Shiva Spotted In Walking Dead Trailer for Season 7

Hope you have grabbed copies of Walking Dead 108 like we have been warning since the issue came out because Shiva has been spotted in the Walking Dead Season 7 Trailer.
This, of course, means Ezekiel is coming as well. Skip ahead to the :52 mark

Thanks to Mel V for the heads up and photo. 

40 thoughts on “Shiva Spotted In Walking Dead Trailer for Season 7”

  1. Very happy I got what I wanted for my CGC SS 9.8. And a darn good thing I got two NM to spare. Great post Tony, looking forward to this one!

  2. If you go to YouTube you can see many comments that claim that this is a fan made trailer , from what ive heard Shiva is supposed to be CGI , from what ive seen in the trailer it looks like a pretty real tiger to me

    1. It’s a tough call since Ezekiel and Shiva are supposed to be on the show and there have been rumors of a tiger on set. The question has been how they were going to pull off a live tiger and actors. This looks like background shots so it is up in the air. Will pull it if it turns out to be fake.

    2. me sources shared with that Shiva, the tiger, could be seen in an upcoming trailer. This news was shared even before production of The Walking Dead Season 7 started.
      Also worth nothing, Ezekiel and Shiva have been said to be major reveals in the first Season 7 trailer
      Even if this one turns out to be fake, it has been vetted that the trailer will have Shiva in it. So I am torn.

  3. After looking for a while now, I was able to find a copy of WD 108 in NM. If they do bring shiva into the show then I am sitting on a brick of gold ( depending how good the actor and the tiger are lol).

      1. I hope so. I think I have 4 or 5 sitting in a long box. My buy in was a bit higher than cover, but between these and my WD# 100 Negan 1st and 2nd covers, I’m hoping I can get a return on my investment when season 7 starts. I just don’t know if it would be better to sell raw or get them graded as I’ve never had any books graded before.

      2. And then quickly level off.. and then when the tiger dies.. then Ezekial is found out by non-comic readers as a big ‘ol pussy.. prices will drop for sure. 😉

          1. Yup.. I wasn’t buying more than two copies at the time this one came out though, so not a bunch of extras for me this round. But I’m still prepared after issue 110… and anything that heats up after that issue.. which is mostly whisperer stuff.

      3. Sorry, I’m a bit bitter about Ezekial and the tiger. When I first read it, I was hoping he would turn out to be this master bad ass.. such a let down.. but I guess that’s the reality of it all, dude has a tiger for show in the apocalypse..

          1. Yeah, Shiva was awesome.. if I was in the zombie apocalypse.. I’d find me a tiger as a pet and protector as well.

              1. I’d just go all Ewok and live in the trees… and setup traps like Morgan did to capture zombies to dispose of.

                1. A fruit tree would be essential to have around. People would be searching them out too. That way you can take out bad guys and zombies at the same time.
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                2. Yes. Live in trees but also make sure you live somewhere that supports apple and other fruit trees with little human attention.. and bury my semi truck trailer full of canned food with secret entrance.. maybe accessible from with inside one of my trees..

              2. Oh but first things first.. zombie outbreak happens.. I go take over the closest Costco with a semi truck to load up. This is when I feel assault rifles are necessary so I blow all the rest of you away for taking my precious canned food.. 😉

                1. There is a parking garage outside my office that is very well secured. One large opening at the front one ramp at the back and two doors that lead to stairwells that are easily secured. It is in close proximity to a lot of stuff. I’d take that, push cars to block the openings. And destroy 2 of the 3 stairwells. But yes. The Sam’s club near me would get looted. And the comic shop.
                  Sent from my iPhone

                2. Nah, you learn to squat right, you don’t need to wipe.. we all gonna smell anyways eventually. 😉

                3. I think we’re on the same page.. when the outbreak occurs.. you secure the garage.. I’ll be heading that way with more supplies (food, can openers, guns and ammo) in my semi truck. 😉

                4. Yes, both the kids will be armed and ready.. riding on top with rifles and bazooka’s. 🙂

  4. All the apple tree talk reminded me of the zombie movie The Battery, great movie, a must see flick.

  5. You guys are crazy ????. See, see, you guys should be comic writers. Good stories would come out from both of u lol

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