Last time there was a “death” in TMNT it caught a lot of retailers by surprise. Chances are this one will as well. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #59 is definitely one to watch this Wednesday.
Spoilers ahead.
Sold out in most online retailers already, and eBay as well, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #59 is already selling for as much as $7.99. Last time Donnie “died”, or at least had his consciousness transferred into a robot body, but this time it is Master Splinter that appears to die (albeit off panel.) Still a quick flip potential
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27 thoughts on “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #59 Spoilers”
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I would sell these quick tho.
Oh yeah it will be a quick flip potential. Less than 30 days max shelf life on these. But in the interim, heat already showing.
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very quick if you look at preview info/blurbs on the next two isues…
Yeah, I’ve seen the solicts on #60 and 61 60 isn’t anything, but #61 certainly seems to “spoil” it. Really hard to understand why it’s blowing up, unless that little synopsis is total misinformation.
Should have a solid 3-4 week selling window…that is if nobody leaks #60 too early. Lol
Lol. Too true Brian.
Malignant Man #1 is worth a look in your Lcs back issue bins
Malignant Man will be tough to find since most cleared them out last year (or longer) when it was first optioned. This new update with a director/producer, etc, is definitely promising.
Same with The Empty Man which also was optioned and is currently in pre-production. Will have a write up tonight thanks to Brian and Alana.
Sometimes publishers put fake synopsis to cover story-lines.
No art yet on 61 has my radar up…
( We ALL know nobody dies in comics )
Too true Larry, no one ever stays dead in comics forever.
Gwen Stacy did until they brought her back as a stupid spider girl.. I liked her better dead!
Is Uncle Ben still dead? Or did they bring him back and kill him again?
Didn’t they bring him back in another Universe as well? I can’t keep up anymore..
Yeah, Uncle Ben from another dimension is Alive, with Spider-Powers. He is currently the glorified Babysitter of MC-2 Spider-Girl’s baby brother, Benjy. From what I remember in Spider-Verse, this Uncle Ben was locked away in a bunker similar to Silk’s, and the rest of the world around him became some radioactive wasteland that no one survived, and for him it was a safe haven from the Inheritors. He was in Web Warriors briefly, but I stopped picking up that title.
And sometimes people push spec that is not there to sell books. Not saying you are, just saying it happens. Probably more so than publishers trying to fake anyone out.
Cover art not being shown for a book 2 months out is nothing out of the ordinary.
As you said, no one important ever stays dead in comics. Quick flip at best but you never know I suppose. People buy into weirder things than this. Since I pull tmnt I’ll have one regardless.
I pull TMNT as well so got one of each cover lined up.
Is this the exact photo CBSI used in their article from earlier in the afternoon? Poor journalism ethics if so with no mention of the source either. Shame.
Hi john. I am not sure since I wasn’t exactly aware of the cbsi article when the picture was sent to me. And no I didn’t list the name of the source who sent it to me so they would not get in trouble. I am guessing the same person who sent it to me also sent it to cbsi. I have no problems giving credit to where I get stuff from and have in the past and in the future will give credit to cbsi if I see something there first b
Maybe the ninja dude slipped and stabbed himself.
Or tried to kill splinter who got his hand up in time to get stand but save himself? Moved enough to take the blade in the shoulder? Lots of things could happen where he -shocker- doesn’t die
That’s actually a woman, Kitsune. She’s a reincarnation from feudal Japan, similar to Shredder & Splinter. Overall, they’ve kept her intentions very secretive; even though she was working with Shredder, it was hard to gauge whether she was truly a villain.
And now I see why sometimes people’s comments/replies are posting in incorrect places. Sometimes after posting one reply, or clicking on a link via email to reach the article, it locks onto that one reply spot, even if you navigate to another area to reply to someone else. I was clicking to reply to “Michael C”, but it kept saying I was replying to “AgentPoyo”. I deleted the extra text in the hyperlink at the top of the page, and it does a fresh reload to reply freely again.
Took a closer look at the listing that sold for $7.99 and it was actually for a set of both covers. There is a listing for a different variant set that has 1 bid at $19.99 though. Regular cover and a different sub cover.
interesting r.i.p. splinter however tmnt #44 still does well at conventions . I can see this setteling around the $8-10 mark with a three to four day window of $15-20 blind adam out
This book is also sold out at Diamond and every major online retailer. So once word gets out to the general public on Wednesday, stores will not be able to order more and a 2nd print in inevitable. This is the same pattern for #44.
Here we are, 15 issues later, Donatello is alive and that issue still goes for 20 a copy.
I know! I still don’t own a 1st Print of #44 because I’m *sure* I will eventually snag one cheaper when the hype wears down. But, I used to buy TMNT locally until That Issue, when I missed out to a bunch of folks who bought it to flip it and wiped out the local stock for people who actually buy & read the series. Now I pre-order that one to be sure I don’t miss an issue. At the time, I didn’t think that value was going to stick, since reading the issue there was no confirmation Donnie was dead, and in the next issue it was already clear they’d be working on his return. There was also a previous issue (I want to say it was in the Turtles In Time mini-series), Donnie had already learned of his near-death experience before it happened, so I figured he’d have a plan in place to ensure his survival. Ah well. It brought the series some heat. I enjoy it; it’s the best of all worlds of TMNT brought together; and I want it to continue for years & years to come. The attention-getting issues keep it alive. Recently, the reintroduction of Leatherhead jumped in value, and now this issue likely will too.