KILLBOX, American Gothic Press’s brutal new independent series by Tom Riordan and Nathan Gooden, ships to comic shops this Wednesday, April 27! It’s a reality competition bathed in blood as bartender Timothy Choir attempts to be the last man standing in order to win money for his dying son. But there are odds against him calculated using the most diabolical methods imaginable, and it may not be in everyone’s best interests for him to survive.

This #1 issue opens the door to the wider, completely insane world of KILLBOX, where the most vivid of underground entertainment comes with a price, and there are always people desperate enough to pay it. “[The killbox] is not broadcast on television, and the vast majority of the inhabitants of this near-future are completely unaware of its existence; in fact, great pains are gone through to ensure its secrecy,” says first-time writer Riordan. “It’s not a spectacle; it’s gritty, dark, forbidden, and hidden.”
Below is a preview of the cover and first six pages of KILLBOX #1, with blistering art by DEADEYE artist Nathan Gooden.
You can find Killbx in stores this coming week.
Check out the preview pages below.


  1. Art does look good & the ‘R’ rated theme will keep this indeed, gritty & dark. The story has been done quite recently though in the highly entertaining, fast paced, violent & bloody British / American movie co-production of, The Tournament (2009) starring Ving Rhames, Robert Carlyle & Kelly Hu.
    Very OTT movie goodness though so very happy to see similar hitting the comic book stands 🙂

  2. I got S.O.L’ed on my sub service with these. I’ll have to try and get out to my LCS tomorrow and hopefully find a couple. Which brings me to this… I’ve been looking at Midtowns previews pre-orders. Does anyone know if they charge your pre order at time of checkout or as those issues come in and they ship? I was going to move a big chunk of my sub to them cause I’ve had a few instances where selections I made a month or more in advance with my sub service that didn’t get fulfilled.

    1. I stopped pre-ordering from Midtown a couple years ago because they will completely screw you over on shipping. I believe they charged for the cost of the books at the time you placed the order, and then charge you for shipping as they are shipped. The problem that would happen is certain books would be sold out or delayed, and they would charge you additional shipping every time a book you needed came in. So I’d be getting zapped with $4-5 shipping for a SINGLE BOOK when they would randomly get additional copies of something that sold out or came in late. And the once you’ve pre-ordered books, there is no way to cancel your orders, so you are stuck having to pay excessive shipping, which is a TOTAL WASTE.
      So, now I get everything from DCBS, and overall it’s been a good experience. The key with them is to place your order as early as possible. They actually rank purchases in order of priority, so the earliest orders placed for a book are filled First. If they run out of copies of something, the people who placed their orders at the end of the month are the ones who don’t get their copies of the books. And I’m not sure how they compare Today, but I know back when I was ordering from DCBS & Midtown at the same time, DCBS would lag about 3-4 weeks behind Midtown, so you would actually have more time to decide which books you wanted, and how many copies, etc, since you were pre-ordering books only about 5-6 weeks prior to their release date instead of 8-9 weeks like traditional Previews. And with DCBS, you can also Edit your Order for most of the month after you’ve placed it. Just be careful not to remove things & re-add them, because you will lose your priority status. I mostly only Edit to Add Items to my orders… And the priority status is Per Book, not for the entire order. So if I ordered Batman#1 at the start of the month, and added Justice League#1 toward the end of the month, and for whatever reason they are shorted on both books, then I would definitely receive Batman#1 but be at risk to not get a copy of Justice League#1. But really, they tend not to sell out of things. Back when I was ordering toward the end of the month, and learned of their priority status rules, I’d only miss out on maybe 1 book per month, and it was usually Marvel books they’d get shorted on.

      1. Thanks. I’ve heard of DCBS and forgotten about them. Midtowns FAQ is a little misleading. I got the impression that if I made a previews pre-order they’d charge as my order shipped. But when you get to checkout it reads a little different than their FAQ. I got an email from them today stating they charge upfront for my order (which is understandable since they’re ordering on my behalf) but I don’t have $200 upfront. $50 a week, sure, no problem. I actually use the sub service for two reasons, I have a daughter that requires constant care and supervision so I can’t always get out every week, and it cuts my impulse buys.
        My sub has been pretty good but this week I didn’t get 10 things I ordered even though I picked those things like a month and half ago. So maybe someone before me ordered more, or they didn’t order enough, but yeah, I was a bit irritated.
        I’ll have a look at DCBS.

  3. Sold out at mycomicshop and Midtown. Secured 5 from alternate supplier because I have one. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! < fake villainous laughter
    Enjoy the chase boys!

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