Greetings to my Comics Heating up & Awesomesauce families. I am now recovered from the 2016 New York comic-con. It was such a blast . If you have never been to a major comic book convention or have visited the place I call home, New York, city then you must try NYCC next year.
I had such a blast hanging out with Anthony, Agent Poyo and Tyson B. on Thursday night. We got lost in the subway, ate New York style pizza, drank beer, and chatted comic books and life. It was such awesome-sauce.
I got to see the Iron Fist / Defenders panel live and in living color, it was my favorite panel of the convention. Getting a Marvel Tales #137 autographed by Stan Lee and getting Stan Lee to do a one line interview for my podcast was great. Getting to shake the hand of Robin Lord Taylor was great. As were the cast of Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Agents of Shield that I got to meet and exchange business cards for future interviews.
I scored a few foils and shirts, as well as, a few of the Image Variants . I also scored two NYCC Exclusive Pops, and now I want more Pops. Pops are plastic crack, once you buy the first pop you just can’t stop.
As always, I want to just take this time to say some thank you’s. Thank you to anyone and everyone that helped me get around NYCC, for every cos-player, every dealer, every fellow fan, thank you. Thank you for being my eyes and for allowing me to live my dreams. Thanks especially to Tony, Tony thank you for allowing me to play in your sandbox and to everyone hear at Comics Heating Up for allowing me into this wonderful family.
Now it is time to make some comics and you can’t teach that
1. Elektra Root of Evil #1 – just in case you haven’t heard the news or seen the footage from the Iron Fist Netflix panel, Sigourney Weaver was cast as the villain. It got me thinking of who she could be. I really hope they don’t switch Mephisto’s gender, as that doesn’t excite me very much. However, could she be playing the beast from this mini series. We have almost had all the “Shadowland” players in the Netflix Marvel world. I will make a promise if Weaver is not playing the beast, it is pizza, beers, and lap dances for everyone that
reads hidden gems
2. Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #115 and 116
– this two parter is the third & fourth appearances of Poison Ivy. I thought it would have been an issue of Batman, but to my surprise, it was in this title and they are cheap, like way cheaper then Batman 181
and 183
. After this, she is in a lot of JLA, Superfriends, and other issues and then has her batman title appearance in….
3. Batman #291 – fifth appearance of Poison Ivy third appearance in a Batman comic book. Gotham is in full swing, Ivy is a cos-play all star and is just amazing this is a $50-75 easy
4. Death of Wolverine 1-4 Midtown Comics J Scott Campbell connecting covers – sexy women, J Scott Campbell, and the death of Wolverine equals money. These are still at Midtown Comics if you can make it out there. I love the Jean Gray $15-25
5. Amazing Spiderman #2 Midtown Comics Black Cat Variant – when showing Poyo, Tyson, and Tony where New Yorkers shop for comics, the guys discovered this hiding on the racks it goes for $15 color or black and white I love this cover. The guys took these over to J Scott Campbell’s table for signatures on Saturday. Cons, plus late night raiding, plus variants, plus creator signatures can turn into easy money.
6. Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #23 – Lena Luthor is on Supergirl. Damn she was awesome. This is her first appearance just snag the grade you can afford
7. Action Comics #763 – first post crisis Lena Luthor. This is cheap and a great spec play as you can have Lex’s sister and daughter in the DC-TVU $3-5
8. Adventures of Superman #595 – more Lena Luthor awesomeness. Infant Lena, and this is cheap as heck $2-5
9. Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds #3 – just a great back in time story with Lena Luthor. This story was the best thing to come out of Final Crisis $1-3
10. Superman Red Son #1-3 – this mini was hot back in the day. Mark Millar, yes, he is a comic book god testify, nuff said on that jack. this mini series has something going for it outside of Millar scripts, Eve Teschmacher’s only comic book appearance is in this this story. Teschmacher is amazing, sexy, and awesome, but this is her only comic book appearance. She is on this season of Supergirl
11. DC Comics Presents #97 – this is the final Pre-Crisis appearance of General Zod the Phantom Zone Criminals and the final issue of DC Comics Presents series. $1-5 should be higher
12. Reborn #1 NYCC Sketch Variant – out of all the NYCC Image variants I see this one having the most legs for years to come. Especially when the inevitable movie gets announced. $100 now.
13. Amazing Spiderman 500 Covers Hardcover – this is out of print, has every cover from Amazing #1-500 and can be found cheap on Amazon and can go for at least its original cover. No real spec value just a cool piece for any Spiderman fan
14. The Flash #233 – I am loving season three of the Flash. Flashpoint is just awesome. I am specing on this issue because it showcases Reverse Flash’s obsession with Iris West Allen. For the first time I wonder if this aspect of the Reverse Flash will make it on to the show in season 6 or 7. If they do the death of Iris and the marriage stuff $5 and up will seem like a steal
15. Playboy July/August 2009– I love Olivia Munn as Psylocke. I want her in more X-Men movies. She was the cover girl for this issue of Playboy. It is cheap, as low as a dollar on eBay. My question, I wonder if she autographs these as I would so do a Signature Series on this one
16. Daredevil #20 (2001) – if you love Bob Gale Back to the Future and Daredevil, then this cheap issue is for you. Bob Gale wrote issues #20-25. Daredevil is coming back for season three on Netflix, as well as Defenders. A lot of the Marvel Knights series issues are still very, very cheap $5
17. Super Friends #1 – Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog, which first appeared on the Super Friends cartoons, make their comic book debut. With the way the CW nostalgia train is going, maybe one day Wendy or Marvin will make a t.v. or a movie appearance. Maybe Marvin gets the same fate he got in the Teen Titans issue because that would rock. Also I can’t stand Wendy or Marvin at all, so it would be sick revenge. The Gleek can whoop the butt of Wonder Dog any Day $20-40
18. Deadpool Kills Deadpool #3 – credit goes to Jimmy over at Comic Book Scalping for this one. Deadquack, Duckpool, or Howard the Duck as Deadpool as a series is awesome. Stop hating. This is the first appearance. $10-30 just stop hating on it
19. Action Comics #855-857 – this three-part features art by the Goon’s Eric Powell with story by Geoff Jones and Richard Donner and you can’t beat that. But I didn’t even realize Eric did this story until I looked it up. Easy dollar to $5 find at lcs or small local shows and Powell is getting a lot of love with his book Hillbilly.
20. Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1 – this has no spec vaule whatsoever. However, there was a time that there was a thousand Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle knockoffs. Lot’s of Frank Miller Homages in the series. This is in quarter to dollar boxes nation wide. It is just so damn cool that I have to mention it I think I will put it on the wall for $5 and see what happens.
happy hunting
Sorry this was so DCU heavy this week. I am just excited for all the CW DC shows returning as I am a big fan of em. Once again thanks to everyone for reading. So now it is time for me fade away and become obsolete.
blind adam out
9 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 30”
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The DV tv universe is doing it right!
Still have my Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1 from when I bought it off the stands… Can I pick’em or what?
That is a great book. I was also a fan of Boris the Bear. What a great book.
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Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1 lol I loved that book as a youth ..I think HowardPool will be a great and fun holding on to my copies..Reborn hell yes
Love your gem’s Adam. Shipwreck #1 by Aftershock is turning out to be a really good read. Art isn’t super great but its ok. But great story. Thanks for your insight buddy.
Word is that Web of Spider-Man 99 is heating up. First appearance of Nighthawk, and rumor is that Nighthawk is in Spider-Man Homecoming. Just a rumor, but I’m finding these in quarter bins. Worth a gamble.
Excellent gamble I would say.
Bought a mid grade copy a couple weeks ago for $2 and flipped it for $15. Also picked up a cheap high grade copy. Holding that one until the market rises.
Teschmacher’s first is in issue 2 of Red Son. I was surprised to find no Superman the Movie adaptation.