Chinese Super-man to be joined by Chinese Batman and Chinese Wonder Woman

Looks like Keenan Kong, the Super-man of China will not be the only Chinese version of a DC super hero. He will be joined by a Batman and Wonder Woman of China. There is also more hints that the Batman Superman #32 escaping character is not the Chinese Superman  
I09/Gizmodo had the story:

Strange things are happening to Superman in DC’s comics. The current Superman is dying, and not only will he be replaced by the Superman of DC’s old continuity, but his powers will be diffused into many other people: including a Chinese man named Kenan Kong. But Kenan’s not going to be alone in his fight for justice.

Notice they said that Keenan will get his powers from the death of the New 52 Superman, which lends credance to the post we put up about the Chinese Superman appearing in Super-Man #1.
Now about the Batman and Wonder Woman of China:

DC has released solicitation text for the second issue of Gene Luen Yang, Viktor Bogdanovic and Richard Friend’s The New Super-Man #2 through Comic Book Resources, and it reveals that just as Kenan is coming into his new set of amazing powers, he has to be put in check by the Justice League of China—a group which includes New Bat-man and New Wonder-Woman.

They will debut in New Super-Man #2 on August 10th

55 thoughts on “Chinese Super-man to be joined by Chinese Batman and Chinese Wonder Woman”

      1. What you just watched was probably the coolest thing in the universe. Second only to Reanimator or The VVitch

    1. I do miss Bat-Manuel, from the Tick live-action series. It’s too bad he won’t be in the reboot. 🙁 DC had a Mexican Batman in their Batman Inc series, but not a very memorable character they did much of anything with…

    1. I see your Indian Superman and raise you Turkish Star Wars. One of the greatest rip offs / original movies of all times (completely different movie that stole entire scenes from Star Wars, like battles and just spliced them in)
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        1. Oh man. That’s pretty good. His not caring for the safety of others and belt whipping being a legal form of punishment is awesome.

    1. I need to look into it. This has been thoroughly confusing. Is he the first Chinese Superman or isn’t he thing.

      1. You must not understand clearly these Chinese superpowers are inherited. Apparently Supes has been getting busy. His pickup line is “Do you have any Krypton in you? Would you like some? lol

        1. There is an old saying that Lois and Clark follow. It’s not cheating if it is out of the country.
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  1. Yeah, I think I’ll be skipping on picking up any of these. It’s just getting ridiculous now.

    1. I’m grabbing as many superman 52 as I can find..has to be more in there than just Lois lane turning into superwoman though that might be enough…..if dc is set on doing it might as well cash in.

  2. DC is RIDICULOUS!! HOW MANY TIMES TURDS, how many times are you guys gona redo your continuity universe??? You also have arguably one of the best artists in the biz and hes behind a desk instead of creating art!!??? Hes a art guy not a business guy!!??? DC is lucky WB has their back, Marvel has gained so much market share, as well as Image, DC’s a sinking ship. All they have big is Batman!!

    1. Sometimes I look at those Market Share charts and wonder if someday Image and DC will be in direct competition. DC has dissed their long-term readers too many times, in favor of catering to new readers, only to dump them overboard too, and move on to another reboot. They don’t understand how confusing their stories become when you can’t remember What happened in Which iteration of the continuity; and when they can’t even keep continuity straight within a single run in the same universe/continuity. They’re just extremely careless, with no motivation to change their ways.

  3. Don’t understand why they (DC) are doing this. Maybe it’s so they can remake Batman v Superman using the new Chinese characters without Zack Snyder. It’s getting old already and the characters haven’t even showed up yet. I guess they haven’t marred the image of these characters enough recently, they will have to have another reboot for DC a year later and call it Afterbirth.

    1. It’s Chinese batman that’s one of his Chop-sticks he Carries it around so we know he’s Asian while wearing the mask.

  4. I don’t think this Batman is Chines, I think he’s Japanese cuz he looks more like a sumo wrestler then a Chinese business man lol.

  5. What?!?! Moving to the west coast fried their brains. I just can’t believe what I’m seeing.

    1. I am sure it is. Marvel started a line of comics in Korea that were successful. The Asian comic market is thriving
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      1. That was the first thing I thought of too. It may seem different for us in the US, but in China, they want to relate to Superheros that look like them. It’s rather smart and a good move if you think globally. Exactly how many potential costumers live in China? If this is the route DC is going, than the best plan would be to hit the reset button on their comics as planned. I know some of you want to skip out on picking up these new issues, but if it really takes off, you will be kicking yourself for not doing so.

        1. I kind of have to agree. We are talking millions if not more potential customers to the product. It could open up a whole new market for those of us that sell internationally.
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  6. Wow, just wow…The political correctness replacing actual valid, original story lines and new well written characters is flat out blatant these days. Character re-hashes and easy cash grabs seem to be the unfortunate norm. Sad. Please tell me this is just an Elseworlds mini series or something!

  7. I can understand why they would want to break into the Chinese market but why not do it with new characters, with their own original stories? Marvel basically did this with Daredevil, a brand new Chinese sidekick turning into a hero, learning from Daredevil himself.

  8. I wish everyone involved would make up their damn minds about this book already. It’s gone back and forth more times in the last week and a half than Jack Nicholson slapping Faye Dunaway “my sister / my daughter.” It’s getting to a point where nobody will end up caring either way

    1. I think that may be true. Very inconsistent messages coming from DC. In light of the solicitation for The Super Man #2 talking about how he gains his powers after New 52 Superman dies, he ain’t dead yet and at the time of Batman Superman #32. But DC said we meet him for the first time (at least Keenan that is)

  9. This is really making me regret buying 2 more copies of this, at least I got them at cover.

    1. Yeah, those are the ones I just got. They usually come out in the book stores a week after the comic shops. Wish I knew if there are less of those printed. You need to get there early because comics in those stores get trashed pretty quickly.

  10. Oh no! Another bad marketing ploy by DC and then things get back to the norm. These are very poor comics to pay attention to. What will they think of next? Martian Superman?

  11. Anyone read Superman Wonder woman 29….wondering if anything anything crazy happens on the last couple pages.

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