Hey CHU readers, It’s time for another Free Comic Wednesday brought to you by DrunkWooky and Most Good Hobby
Most Good Hobby has been nice enough to sponsor us with a copy of their Champions #1 variant. It’s a beautiful homage of the Vision’s first appearance, Avengers #57. The Champions #1 variant puts The Vision’s daughter, Viv in the lead role lording over her pathetic Champions teammates. Awesome homage here.
Champions #1 Most Good Hobby Variant
Avengers 57 homage source (not a raffle prize, unfortunately. haha).
Rules are same as always:
- No purchase necessary. (But check out the sponsors sites, they are good people.)
- Winner drawn at random and will be announced on the site
- Enter your name below in the comment section.
- One entry per person, we have ways of knowing.
- Winners in the US get free shipping, people out of the US agree to chip in for shipping (I am not made of money.)
Viv’s first appearance is The Vision vol. 3 #1 by Tom King Regular cover copies currently go for around $13.00; 1:25
is going for $60.00. Regular copies can still be found in the wild.
Good luck!
Jeremy Abbott
Kent Li
Corey Alban
Jonathan McCollum
Donato Congialdi
Corey Koperski
Ryan Colgan
John F.
Tim Perry
Free Comic Wednesday Champions #1 Most Good Hobby Variant
Scott Brown
Shawn Dill
Jimmy Myrick
Jeremy Coe
Noah Sherbacoff
Kraig Peterson
Matt Nugent
Michael Sullivan
Alan Hom
Philippe Brault
glenn kempen
Tony Pan
David Mc Barron
Drew Arnold
Mark McAlister
Vernon Ness
Miecree Cannon
Earl Worcester
John Prezioso
Wes g
Ryan Marron
Jeff Knight
John Dye
Edwin Yoshihara
Derek Shenenberger
Michael Pincek
Brian Lake
Mike Brown
Dean Li
John Oppliger
Cliff Tagulao
Chris Bennett
Dale Wieber
Audri V
Kevin O’Brien
Jenaro Orozco
Robert Odom
Brennan r
Dennis F
Mike Leamy
Georges pearson
John Radke
Jodie Webb
Shane Larsen
A. King
Jay E.
Vernon Wiggins
Jay Clue
Ed Adamy
Logan Field
sean servay
alex fong
matt cox
Brian Davis
Andrew Moore
Kirk Lange
Ric Lancaster
Rob H
John Cruz
Trevor Lawler
Julie Gunderson
vern rush
Steven Alicea
Josh Wilson
Steven Fox
William Bazrouk
Calvin Philpot
Stefan Blomberg
Ryan Penny
Chris L
Robert P
Mary ODornan
Damien Kruzel
Douglass Calmes
C.P. McCoy
Barry Wiggett
Michael Perez
Keith MItchell
Jason O
David Billadeau
Vito Tassielli
Shawn B.
Aaron Horwitz
Glenn K
Shaun McLeod
John T.
Emiliano B
Dewayne Scott
anson chan
Mike Stockinger
Matt Crispin
joe kempen
Eric Z
Robert Miller
John E
Bob Seifert
Tom Bator
Mike York
J. Coleman
Corey Sexton
Steve Garza
E Cooper
Ryan Enriquez
David Wilton
mike mcguire
Gabriel L. Guerra
Dan Wozniak
J Pacer
Steve Fraser
Cody davis
John Bush
Mark C
Dave Dour
Anthony Hester
Anthony M
Mark miller
Chris Brooks
Joshua Strain
Gary Boggs
Ryan Lane
Kendall Rhodes
Brian Beck Pascoe
Eddie Lyons
Steve F.
Roberto Torres
Travis Hulce
Mark Weinstock
Eric Miller
David Sananman
Craig Hoehne
Mark McCracken
Doug Standish
Tony Southammavong