Mel's Variant Picks of the Week for 12/14/16

What UP CHU? Mel V. back with yet another version of “Variants of the Week”,  but before we get into that I want to talk about ‘Tuskegee Heirs’, I mentioned this book a while ago and it has been taking off like crazy. Physical copies of the book are now ready to order on their website. The creators, Marcus Williams and (children’s book author) Greg Burnham worked very hard to make this book a reality and I expect this property to take off so check em out. Now on to the variants ..I know, I know, missing from the list are the JSC variants but everyone knows about those already. So here we go with a few ya might of missed

Inhumans vs X-Men #1 Cover I Variant Mike Del Mundo Black Panther 50th Anniversary Cover – Artsy..psychedelic..Black Panther..I can dig it
Optimus Prime #1 Cover G Incentive Paul Pope Variant Cover
Transformers Lost Light #1 Cover G Incentive Paul Pope Variant Cover – First off, shout out to William Z. who is by far the biggest Transformer fan I know, so, I know he is gonna dig these two gems and second shout out to Tony who is a big Paul Pope fan. I’m upset that I’m going to miss these two variants cause I won’t be able to make my morning rounds. But if you happen to see these I’d grab them up QUICKLY

Suicide Squad Vol 4 #8 Cover B Variant Lee Bermejo Cover – LEE BERMEJO killing it once again the art and I love the concept

7 thoughts on “Mel's Variant Picks of the Week for 12/14/16”

  1. I would love to see more psychedelic covers like that one. I was telling a LCS owner that I want to see a 3D Dr. Strange Comic.. MAKE IT HAPPEN MARVEL..

  2. as expected The Prime and Lost Light VANISHED Im trying to hunt them down in the NYC area ..Seems like they are all gone

      1. LOL I called and said my cat was sick …PS I dont have a cat,I hate cats lol

      2. Haha.. One reason I love being an independent contractor. I don’t have to explain my absences but even before, I’d show up around 10 or 11 on comic book Wednesdays. As long as I get my work done, the bosses don’t care how many hours I work or when. 🙂

  3. I went completely sideways this week and grabbed the JSC RNV #2, JSC Red Sonja #0, and the Aja variant to Hawkeye #1. I didn’t see the Black Panther or Transformers books this week. Or I did see the Transformers but didn’t pay attention because I’m indifferent about them. lol

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