Many things have an effect on the price of comics and other collectibles. Death is one factor. Today, Prince, the singer passed away at his home in Minnesota at the age of 57. As a result of it, the price on Batgirl #40 Purple Rain Variant has moved up.
Not to sound ghoulish, but if you are holding a couple copies of this it is a good time to sell. The average asking price on the book right now is in the $40 range raw. This is a little unrealistic as the book has sold for $16-$20. CGC 9.8 graded
are listed at $40-$50. There are very few copies of this book up on eBay at the moment.
48 thoughts on “One To Watch: Batgirl #40 Purple Rain Variant”
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The Prince PIRANHA comic #1 is super hot
I just saw that
Rock n Roll comics #21
Good one as well.
For completists, there are second (II) and third (III) printings of the Piranha Press (DC) Prince: Alter Ego, and a newsstand UPC variant, as well as a magazine-sized UK variant, all with the same Bolland cover.
Thats disgusting, the man has been dead for less than a day and people are already finding ways to profit from the sadness, come on
I am just pointing out what’s happening. People are buying on the news and there is a demand for it.
Running this article shows a complete lack of class and makes the site seem desperate as a bottom feeder. Anything for a buck is not always the best policy.
I am sorry you feel that way as it was not the intent. But truth is people buy collectibles and memorabilia when people pass. It’s not anything for a buck. I am neither buying not selling anything. Pointing out what is going on.
I was at the mall today for lunch (and some pop hunting) after I had heard the news. FYE had moved Prince CD’s and DVD’s to the front of the store and has a little display. I wouldn’t say that was tasteless, but people did buy stuff. But by saying that I am neither condemning it or condoning it. Same thing here. VH1 is running Prince movies this evening. They had no intention of running the movies as of first thing this morning. They are doing it to draw in viewers. Viewers equal ad revenue for them. Again by mentioning this I am neither condoning or condemning. Just reporting fact.
Hold on here…This is a site about what s heating up in the comic book market…It’s in the header when you connect to it. It is awful that such an iconic star met such an early death and I am saddened by it, seeing Prince was all over the place when I was growing up… like a piece of my childhood died, but all Antony is pointing out is that certain comic books that are prince related have spiked in price. I don’t think it is bad taste or any taste…It is what it is. Bad news and how it has resonated in the speculative comic market.
This is a simple article about market trends. But really why should you judge people on what they do? If i am holding garbage that no one wants and an event happens that gives me a very small window to make a profit, why not? That is speculation at it highest… and to put this in perspective, people die every few minutes, but no one cares unless they are famous enough to make the news.
thank you Anthony. that’s the point of this website. no disrespect for the departed.
Speaking of using dead celebs to make money Got my Lootcrate I didn’t mean to order today….Its so horrible the David Bowie shirt is nice looking but paper thin as always the rest of the box not so nice. I original thought the D20 ice cube mold was a hash or dabs container lol until I read it.
Don’t tell me I haven’t gotten mine yet. I knew I should have put my subscription on hold this month.
I gave up on Lootcrate. I wasn’t impressed with the boxes and like the lesser-known but higher-quality, “Geek Fuel,” a lot more.
I am a huge Prince fan. It is a comic book cover and this is after all a comic book site, so I see no reason not to run this article. I thought this was one of the best of the movie variant covers. I got about three of these when they came out , one in the PC just for the cover alone. R.I.P. Prince
Definitely. The Purple Rain one was one of my favorites. Aquaman “Free Willy” and Superman/Doomsday “Bill and Ted” were also great. Probably my most favorite was the Catwoman “Bullitt” cover.
There seems to be no love for the Magic Mike cover to Justice League 40. While he regular and variant are heating up, the MM cover is stagnant. The Catwoman Bullitt was also a favorite of mine. I currently only still own the Batman #40 Movie poster variant though.
Great article. I am a massive Prince fan and very saddened by his passing. I am also a comic book speculator. Currently I’m out of work and my hobby is paying the bills. My copy went up for sale today. I feel no guilt. Someone will by it and enjoy their purchase, and I will eat a sandwich. RIP PRINCE
This was my personal favorite of the movie poster variants. Got Chiang to sign it last year in Baltimore. The Forbidden Planet, 2001, & WestWorld Green Lanterns made it into my pc as well.
Thanks for posting it.
Thanks Shines. West world is one of my favorite movies so I did appreciate that cover as well.
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Selling pictures of his dead corpse would be tasteless. Selling the clothes he was wearing when he died would be tasteless. Selling something directly related to his death would be tasteless. Now, selling merchandise related to him that was meant to be sold to begin with, not tasteless.
Good news or even the bad changes the market for merchandise. There is nothing wrong to me in selling something that was already considered a “collectible” upon a death. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are a little too sensitive to call out others for being tasteless or classless in selling goods. No one was calling people selling these comics yesterday as being tasteless or classless, today the only difference is a celebrity died.
agree 100%
It’s the 2000″s folks. Are you actually expecting to see Class, manners, dignity, and good taste?
It is actually an interesting phenomena. When the Ultimate Warrior passed people had no problems pointing out that a comic featuring his likeness was heating up. Now, that was a comic with him in it and on the cover. Here, people are showing consternation over an homage being reported as getting hot. I just find it odd that no one cared when it was a pro wrestler who’s comic was being hyped, but in this instance people are taking offence to an homage being sold.
I do try to keep things as classy as possible, keeping speculation out of being a dirty word, I limit foul language, and ask for civil discourse, not name calling and cat fights. Not because it is the “2000’s” (since it is actually the 2010’s to be specific) but because I think that comics should be fun, and the sites as well.
Your article is fine and is, as you stated, pointing out a phenomenon…. not selling or buying. No issues whatsoever. As for why not ultimate warrior, but prince is differrnt and is another discussion.
However, For those choosing to involve themselves and thinking immediately “what can I sell because he died”… I feel it’s not exactly the model of dignity, respect, and truly caring. Understand im not saying hard extremes like classless or horrible or complete lack of respect. I am saying it is not a model.
Note: my 2000’s was in reference to the turn of the Millennium; not a 10 year increment
The book is up to about $40 currently. There are a lot of people buying and a lot of people willing to sell. The market is funny that way.
I think it is perfectly reasonable to point out a comic related to Prince is now popular. A multimedia store I went into today (sells movies, music, comics, etc.) was blaring Prince music and had all kinds of Prince stuff up at the counter. People are going to want Prince merchandise and as long as what is being sold is ethical (as Agent Poyo said, selling pictures of his body or something would be horrible and disrespectful) why are people here making a fuss? I mean, when Michael Jackson died everyone was buying his records and merchandise…plus, in my own opinion Prince was better than Jackson, but I don’t wanna start any fights…
There’s also a Deadpool Purple Rain homage from Panini Comics I believe.
It would be interesting to get together a list of Prince comics and homage comics. I think it is a testament to how much Prince was ingrained in the popular culture. I mean, Batman sound track alone (which I wore that tape thin listening to it back in the day)
Prince Alter Ego put out by DC in 1991, and the subsequent 2nd and 3rd print.
Gotta say if anyone has one or some of these sell it now because I don’t think it will hold its price and has a very good chance of going back to where it was before Prince died (still hasn’t fully sunk in yet). Regardless, I don’t think this a long term “investment” at all. Also, if you want one of these, give it a little while. The price just won’t settle, it should fall. Just my opinion.
I think it is ridiculous that anyone is offended by this. It happens with sports memorabilia all the time. When Gary Carter died everything with an authentic autograph shot up. Same with Johnny bench, same with yogi bera. Pretty much all of them. Same thing happens with political figures. Same thing happens with celebrities. Every time another beetle passes any of their memorabilia gets a little more valuable. To be offended by someone pointing that out is absurd. Hell, the news channel here did a report on how the local record\vinyl shop sold out of everything prince related today and were getting more prince related memorabilia in for those that couldn’t make it to the store today. The guy was a legend. Wonder how long I am supposed to wait before everyone is OK with me going and buying something with prince on it? That’s dumb.
Gary Carter…One of the overall top three catchers of all time imo!
Gary Carter was awesome.
Ha. Little add up in here. But yeah GC=badass.
Boy, Chyna picked the wrong day to pass away, didn’t she? Oh, and I find nothing wrong with this article BTW. Keep up the good work Anthony.
Thanks Derek. Chyna’s Chaos series saw particularly good movement yesterday as well as her action figures, especially loose figures.
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Crazy logic. Does this mean when Stan Lee passes God-forbid, we shouldn’t see a spike in quantity/value for his signature, Funko Pops, etc on eBay and other marketplaces?
Again, not to sound morbid, but I would think the demand for Stan Lee signed stuff would appreciate in value. Stan is a God and while he has aged I hope for a very long life for him (I think he may be immortal)
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Anyone remember when the Ultimate Warrior died? His comics spiked huge for about 3-4 days.
The art world is built on death… the cliche is that a painter cant sell his art for $500, but the second he dies his art is worth over $20k.
Thanks Eric. I have mentioned the Ultimate Warrior issue in reference to this.
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Looks like the fix #1 is on the rise as well. Happy I got my copy and image expo variant.
Will look into it. I read the first issue and it was a riot. Haven’t checked the prices though.
Hoknes still has them for 3.48…may have to order a few.
Sorry guys been busy at work and finally got a day off lol. I’ve been reading the post and what everyone is saying about it. It’s crazy how someone is getting mad over a book going up in value, when people and companies all over the US and the world are taking advantage of his death. Here in San Diego people are playing the Purple rain Broadway show, on top of that, the theaters are playing Purple rain and its been selling out. A movie that you can just go and buy at the store is selling out at the theaters. Now that’s crazy. Also the record store thay I go every now and then have sold out of his cds. The radio stations have been going crazy playing this music and couple of them did a princess weekend. So if someone is getting mad over a little book goin up in value, then take a look around, there is more then a book that people are making money out of. Just my opinion.
What was the print on the Piranha (1st Print) , Alter Ego Comic? Does the cost on EBAY justify a low print run?