Winner! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 Third Eye Variant

Sorry for the delay, hectic week. But here we go Winner for the Power Rangers #1 Third Eye Variant.
Tonight’s winner receives a Power Rangers #1 Third Eye Variant Cover.
Check it out here.. Cover features art by Maryland native Gerry Gaylord.

One to be given away.
power rangers third eye
Remember, US winners get free shipping International agrees to chip in for shipping.
The Winner is Mark McCracken. Mark, you have 48 hours to contact me at to arrange delivery.

6 thoughts on “Winner! Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1 Third Eye Variant”

  1. Psyched to have Won this one! If there was ever a time to win the weekly giveaway, it was this one! You’ve seen from my posts that I am a big MMPR fan (at least the early/classic seasons…), and I actually know Jerry & Penelope Gaylord from their frequent appearances in my hometown (Elmira, NY), and now that I live near Charlotte, NC, I’m scoping out cons around here, and Just Saw that they will be at Tidewater Con in 2 months, so I’ll have them sign this. 🙂 My budget keeps me away from pricier variants, so I rarely buy Third Eye covers, so I’m glad to have won this!
    And maybe, someday, I will finally get around to writing-out my findings from watching Super Sentai Zyuranger, to spotlight the things seen in that series that were never shown in the U.S., or given a completely different spin. Ever since MMPR#0 dropped, I’ve been randomly sharing that information in small bursts…

  2. Congats! I just scooped up one of the last two of these off Thirdeye’s eBay store. They have been good to me!

    1. Third eye is an exceptionally good store and do a great job on their eBay sales. You should see the amount of packages that roll out of there on a daily basis. I think they have a dedicated mail-woman who picks it up.

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