It was just announced that the next Harley Quinn movie will be Gotham City Sirens based off the comic by the same name. The Gotham City Sirens #1
is already a hard to find book in the wild and this will have just made it harder.
Copies of Gotham City Sirens #1 have shot off the shelf on eBay. Copies can still be had for about $30 in NM. Amazon has copies too still sitting out there. Here are more starting at under $40, higher priced ones, and ones in the $50 range all on Amazon.
The name of the long-rumored, Harley Quinn-centric DC movie will be Gotham City Sirens
, THR revealed today.
Suicide Squad director David Ayer will return to Gotham along with Margot Robbie, who will play Harley Quinn, and a cast of female superheroes and supervillains from the DC Universe.
Gotham City Sirensthe name of a comic book series that starred Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy (Harley’s girlfriend). Previous rumors have suggested that the movie could be called Birds of Prey — the name of a superheroine team led by Batgirl/Oracle Barbara Gordon and occasionally starring Catwoman — but Sirens likely gives Ayer more room to develop the so-bad-she’s-good Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad.
With big box office success, it seemed likely Warner would be looking to Suicide Squad as a brand rather than just a stand-alone franchise, and that seems to be the case: the studio is reportedly still developing a Suicide Squad sequel, as well as eyeing a solo movie for Deadshot, Will Smith’s character. Both of those rumors have been around for months and THR offered no new insight on them, so it looks like no news is good news.
Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?
I’d be careful paying the premium people are asking for the 2nd print. It’s only a background color change and not different art. In that case, print run size shouldn’t really matter, although some out there will try to pump it up and act like it does. If you find the 2nd print really cheap somewhere, sure, pick it up and flip it to those willing to overpay for a 2nd print with only a color change background. But I think there is more room for a price jump on the 1st print.
The 1:25 variant is the true gem though. Good luck on finding that priced reasonably.
100 percent agree. Be careful of the second print. The 1/25 has a different cover and is very pricey
About 3 months ago I picked up GCS #6-8, the connecting covers of the the 3 ladies mentioned to go along with my Harley #1 connecting. I paid about $8 each (Harley was a bit more). They’re pretty sweet looking covers, imo. I’m looking forward to seeing flick, if it’s done right. I liked Margot in SS, I think she was cast well for the role.
I had been chasing this covers but never found them at the price I wanted to pay so sadly I don’t think I’ll get them now and all
I’m not even hoping to get a copy of anything for a decent price! I was really wishing Ayer wasn’t going to direct, the guy is clueless. Seems DC are incapable of getting decent writers and directors onboard since Nolan’s Batman series, if they’re not careful they’ll kill their own franchise.
Amazon got cleaned out 🙁
Same here in UK, if there were any to start with…
Not completely. Here are ones starting at under $40 slightly higher priced ones $50 range
let me retrace that. The cheap copies are gone!!!
Lol. Too true.
Justice League #75 1st SA Black Canary the meta one “Laurel” not to be confused with the GA Black Canary her mother and Birds of Prey vol 2 #1 1st White Canary are the books your going to want.
From cinema blend……
“Black Canary reportedly could make her DECU debut either in Justice League Part One or 2019’s Justice League Part Two. However, Latino-Review has also heard that, should the character and her actress “perform to expectation,” she will also feature in a Birds of Prey movie based on the female-led superhero team.”
If you watch arrow I’m sure you already have these two books anyways.
No but I have Batman 181…. I think that is a good one for spec on this
email me this, I will post it.
Newest rumor Megan Fox is up for the role of Poison Ivy. Didn’t know D.C. Could ruin a movie before it’s even written lol