (vol.2) #3– This should be a major modern key. The first appearance of Tina megee . this is a beloved supporting character and is hotter now in the show then in the nineties make this a $20 bill
8. DC Comics Presents #85– Alan Moore Superman and Swamp Thing, just a cool book
9. The DC Stories of Alan Moore. This is a key graphic novel. You can find it cheap on this little thing called eBay and Amazon. It reprints the Killing Joke, Alan’s superman work and all his other DC work all in one book
10. Darkhawk #13if I am wrong on the issue number please correct me. this is a venom appearance. and might be the first time venom appears outside of a Spider-man comic and is quarter bins
11. The Walking Dead #63– Flip book with Chew #1. Chew is a great book and the walking dead is money in the bank, double threat… nuff said
12. Daredevil #253– A dollar to $3 book but it is Christmas with the Kingpin, Netflix has made the Kingpin a household name and this is just a cool story
13. Heroes for Hope #1– X-Men food drive comic from 1985, just an awesome Wolverine cover. $10 not really spec worthy but cool for the collection
14. Swamp Thing #141– The Mark Millar run begins. Low print from the greatest comic book writer on the planet and this is a cheap book at $5-10
15. Marvel Spotlight Civil War– Millar, McNivin. Just a low print preview of the Civil War. At $10
and with a movie and new series, this book has nowhere to go but up
16. Spider-man #75– reintroduction of the greatest villain in Spider-man, Norman Osborn, aka the Green Goblin. Ya know we are getting more big screen Norman so this is a key book $5-10
17. Spider-men #1– first meeting between Peter Parker and Miles Morales. $5 and the new Spider-man book is a great read
18. Wizard Magazine #1 San Diego Variant. Remember when Wizard was more then a convention? When it was a price guide, the price guide? This was the San Diego stamped McFarlane cover of that first issue $20 and does anyone think this would make a great tattoo? the cover image of spiderman?
19 Dazzler #38– my question is how come Dazzler is not a cos play all star? This book features a Michael Jackson thiller cameo. It is super cheap for two types of collectors. $1-3 should be $10.
Once again thank you my awesomesauce family, Blind adam out
12 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems”
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Astonishing X-Men #51 has a Phil Noto variant, too, on which you can tape or draw your own wedding photo into the available empty space! Better yet, commission your favorite artist to fill in the blank!
I actually got a ton of those done when this issue came out; including Mystique & Destiny; Northstar & Iceman (I “shipped” them ever since that run where Jean-Paul had a secret crush on Bobby, and only Nurse Annie knew about it until Iceman found out he was in JP’s will…); and Spidey & MJ (still hating on Marvel for erasing their marriage).
It’s funny that Northstar had a crush on Iceman and now Iceman is gay. Weird coincidence that I am sure was not planned out.
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Carrie Kelly first appears in Batman and Red Robin 19 (2013) according to DC WIKIA
Just bought a couple issues of Animaniacs . I really loved Mark Millar’s run on Swamp Thing, I have got the complete run.
If you’re thinking that Jena Malone is playing Carrie Kelly, you’re wrong. Carrie Kelly is not in the movie. Jena Malone is playing Barbara Gordon.
Some fun books on the list! I would throw Marvel Age #82 out there (If it hasn’t been at some point in the past already). It is looking as though Cable is likely to appear in one if not multiple, future films. If that does happen Marvel Age #82 could see some serious interest! This book pre-dates New Mutants #87 (Cables fist full appearance) and New Mutants #86 (Cameo). It is more of a preview than anything else with a drawing of the character on a single page with a description written. At the time they weren’t sure if the character would be called “Cable” or “Cybird”, so they are both listed and he has brown hair, but make no mistake from all indications that is the first illustration of Cable to be published! The book has jumped in price over the past year or so but can still be found in VF at the $10 range. IF Cable becomes a major film presence I don’t think that price will stay low. Bought a few a little while ago. Low risk. Also, even though the print run was high, New Mutants #86 is still pretty cheap in high grade. Seeing that is Cable’s “official” cameo introduction into the comic universe it will probably go up as well. Low risk on both these books. Worth it to pick up one each for the personal collection. Cable is just going to get bigger and bigger.
Re: Venom 1st appearance outside of a spiderman book. Quasar 6 – January 1990, if you don’t count the official marvel handbook to the marvel universe the month before.
Heroes For Hope#1 is a pain to find in high-grade NM with that white cover. I’ve bought many copies of it over the years; I am a huge Arthur Adams fan; and I’m always gradually upgrading the copy in my personal collection, lol.
With Spider-Men… they still need to address what it is that Peter saw at the end of #5 when he googled Miles Morales of Earth-616. I assume now that Miles is here to stay, they’re going to have to bring that up again sometime soon. Surely he’d be curious about his 616 counterpart!
On Mystique & Destiny, I personally consider Marvel Fanfare#40 to be the earliest obvious revelation that the two are more than just friends. This was still during the time that no primary character could be “outed” in Marvel Comics, but in this issue Raven transforms into a man so that she can dance with Irene in public without drawing attention, and they are presented amorously. I think this issue was written by Claremont, too, who had originally intended for Destiny to be Nightcrawler’s mother, and Mystique his father via the wonders of shape-shifting.
I am not actually sure which issue is the first to outright state it plainly that Mystique & Destiny were a couple, though.
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t Destiny a frail old woman?
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Another fun list! i think Pinky and Brain appeared first in the Animaniacs Christmas Special from 1994.