Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/24/16

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 2/24/16:
Really a small week for me this week. Not a lot of new series. Lot’s of returning favorite books though.
The Returning Favorites
Saga #34– Yeah Saga, much like Walking Dead this is a must pick up each month. BKV is the best writer out there right now and this is really his master work.
The Goddamned #3– Finally the 3rd issue of Jason Aaron’s new series hits the stands.
Black Magick #5– Hope I am not the only one reading this awesome witch series by Greg Rucka, I could easily see this transition to the screen.
Cry Havoc #2– First issue was really impressive. I am looking forward to the second issue. Fiona Staples provides a variant cover for it (50/50 cover)
Small Press Gem
Straightjacket #4– The latest issue of the awesome El Torres series hit the stands, great horror read!
Small Press Pick of the Week
Wynona Earp #1– I know the old series were cheesy. But with a tv show on the way, this could be a winner.
Pick of the Week
Haunted Love #1– Wait, what? Seriously? Yes absolutely. This IDW book is the third classic series from Yoe, Haunted Horror and Weird Love being the other two. Haunted Horror has risen quietly in price and is hard to find. Classic weird horror.
That’s it for us this week. Let us know what you are spec-ing on.

17 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/24/16”

  1. I’m not reading it. I felt I got burned on the last Rucka book I picked up.. Veil.. or something like that. Left a bad lingering taste… No offense to anyone who liked it but that book was one of the few where I literally stopped reading it and thought to myself, this book sucks donkey balls… I think it was one of the few that made it’s way to the Half Price Books drop offs where I likely got a shiny quarter for it.

    1. I read the first two issues and dropped off of Veil. Flip through Black Magick tomorrow and let me know what you think. It is a detective who is also a witch.

      1. Speaking of Witches.. I’m not happy with Snyder taking such a long break with Wytches… I really dislike having to reread books just to figure out what’s going on.

        1. agreed, but the second story arc will not require re-reading the first as they will be unrelated I believe. Its been a while though. Read Harrow County though. Great book.

    2. Wytches break has been too long. They haven’t even solicited the “2nd season” have they? I don’t know how I feel about the seasons being completely unrelated if that’s true….

      1. Yeah… I wanted continuous story to be honest with Wytches. If it’s just a start all over with new family characters.. meh..

        1. I feel the same way. I’d still pick it up for at least one more year. But to be honest if there was another hiatus like this i’d probably jump at that point. Pick it up in trade some time later down the road.

      2. The next issue hasn’t been solicited yet, but the main character will still be Scout. They released a teaser poster, implying the next storyarc will take place in a Desert, where Scout thinks she is safe since there are no Trees in the Desert… but the Wytches likely have some additional mythology for areas like this. I agree, too, that it has been so long I have pretty much forgotten where #6 left off, aside from Scout going off on her own without her father. I am kind of hoping they still keep him in the book; he was really as much a lead protagonist as she was; if not moreso. And while the next storyline will still be related to the first, I am thinking the new setting and status quo make it more “new reader friendly”; so you could understand what is going on without having to have read the first arc.

        1. Ok, that makes sense. With the hiatus that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I would have to go and read the first arc again but I’ve completely forgotten most of it (with the exception of the major plot points). I’ve actually considered dropping this titles before the 2nd arc and just trade waiting it but I really did like the book and would like it monthly. As my pull list gets larger and larger it’s looking like an easier book to cut as the months go by without a new edition.

  2. Aw yeah giving the horror some love! Guess I’ll have to pick up Haunted Love. I’ve seen a few Haunted Horrors in some back issue boxes. I’m searching for #8 because of the gruesome cover but dang it’s hard to find.
    Saga. How I love you. My secret not so secret lover.

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