Hey fellow CHU’ers back once again with some back issue goodness for your weekend hunting. This week as promised a complete Suicide Squad Key checklist pertaining to the upcoming movie, also I’ll take a little time to discuss the different theories of who or what the villain for Suicide Squad will be. Not to leave Marvel out this week, I’m going to write up a few interesting specs dealing with X-Men AOA that will be spoilers!!! Don’t read past the Suicide Squad report to stay spoiler free, So let’s jump in.
Suicide Squad is coming and with so many characters, confirmed and speculated it can be a task to track down all these key issues. Some of these books are old and expensive and have been long specd, some still have room to grow. But come the movie’s release there could be a blitz on some of these issues.
Team key issues
Brave and the Bold #25– 1st Appearance and titled Suicide Squad. 1st Rick Flag. This book has little if anything to do with the modern Suicide Squad other then sharing a name with it and Rick Flag, so not that special to me personally. Old and pricey but still 1st Suicide Squad.
Legends #3– 1st appearance modern Suicide Squad. This is where our journey begins with the modern squad as we know it. Was a great spec a year ago picking these up for a $1 still a good spec today as can be found in the $10+ range.
Suicide Squad #1 1987– 1st Self titled comic run. Can be found $10-$50
Suicide Squad #1 2011– New Suicide Squad + Harley Quinn joins the team. Price is getting up there as is everything with Harley Quinn’s name attached to it when it comes to these key issues.
As for the confirmed cast…….
Amanda Waller
Legends #1 1st appearance. Responsible for creating the team think of her as the Squads Nick Fury. Book can still be found cheap $5+
Captain Boomerang
Flash #117 1st appearance and cover. Old Flash books are not cheap, this will be one of the more pricey SS characters firsts.
Johnny Frost
Joker #1 2008 Graphic Novel 1st appearance and death. Not really a key but Frost will be in the movie. He’s a low level thug of Jokers.
Harley Quinn
Batman Adventures #12 1st Full appearance and 1st cover. Most spendy book of the lot. Hopefully you picked this up 6 years ago when it was $25-$50 now it’s in the thousands at 9.8.
Batman the animated series coloring book(no number) This is in comic form (book size wise), predates BA #12 and has a one page coloring pin up of Harley Quinn. If BA #12 is out of your price range this is a good supplement for your 1st Harley appearance can be found $10-$100.
Batman almost got Im 1st appearance of Harley in print. This is a Goldon book not a comic and was on shelves a couple weeks before BA #12. Has been gaining a great deal of steam the last 6months. Good luck finding an unopened one with the audio tape.
Batman Harley Quinn #1Batman Harley Quinn #1
1st Harley in DC continuity. I have a feeling this will be one of the books to own after this movies release. Looks like this whole book may play out in live action in this movie. Already $500 at cgc 9.8 but still can find NM 1st prints in the raw around $100+
Killer Croc
Detective Comics #523 1st Cameo.
Batman #357 1st full. And 1st Jason Todd as well.
Batman #358 1st cover hidden face.
Batman #359 1st cover.
Brave and the Bold #200 1st appearance.
Firestorm #28 1st appearance and cover. Will be interesting to see how the two Hispanic characters (Slipknot and El Diablo) pan out, the super hero movies are lacking when it comes to Hispanic roles.
Chato Santana
El Diablo #1 2008. 1st appearance and cover. There’s other El Diablos before Chato but Chatos the one we want. I think this character will become newly popular with this movie.
Batman #59 1st Golden Age appearance. This could be found for a couple hundred bucks before movie news hit now it’s price is way up there just like every other Golden Age Batman villain 1st appearance.
Detective Comics #474 1st new Deadshot appearance 1st cover. This book has been moving steadily in price over the last year.
Team Titans Killowat #1 1st appearance and death. Not quite sure on this one as a character named Anvil is in the movie, don’t know if it’s this particular character or a new created character that shares the same name.
Batman #1 1st appearance. Can’t afford it next…..
Suicide Squad #48 1st Joker in Suicide squad book. This book is doing some amazing things. Going for $10-$20 a few months back now going for $50-$100+
Batman Harley Quinn #1 Worth another mention here with Joker as well as being a Harley Suicide Squad key.
Rick Flag
Brave and the Bold #25 1st appearance.
Monster T
This is being played by Common. Many believe this could be a modern version of the Tattooed man. 1st appearance Green Lantern #23. Also have heard that this is a new character not in comics who will be Jokers right hand man.
Mystery Character
Scott Eastwood is playing an unnamed character. Speculation is running wild and among the theories are he will play Deathstroke, Jason Todd, Nightwing, Arsenal he does have a tattoo of a cannon on his arm in the movie, some have even speculated that he will play Grifter from Jim Lees Wildcats. DC does own the rights. Could spin off to a new DC Wildcats movie franchise.
That pretty much does it for the known cast, but what about the villain? Many theories abound and here are a few. Enchantress is the main villain and resurrects her dead brother into Joker making Joker the villain as some super demon. This could work I guess, at least it gives Harley a reason for fighting against Joker to save him from the demon. Next theory the villain is Lex Luthor Sr. Many have theorized that Lex in Batman v Superman is really Lex Jr and some would say whatever is shooting things in the subway scene from the trailer for Suicide Squad is Lex Sr. In his green power suit. Next theory the villain is Antiphon 1st appearance (Suicide Squad #11) who tries to take over the world with his onslaught group. Next theory Monster T becomes demonic from Enchantress and becomes Tattooed Man ,meh. And the theories go on Brainiac, Anti-Monitor, the Riddler etc. There are also other rumored characters such as Deathstroke, Red Hood, Oracle (Barbra Gordon), King Shark that are not on any cast list or confirmed by anybody so take those with a grain of salt. I don’t think you could top King Shark’s special fx from the Flash TV show and would be bad if a Hollywood movie tried and failed to out fx a TV shows same character so think they would stay away from him. Deathstroke and Redhood both play into the Eastwood mysterious role but with the cannon tattoo on his arm Arsenal seems more likely. Oracle may be a surprise character 1st appearance Suicide Squad #23. What do you all think the mysterious character will be? What villain scenario do you think will play out? Oh yeah Batffleck is in this as well but won’t bother listing any Batman keys as I’ll use the rest of my time to throw a couple Xmen AOA specs your way.
Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead Spoilers ahead
Spoilers ahead
Well it’s confirmed that Wolvie will be in Weapon X form in the coming Xmen movie. Marvel Comics Presents #72 is Weapon X 1st appearance. This book can be found for a few dollars. Not the greatest spec as this book has been a couple dollars since it came out 20+ years ago. Weapon X has already played out in past movies and still the price never budged upwards on this one. Book probably has a huge print run, a lot of cheap copies to be found $1-$5 all these have to dry up before the book can see the $15-$20 range. It’s at least worth having one in the PC for a couple bucks.
The bigger rumor is the supposed end credits scene that shows a vial of Wolvies blood at the Weapon X facility leading everyone to believe X-23 or Daken or both are headed to the Fox film universe. Wolverine #80 1st test tube X23 is the issue the movie would be Easter egging was a $5 book now trending upwards to double that some people asking $50+ Lets not forget about about NYX #3 1st appearance and cover X-23. Also X-Men #450
1st X-23 vs Wolvie and 1st appearance X-23 in a Xmen book. Daken’s 1st appearance is Wolverine Origins #5
as a shadowed appearance, Wolverine Origins #10
1st full appearance. There is also a 3rd claw variant for #10
that has been a strong variant for awhile.
Maybe next week I’ll do a full check list for Xmen AOA but until then I hope you all enjoy the Suicide Squad movie list and Wolvie specs for your back issue searches. Have a good weekend and happy hunting.
12 thoughts on “Alana's Weekend Spec: Suicide Squad and X-Men Age of Apocalypse”
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The right Batman coloring book doesn’t come up on the search link if looking for it search Batman adventures coloring book.
Fixed it
Fantastic article! Well done, Alana and thanks for all the research!
I’ve got a batman almost got im in an unopened package. I can’t help but say that. Found it in a flea market about 5 years ago.
that is a sweet buy. I remember these books and tapes at KB outlets when I worked there one Christmas
On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 2:49 AM, COMICSHEATINGUP.NET wrote:
Great Article with a ton of information packed in it! Keep it up!
Fantastic article!
Update I did find King Shark on an updated cast list Superboy #0 and Superboy #9 are his first appearances.
Thanks Alana.
There certainly are a lot of MCP #72 out there, but an R rated version in the upcoming movie may bring this book some movement. Right now it can still be found for $2 and up online. Will be interesting if this book gets the attention it deserves even with the large print run. Couldn’t agree more with you, get at least one for the PC.
This was a good read. Try finding a MCP 72 newsstand! I also discovered this little tidbit a while back, the first Modern Suicide Squad was in Legends of the DC universe 2. It predates Legends 3!
Thanks for that Legends of the DC universe tip just bought one.