What the Duece? Savage #1 1:50 Variant selling for big money

Sometimes you have to wonder what people are thinking. This is one of those times. There is a copy of Savage #1 1:50 Variant going for big money on eBay. Not uncommon for variants to heat up out of the gate, but this one leaves me scratching my head.
The copy of Savage #1 1:50 Variant seen below is selling for $710 with 5 days left.

The previously sold copies closed at $49.99 and $74.99, so either two people got really good deals, or the being the only copy on eBay is driving Valiant fans nuts.

48 thoughts on “What the Duece? Savage #1 1:50 Variant selling for big money”

  1. Those 2 sold copies were buy-it-now and sold almost instantly. So, yes, they were good deals. Also, this auction is going higher than it should.

  2. My hypothesis is: I think Valiant fans are more likely to want all variants. If I had that much disposable income I would buy this for my personal collection. I would likely wait a week to see if this is the ceiling, I suspect it’s close right now. I def do not suggest spec investment short or long term.

  3. My hypothesis is: I think Valiant fans are more likely to want all variants. If I had that much disposable income I would buy this for my personal collection. I would likely wait a week to see if this is the ceiling, I suspect it’s close right now. I def do not suggest spec investment short or long term.

    1. Oh I totally agree about not bidding on the one copy on eBay. What I can say is I contacted several large local comic shops and they ordered enough to qualify neither received them.

  4. Nuts isn’t word………….my god how fing dumb can you be to even remotely consider bidding on that.

  5. it is now close to $900!…what is the big deal about this book?! Was the print run so small there are only a few 1 in 50 variants? Good for this seller, but if there are a bunch out there once word gets out this book has a good chance of going below $100 again not too far down the road…unless the print run is just a handful or there is something very special about it that I don’t know about….crazy stuff.

    1. There were very few ordered by retailers. Most, including Mile High, did not order enough to qualify for this 1:50 variant. People, like they often do with Valiant sadly, ignored this book. Britannia and Harbinger Renegades have been quality output by Valiant and readership has been steadily rising apart from the usual die hards like me. Savage’s art is spectacular and the story is wildly entertaining. Good luck trying to find a copy if you didn’t preorder one. My LCS didn’t order enough either. I’m fluent in three languages and contacted stores in TEN countries and couldn’t find a copy. Midtown sold out in 7 minutes. I had GrahamCrackers on refresh every few seconds and it sold out right away. While I agree the price will definitely come down once more copies get listed, it should cement itself around the same price as Divinity #1 1:40. It’s a first appearance character with a confirmed print run less than Divinity #1 1:40, and has solid art inside and out and a great story. All the stars aligned to create this situation.

    2. I am guessing it will not be paid. Now that attention has been drawn to it I suspect that people could be bidding it up even more just for $#!+$ and giggles.

  6. Holy shit…Ha Ha Ha…sorry…HAHAHA. !!! Good for that seller! … oh, Auction doesn’t end for days. Market flooding start now… The seller will never see that money. The buyer; He or she will abandon that account so quick when that’s selling for $50 on Monday

  7. The book is being hyper shilled ! Though the book will be in limited and “rare” no avid Valiant collector would consider dropping this kind of coin on a 3 day old book ! For $900 I can add ANOTHER CGC 9.8 Harbinger #1 w/coupon ! Also of note, there is a shipping delay for the book and accounts will see these books arrive in next weeks shipments!

    1. Donna, I am not saying it is not being shilled. I did point out the two most recent closed sales on the book being much lower.

      1. much lower is a gross understatement 😉 LOL I purchased 2 from my local LCS for $125 for the pair. I live in south Florida and could have driven for hours in all directions and picked up about 10 more on Wednesday. I did not because I had no desire to and it didn’t occur to me that they were so “rare”. I have since been told that MANY accounts around the country have not yet received all of the qualified variants for the book, most notably the 1:50 My primary LCS ordered 100 regular copies and the available variants and at $3.99/ retail he had about $250 invested with his stores Diamond account discount . I am not sure why people are expecting this book to be grossly under ordered when compared to other recent Valiant releases. 15,000-20,000 should be expected This is their new “Turok”. so 300-500 printed (I am one who believes companies DO NOT print a incentive variant to an exact number based on sales. They just get offered and distributed at the ratio listed). I sent my 2 copies off on Wednesday with other books to CGC so I PRAY to the heavens this is somehow legit. I would love to sell my CGC 9.8 books to the losing bidders for $2500+ and buy some more Harbinger #1 CGC 9.8 ‘s 🙂

  8. Looks like a fake auction with fake bidders to me, probably done by some who write for another site so they can talk this up and pump and dump this on their readers for big money.

    1. 12 different bidders and you call it shilling? Do some research before making those type of claims.

      1. Look at the bid history of the “bidders.” Not a whole lot of activity from them in the last 30 days. Sorry but if you’re a collector and especially of expensive books, the law of averages would suggest that you bid on something other than this one book and 2 or 3 others in the last month. Stinks like rotten fish

      2. Yep, multiple accounts can be used to shill. BUT one could make the case that if you remove the w/o question SHILL bidder with 75 feedback this COULD be a $300 book. The flood of this variant will hit stores in next weeks shipment. So, I sure wouldn’t be a buyer here.

  9. You’ll see a BIN listed for $300-$500 a few hours before it ends, some sucker will buy it and this “seller” will relist his copy under one of his other accounts for $200-$300.

  10. Dinesh says Savage will be a major character in the Valiant Universe going forward as will Savage’s immediate family members. This is Savage’s 1st app. I predict the selling price of these will double at least directly after Cat Cosplay covers are released. It won’t stay that high but will hold at least cost ($150) I think. I wouldn’t buy at these prices.
    However, if you can grab the regular Savage #1 1st print at cover, I think this is a good mid-term spec. There is very little downside.

  11. I picked up the 1st issue, and I thought it was pretty good will be getting the rest of the series. Just for the PC, most of the Valiant comics I get are only for the PC.

  12. Could be shill bidding but it could also be two snipes setup that have gone horribly wrong, I’ve seen that happen before as well.
    Regardless if it’s real bidding or not, go grab some popcorn and watch the stupidity of eBay buying! In a few weeks or months you’ll likely find this at it’s more normal sane price range.

      1. You should just end every article you post now with, “How long until Bleeding Cool posts this? Place your bets here.”

        1. i am working on a post with all the tweets that went out time stamps from my posts and then their posts. There is a great message over on bleeding cool asking if we would be on their top 100 list for all the stories they “borrow without credit” on their site.

  13. To bad the $900 dollar book doesn’t offer free shipping or else I would of gotten it. Darn it! lol. It’s crazy what the market can do. We’ll just have to wait and see if theis is all a big gimick or people are really that crazy to pay top dollar for a new book.

    1. The next three variants? Only if this is real or just a few people manipulating the market…Also, if this is real due to bidding wars and such you may want to wait a bit.. More than likely, this time next year these books will most certainly not be commanding what they are now, but if you can find a dealer that will pre-sell the next three covers at a fair price and you want them, go for it!

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