Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 118th edition of the open forum!
Happy New Year every one!
“Don’t mess with my Wednesdays”.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
145 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”
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UGH!!!! I forgot we switched our anniversary to today! My wife and I that is. There are a ton of birthdays and other things happening in April when we normally celebrate it, so last year we switched to today, the day my wife and I met 13 years ago. Needless to say, I can tell you what comics I will get tomorrow, because that will be the only thing I get for a while.
Hehe.. happy first meeting anniversary!
Ugh. We switched our wedding anniversary to this date. I forgot.
So, you have a will right? Who are you leaving CHU duties to? If it’s me, I must prepare thyself to be soon divorced as well.. π
Lol. Yes. Poyo inherits Chu. I will give you passwords, keys, and bank account information.
Wait.. bank account? Sweet, is it enough to replace my newly divorced wife with a robot that does everything I say and want?
Yes but only the fembot 3000 the 5000 is out of the bank accounts range.
Ughh.. Then I’m leaving it all to Mel..
I am the worst husband ever.
You should have switched to Feb 29th….
Yes sir. Once every four years.
There goes your ration of marriage sex for the next three months.
Lol. Don’t remind me.
Wait, married people still have sex? My wife lies to me then.. lies! π
Sex. What is that? Sounds like a game young people play. Is it available in the App Store?
I’m sure there is.. π
All I can say is thank goodness I have 2 divorces behind me and don’t have to worry about any romantic crap anymore!
Dang. 2? I don’t think it is going that route for me but she was pretty pissed.
Sent from my iPhone
I hope it doesn’t mate. I’m a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy ;o) (jokes)
I always told myself if my first and current marriage doesn’t work out, I’m never doing it again.
Yikes. Seriously though, remembering your real anniversary is hard enough. Remembering your fake anniversary? Impossible I say!
Lol. No. I take full responsibility for forgetting. I am an ass.
I’m so thankful the iphone has become what it has become. Before I could tell it to remind me of special days it was always a struggle. Now I get credit for remembering and all I had to do was tell Siri to remind be.
I put my redone anniversary date in my phone last night.
Sent from my iPhone
If I didn’t record it in my phone it won’t or didn’t happen!
Exactly. I have a terrible memory. I always have. Thankfully Siri reminds me of everything these days.
When Siri asks have you remembered to tell Siri of things to remember, then you will be in trouble and an infinite loop!
Lol. I usually am in an infinite loop of trouble. I am a man after all.
That was my first thought when I read this. By changing The anniversary date (more than once I might add), it sounds like you were destined to forget. That is a monumental task, remembering assigned anniversaries. I hope everything works out ok for you two, Tony. Remember, tragedy + time = humour. Maybe you two can laugh about it someday.
Got some great stuff for SALE for all you CHUers. And I did get Anthony’s blessing for this post.
Anyway, time for another sad but necessary Personal Collection Purge. Please email me at if any of these books look interesting. I didn’t include prices but we’re all pretty savvy here, yes? I’d like to sell at around 75% of Fair Market Value so just let me know which ones you’re interested in and/or make me an offer and we’ll go from there. Thanks!
CBCS Graded:
A-Force (2015) # 1 9.8 Stephanie Hans Variant, 1st Singularity
Age of Ultron # 10 9.8 1:50 color Angela Variant, 1st Angela in MU
Age of Ultron # 10 9.8 1:100 b&w Angela Variant, 1st Angela in MU
Amazing Spiderman # 265 9.6 1st Silver Sable
Auteur: Sister Bambi # 1 9.8 Nazi variant cover
Black Panther # 1 9.8 JTC Negative Space Variant, 1st Midnight Angels
Bloodshot (1993) # 1 9.8
Darth Vader # 3 9.8 1st Aphra
Descender # 1 9.8
Eternals (1976) # 2 9.6 1st Celestials
Gambit (1993) # 1 9.8
G.I. Joe (2010) # 214 9.8 B&W Virgin Variant, Death of Snake Eyes
Guardians of the Galaxy (1990) # 1 9.6
Inhumans (1975) # 1 8.5*
Mad Max Fury Road: Furiosa # 1 9.8
Ninjak (1994) # 1 9.8
Paper Girls # 1 9.8
Punk Rock Jesus # 1 9.8
Uncanny Inhumans # 11 9.8 1st Mosaic
Uncanny X-Men # 184 9.8 1st Forge
Captain America #s 109 VF-, 110 VG, 111 FN/VF
Doctor Strange # 170 VG, # 171 VG
Fantastic Four # 13 VF 1st Watcher
Fantastic Four # 73 FN Spider-Man xover
Marvel Super-Heroes # 1 VG 1st Marvel One-Shot
Marvel Tales (1949 Atlas) # 143 VG
Strange Tales # 126 VG 1st Dormammu, # 138 FN 1st Eternity, # 143 VG+, # 146 FN+ Final Ditko issue, # 155 VG, # 156 FN, # 160 FN Re-intro of Yellow Claw, # 161 FN, # 163 VG/FN, # 164 FN
Thor # 133 FN 1st full app Ego the Living Planet
X-Men # 31 FN 1st Dan Adkins cover art for Marvel
Adventure Comics # 415 VF- classic Supergirl cover
Adventure Comics # 428 FN 1st Black Orchid
Amazing Adventures (1970) # 1 VF 1st solo Black Widow
Amazing Spiderman # 316 VF
Devil Dinosaur # 1 VF 1st Devil Dinosaur
Fear # 10 FN 1st solo Man-Thing
Incredible Hulk # 330 NM 1st McFarlane work on Hulk
Marvel Team-Up # 53 NM 1st John Byrne work on X-Men
Ms Marvel #s 17, 19, 20, 23 VF
Sandman (1989) # 8 VF 1st Death
Shanna the She-Devil #s 1, 2, 3 FN 1st Shanna the She-Devil
Spiderman & His Amazing Friends # 1 VF/NM 1st Firestar
Star Wars #s 23, 29, 35, 37, 39, 44, 48, 52, 63, 74, 76 80, 90, 92 All Darth Vader covers, mostly VF
MODERN AGE (NM unless otherwise noted):
Adventure Time # 33 Virgin Variant, 1st Over the Garden Wall
Adventure Time 2013 Spoooktacular # 1 1st Steven Universe
Agents # 6 VF Walking Dead preview
Amazing Spiderman (2014) # 4 1st Silk
Avenging Spiderman # 9 VF 1st Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel
Battle Scars # 1 1st cameo Agent Coulson
Battle Scars # 6 1st full app Agent Coulson
Black Panther (2009) # 1 J. Scott Campbell cover
Captain America (2004) # 1
Captain America (2004) # 25 Cover A Death of Cap
Captain Marvel (2012) # 1 VF Cover C Signed by K.S. Deconnick
Captain Marvel (2012) # 14 1st cameo Kamala Khan
Captain Marvel (2012) # 17 VF 1st cameo Ms Marvel Signed by K.S. Deconnick
Futurama Comics # 1 VF
Headlopper #s 1 & 2 VF (1st Print from Kickstarter)
Lumberjanes # 1 VF Casablanca Comics Exclusive Virgin Cover
Ms Marvel (2014) # 1 Design Cover, 1st Print
Sandman Overture # 1 1:200 Dave McKean Variant
Star Wars (2015) # 1 Luke Skywalker Action Figure Variant
Star Wars (2015) # 2 Han Solo Action Figure Variant
We Can Never Go Home # 1 First Print, Cover A
X-23 # 1 VF
Yes, I did give my blessing Admiral Snackbar. Anyone looking for stuff check him out!
Thanks, man. And you most certainly could not be the worst husband ever. She’ll get over it.
Ugh. Feel like dirt. We got married April 26tb. My birthday is the 24th of April and we have several other things that go on at that time (usually Easter too). So we moved it to October one year. Then last year we moved it to January and that was going to be the official date. She got me this amazing Japanese pottery beer glass. I totally forgot we moved the date.
HA! Dude we have the same B-day. I don’t know about year but the same day lol. So what am I getting this year lol??
What day?
74. I didn’t realize I had put up my birthday.
If you’re lucky he’ll give you a nice rare variant, if not five penneth of god help me! (old saying of my great gran)
24th of April
What year I meant
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Barry – Don’t be surprised when you see the comment in the Wednesday Open Forum in April with pics….Tony is a generous man.
Must resist the temptation
Must resist the temptation
Must resist the temptation
Must resist the temptation
no no no, give in to temptation π
give you a great deal…
Some nice pickups!
Getting heavy metal 284 – love me Jesus vs hitler
God country
Cant believe i forgot to pre-order Heavy Metal 284. Savage Sword of Jesus Christ?!! Boy my mom would just love that (not)!
Had a nice find today at a little nearby antique mall. Rooting through a longbox of comics I found issues #1-5. (the set) of Adam Legend of the Blue Marvel for $1.00 each. I dunno why this book is hot but it is and I ain’t complaining! Also pulled out DMZ #14 with the Scalped preview.
Picking up Red Sonja #1 Campbell & the Cosplay variants. Don’t judge me!!!!
I always forget to look for that Adam series when I hit my honey hole.
Wow seven to eternity #1 1st print just sold on ebay for 75.00 another at 99.95.Great book but kinda crazy
What? Really? I have not checked recently on this one.
There’s quite a few on there sold in the $70 -$100 range. I knew this was hot, but not this much that fast.
Yeah, I haven’t checked in a while myself… Looks like I need to list some of mine.
Sell me a copy Poyo
I gotta go dig them out for sure, forgot how many copies I got of each cover.
Okay, I went digging. I only found 3 x Cover A (best sellers so those are likely gonna get listed on eBay), 4 of Cover B and 4 of Cover C. I could have sworn I had another Cover A so it’s likely somewhere.
If you want a Cover B or C, let me know. But I’m gonna likely list a couple Cover A, I can’t pass up their current prices. π
Hit me up Poyo u got my email if not Tony can give it to u so we can talk business
Yeah, I should have it. π
Nice. I was too lazy to sell mine and am sitting on a small stack.
I sold my copy wayyyy too early I’m thinking. I bought it for cover-price and got 40-ish.
Never worry about leaving money on the table. You made a nice profit so move forward and don’t worry. Other opportunities will arise.
Sold all 4 covers for Β£40 a couple of weeks after release, bought a cover A in the wild for Β£10 recently, so bit of ying and yang there for me…
I’d like to start this post by thanking Tony for sending me two very lovely books. Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #3 La Mole International variant and a Chad Hardin signed Harley Quinn #16! So friggin awesome! Just for posting here regularly!
So let be a lesson to all you lurkers, get involved and maybe you too will get gifted!
Wanna see? Of course you do!
Thanks again Tony and thanks DrunkWookie too!
Now on to other matters,
Tony, you’ll probably be fine but just in case make sure someone knows where you are at all times, just in case.
Snackbar, there’s a few book you got there that I’d love for my collection, but I just got home from a meeting with a mortgage broker and I think I need to save my money. Truly sorry!
Finally, my picks this week (which, based on my meeting earlier, probably needs to get trimmed):
Action comics
All star Batman
Detective comics
Hal Jordan
Suicide squad
Renew your vows
Uncanny avengers
Uncanny X-Men
Mortgages are over rated. I own several properties with mortgages and we are trying to get rid of them. Truthfully I think renting is the way to go. Lol.
Nice one Brennan, top man Tony for the giveaways and a DrunkWooky COA should now be industry standard!!!
The DrunkWooky shurg of authenticity doesn’t pretend to be anything more than it is. Having said that, it definitely is AN industry standard.
Standards are dropping ;o)
I’ll honour a DWCOA (DrunkWookie Certificate of Authenticity) ANY day!
Honestly though, I was impressed with the original sketch the most!
and I LOL’d today when I realized I got Secret Wars Renew Your Vows #3 and today is the new Renew Your Vows #3!
The La Mole con variants I have had since October. Been trying to give away a ton of books
Hello everyone! I stumbled upon this website a few days ago and I’ve learned quite a bit. I appreciate all the info you guys share.
Welcome Richard. Glad you found us.
Hi Richard. I mostly talk a load of crap, but Tony, Poyo, Mel, Blind Adam, Julie, DrunkWooky, they do know what they are about! Hence they are the contributors here, I’m just a hanger on lol
No, I’m full of crap too.. and only right about 0.1 % of the time. π
94.3% of my mental real estate is pointless Star Wars trivia; another 3% is law, which is helpful at work; the rest is general marriage survival tactics. My ratios are way off.
My brain is mostly an old black and white cartoon of an anthropomorphic cow walking up a country road with his hands in his overall shorts pockets wearing a hat and whistling. The background of the split rail fence keeps repeating. In other words, mostly blank.
Yeah man you should be pushing that Star Wars %age much closer to 97!
Barry is a friend of the site. Not a hanger on. Give yourself more credit. Heck, you are honorary Editor of Commentary.
Cheers Tony, never been an honorary anything! Been dis-honorary on too many occasions to count though…
Oh I have many a dishonorary degrees for things. Lol.
New goal for the year, to get as many Dishonory Degrees by next New Year as I can lol
Lol. You might be taking away Poyo as king of comments.
Nah, that dude is our liege for now and evermore!
And of that 0.1% of the time I’m right, my wife will claim I’m still wrong. π
Busier week than planned.
Daredevil 15 Bermejo variant
Doctor Crowe #1B
Red Dog #2 really liked #1
Lots Boys #4
Dad’s Weekend #1 (thought this was due out a few weeks ago but showed up today in UK anyway)
The Rift # 1 (Red 5 comics) – or “Jeremy Renner presents The Rift” had been hoiping to get this. and my LCS had 1 copy.
Spider-Man Deadpool 13
SpiderMan Renew Vows 3
Spider-Man 12
Jessica Jones #4
I saw “Dads Weekend” on the shelves here about a month ago. Crazy it’s just now coming out over there.
Sent from my iPhone
OK, I think it’s a quiet week for me, just going through my online orders, no LCS anywhere again for me this week to pounce on any tips from you guys!
JL/SS #4B Conner and #4C Finch variants
Wonder Woman #14B Frison variant
Flash #14B Johnson variant
All-Star Batman #6B Jock variant
Poe Dameron #10 (Immonen Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant)
Jessica Jones #4B Dekal Variant
Moonshine #4A & #4B Bermejo variant (I do like my variants!)
Spiderman #12A
Outcast #24
I noticed that the Star Wars Anniversary variants aren’t coming out in order, the Poe Dameron is 2/48, what’s that all about?!
Hoping that Heavy Metal #284 (Cover B Hitler Vs Jesus) that I ordered actually comes in to FP as they told me in their email last week, but not holding out any hope. The LCS that I said I won’t use any more normally gets quite a few HM in, so may hit them up on Friday despite my previous protestations the owner is a dick! (My principles are normally quite fixed, but if I can make a few quid I can be flexible…)
Also managed to order some copies of God Country off the back of Poyo’s picks, still available on Forbidden Planet for UK readers, even though they are complete shite with their handling of comics!
2nd week in a row without out as planned Marvel title
Pull list
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4 B Cover
Suicide Squad #9 B Cover
Red Sonja #1 B Cover
Southern Bastards #16 B Cover
Motor Crush #2 A Cover
Moonshine #4 B Cover
The Rift #1
I bought this HUGE collection a few years ago for $4250. Probably one of my best purchases ever!
For Your Consideration
3 # 156
2 # 180
3 # 181
4 # 222
6 # 227
7# 232
2 # 234
3 # 235
2 # 237
Numbers Included in Auction
34 VG
88 VG
94 VG
95 VG
96 CGC 4.0
99 CGC 4.0
103 VG+
105 VG-
106 CGC 4.5
109 VG-
111 VG-
112 FINE
114 VG-
115 VG+
116 VG+
119 VG
120 VG+
121 VG+
122 FINE
122 VG+
123 VG+
123 VG-
124 VG+
125 VG+
127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141,
142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 151, 152, 153, 153,154, 156,
156, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 161, 162, 162, 163, 164, 164,
165, 166, 167, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173,
174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 180, 181, 181, 181,
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232, 232, 233, 233, 234, 234, 235, 235, 235, 236, 237, 237, 238, 239,
240 CGC
240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249,
250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260,
261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270,
271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
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471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481,
482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490 491, 492,
493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503,
504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514,
515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525,
600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609,
610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619,
619 V, 619 V,
620, 620, 621, 621, 622, 622, 623, 623, 624, 624,
625, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 630, 631, 631,
632, 632, 633, 634, 635,
Batman Adventures
216, 269, 295, 306, 315, 317, 318, 323, 352, 353, 355, 359, 359,
359, 362, 365, 366, 385, 391, 392, 395, 402, 403,
407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 412, 413, 414, 415, 420,
422, 424, 425, 426, 429, 434, 435, 437, 438, 440, 441, 443,
446, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458,
458, 459, 460, 460, 461, 462, 465
575, 576, 577, 578,
DC Superman
The Body Bag & Born Again
Seal in Original Package
Dark Horse
Army og Darkness # 1
Yentzer & Gonif
# 6 & 7
Marvel Comics
Tales To Astonish
The Sub-Mariner 1979
# 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Marvel Comics
Amazing Spider-man
# 259, 273,297,297, 304,320,324,325,
326, 330, 331,332, 332,337, 341,
Annual 22
Marvel Comics
Fantastic Four # 92
Hulk vs Thing
Marvel Comic
King Conan # 1
Marvel Comic Group
Dead Of Night # 1
Dang, nice.
Today I’m buying Poe Dameron #9 (?).
I’m glad this series picked back up. Now all we need is for Doctor Aphra to pay off and Darth Maul to be awesome and there will once again be balance in the force!
I was able to snag the Variant at cover today. They had no 40th Anniversary covers though.. good thing I pre-ordered that one.
Yeah my LCS owner is hooking me up with the Beyruth. This 40th anniversary cover is one of the less appealing of the line that I’m looking forward to.
I am really gunning for that Stegman C-3PO cover!
This one?

Yeah, that’s an awesome cover. I’m going for all of them myself.
I’ve decided to go for all the 40th Anniversary variants too. As you’ve said before Poyo, loads of Star Wars fans yet to be born, who knows what someone born this year will pay for these when they hit 40!
Yup. Can’t go wrong with Star Wars. Plus with more possible spin off movies, new characters in the comics showing up in movies can only mean one thing.. profit! π
Makes sense for them to go to the comics for new characters, makes life a lot easier in the long run, rather than having to keep coming up with new ones. All good for us!
That’s the one, Poyo! I want all the 40th anniversary covers, but my LCS didn’t sound pumped on them. I may push him to order them today. I gotta tell him that I will buy each of them if only he orders them.
Ok, I’ve read through all this to see just how in the world one changes the date of their wedding anniversary? It happened when it happened. This is loony toons.
Lol. It’s hard to explain. We got married two days after my birthday. We also have the birthdays of both of our sons right around that time. So in order to actually celebrate it, we switched the date in which we celebrate our anniversary from the day we got married 9 years ago to the date we met 13 years ago. It seems funny but the idea was we would be able to do more stuff earlier in the year and not have to worry about kids birthday parties and stuff that take up time, money, and energy.
Yup, same problem here.. every weekend in May is a Birthday, Mother’s Day Weekend, Anniversary and then Kids Birthday and they all fall on the last 2 or 3 weekends of the month, all starting on the second Sunday of May which is Mother’s Day. May just sucks for getting anything done or planning anything else.. this is why I try to tell the wife to just skip my birthday, it’s irrelevant. Just another day I flew around the sun on this big organic spaceship we call Earth!
Makes sense to me. Not quite as bad as your situation but Christmas happens at the end up December and then my wife’s birthday is in the first handful of days of Feb. Then Valentines day was right behind. It was a whole lot of money going out at once for gifts. So we decided to cut out Valentines day. For years my wife was cool with it and didn’t say a word. The last 2 years however she’s been saying things like “I didn’t fully agree to that”. “I didn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything” ect. So now I’m back to thinking we need to kick Valentines day back into high gear. I’ve always found Valentines annoying since it’s just a made up holiday, but it’s not about me is it?
I hate, hate, the made up holiday Valentine’s Day. However, this year I may have to over do it.
Sent from my iPhone
ha, whatever it takes to make her happy again right. I got my wife some fudge last year after years of not doing anything. I guess I’ll have to do more this year. Thanks a lot Hallmark.
Damn you hallmark.
The wife and I got married 10 years ago on her birthday. We where supposed to wait 2 days after but we didn’t . So I have 2 gifts to give her every year. It’s not hard to forget that cuz my son always remind me of her birthday so no worry there lol. I don’t think I will be able to switch dates like you Tony lol.
Lol. My wife has an easy birthday to remember. It’s all one number.
Sent from my iPhone
I hate most made up holidays.. most if not all are all commercialized.
Picked up Captain Planet 1 for $2.99
Could get some traction if DiCaprio can push it into production.
Pickups today so far include……
The Strain Mr. Q. #5
Detective #958a
G.L. Corps #12b nice Larfleeze cover
Titans #7 a and b
Spider-Man #12a
That’s it for now, let you guys know if I get a chance to grab anything else.
Oh yeah, be on the lookout for Grave Lillies by Cullen Bunn. I pre-ordered a couple copies but did not see it in the shop I went to.
My shop had them.. most if not all were really badly damaged with horrible spine stress marks and breaks. I picked the best one of the bunch..
My LCS was blowing out three long boxes of Star Wars back issues for $1.00 each! Including Darth Vader 25 variants. Needless to say, I stocked up on Granov variants as a long-hold. I grabbed doubles of action figure variants and put together some runs and variant sets for ebay. What a lovely day to be a Wooky!
It’s good to be a Wooky
My local shop is doing the same, they do this when books go to trade, plus they order heavy on Star Wars so lots of back issues piling up, taking up shelf space. But they don’t get the Action Figure variants though.. but those are usually long gone anyways.. I’ve been meaning to pick up some though, can’t beat these at a buck each.. buy, hold, wait..
Hey guys all cheap copies of God country #1 are sold out on ebay. Throw yours on now! Great site, 1st time poster!
Thanks man and welcome.
I just got back from them doing a signing here in Austin, both Cates and Shaw. No line, huge stack. Keep and eye out for a giveaway here on CHU.. π
Wow ! Wish that was somewhere near here…but its not. Lol I really enjoyed the first issue of God Country. This was a surprisingly fun comic day as I held zero hope that this book was going to be this good. If I would’ve known that the same guys who made Buzzkill also made this book, I would’ve preordered some. Congrats on the signed books. Getting ready to dive into Southern Bastards.
Yeah, surprisingly we had somethings in common.. both lived in Dallas area and his family was big on being truck drivers, my dad was a truck driver for a good 12 years or so.
That is cool and now Ghost Fleet perfect sense. Combat truck drivers π
Does anyone know if Curse Words has a 1:per store var. next week?
Midtown listed a Retailer Incentive for next week at $125.. I’m not certain it’s a 1 per store variant though.. usually Midtown lists those types at the $425 range..
Big week for me, Today in the mail I received 2 sets complete sets of Solar Flare and a variant for issue #1. Also got some Frankies variants in that I’ve. Wen waiting on, including, Dr. Aphra b&w and a Dell Otto Venom B&W, CHU Atoll colour and B&W and I got Hulk #1 B&W&R variant x2. From my LCS I picked up:
Heavy Metal 284, cover b
The Assignment 1(reassignment?)
God Country a x2 and a b
The Deep 1
Southern Badtards 16, cover b
US Abengers 1, deadpool variant x3 (I’ve sold a couple of these this week for 3x cover)
The Rift 1 x2
Aliens Defiance #8
Moonshine 4
All Star Bats 6, jock variant
Green Valley 4
Black Hammer #1, gonna give this a go
Suicide Squad 9, Bermejo variant
Detective 948
ANW 16
Oh, and I picked up 3 copies of Knight Guards of Relativity #1. One LCS owner told me there’s a signing this weekend by one of the creative members of this book. Apparently he’s local.
No Knights Guards for me at my local shop.. π
God Country writer and artist though at my local shop.. so I got some signed copies of both A and B π
If you wanted to work out some sort of deal where I send you some cash and a Knight Guardian for one of your 72E #1a? I had 3 when they first came out and flipped them immediately. I totally forgot to keep a copy for myself. I’m sitting on my 2nd print. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the ol PC. Let me know what your looking for, for it. I realize it’s s pipe dream, and totally expect you to capitalize on the market for that book. I had to throw it out there though.
So far I’ve located 3 of my Cover As, swore I got 4. One I plan to keep though, think I plan to list the others to maximize profit. I think Jesus wanted to deal one possibly but I’m open on cover B and C though, I think I got 5 x Cover C and 4 x Cover B.
I’ve got a really nice cover b, and I don’t think I’m going to pursue cover c. I’ve got a and b of the first 4 issues. I really messed up on this one. I sold mine for around $10-$15 within a week or two of its release. I’ve managed to flip a couple 2nd prints and a bunch of issue 2. That paid for my issue 1 cover b that I bought for $30 CDN about 2 weeks ago.
I think I also have some 2nd and 3rd prints.. I have sold none, I tucked them away in my long box to hold long term gamble… looks like it might pay off now. I know some shops that still have #2 on the shelves, I have yet to see if those are selling above cover..
I’ve sold 5 copies of issue 2 cover a, 1 copy of issue 2 cover b and a 2nd print of issue 1 for about $8/$9 + $4-6 for shipping, each. There’s definitely some interest.
I might have to snag a few #2 then at the shops that still have a few. Surprisingly.. #2 actually didn’t dip as much as one would of thought.. #1 only came in at 32k print run, #2 is showing 27k ball park.. No wonder #1 is heating up.. great book, hard to find. That’s a low number for a popular writer and Image #1..
2nd print for #1 looks like it came in at around 6,604 print run.
Nothing reported for 3rd print #1 yet.. I think it should be in Decembers listing on Comic Chron.. but it could have dipped below the 1500 if it’s not listed. Midtown had it listed as an 11/30/16 release date though..
And I just noticed the ‘ Exclusive’ logo on the back cover of The Atoll. Very cool.
Yeah that’s my exclusive. Did you just get yours in the mail. I have done like 5 exclusive covers now.
Yes. I got them in the mail today. I ordered a colour and the B&W blood variant set. I knew they were CHUs. I also had the Black #1 CHU variant, but I don’t recall seeing your logo anywhere. I really like the movie poster look of the Atoll. It truly is a sweet comic cover.
No. I was too late sending the logo over to them for black. That’s the official CHU logo. Designed by Tim Daniel.
I got mine in the mail today too. Very nice copies indeed. π
2x Enormous #6, Black #1, 2x Atoll #1, and Niobe #2
Dark Tower The Sailor 4
Unworthy Thor 2
Strain Mr. Quinlan 5
Wolfcop 2
Spread 18
Grave Lilies 1 green cover
Savage 1 reg cover
God Country 1 reg cover
Aliens Defiance #7
Avengers Vol 6 #2 Cover A Regular Alex Ross Cover
Big Trouble In Little China Escape From New York #3 Cover B Variant Eric Powell Subscription Cover
Black Science #26
Cannibal #3
Captain America Vol 1 #275
Circle (Danger Zone) #1 Cover A Regular Alyzia Zherno Cover
Clone Conspiracy #3 Cover A Regular Gabriele Dell Otto Cover
Comic Shop News #1544
Deadman Dark Mansion Of Forbidden Love #2
Dollface #1 Cover C Variant Josh Howard Cover NEXT WEEK
Eclipse #4
Elvira Mistress Of The Dark #130
Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #4
Faith (Valiant Entertainment) Vol 2 #6 Cover B Variant Juan Jose Ryp Cover
Giant Days #21
Glitterbomb #4 Cover B Trevor Rove Jameus
Green Lanterns #12 Cover B Variant Emanuela Lupacchino Cover
Hard Case Crime Triggerman #3 Cover A Regular Josh Burns Cover
Josie And The Pussycats Vol 2 #3 Cover C Variant Dean Trippe Cover
Justice League Vol 3 #10 Cover B Variant Yanick Paquette Cover
Moon Knight Vol 8 #9
Nailbiter #27
Ninjak Vol 3 #22 Cover C Variant Valiant Cat Cosplay Cover Ninja Cat!
Providence #11 Cover F Women Of HPL Cover
Reggie And Me Vol 2 #1 Cover A Regular Sandy Jarrell Cover
Reincarnate #4
Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #13
Shade The Changing Girl #3 Cover B Variant Paul Rentler Cover
Slapstick Vol 2 #1 Cover A Regular David Nakayama Cover (Marvel Now Tie-In) I heard it was good
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #1 Cover B Variant John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Cover
Superman Vol 5 #12 Cover B Variant Andrew Robinson Cover
Uber Invasion #1 Cover D Blitzkrieg Cover
Unfollow #14
Violent Love #2 Cover B Variant Victor Santos Cover
Widow Progeny #2 Cover A Regular Roy Allan Martinez Cover
X-Files Origins #4 Cover B Variant Cat Staggs Subscription Cover
Yakuza Demon Killers #2 Cover A Regular Eli Powell Cover
Hang in there Anthony, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
I also got my regular set of Solarflare 1-6 and the variant set 1-6.
Dollface 1 kick starter variant
Zombie Tramp 1-4
Zombie Tramp vs Dollface Halloween ComicFest 1
Ghost Rider 1 reg/b&w/virgin Del’otto variants.
I got the Dollface Kickstarter in too along with all the extra zombie tramps. I already have them so I am thinking of selling the zombie tramps.
Anyone pick up Doctor Crowe #1. Grabbed one looks like it may be good .Sold out at midtown.Few good sales on ebay
Grabbed both covers of 1. Sales have been nice with a vf set selling for $16 anyway. Not bad.
I was going to do a post on it last. Igbo but fell asleep. It’s a winner.
curse words
motorgirl 3
Pops: HT exclusive Flocked winnie the pooh and lara croft pops. A bunch of hot topic codes went live so I have to get some stuff! here are the codes if anyone needs them:
HTJANBDAY for $10 off $30
SPECIALDEC for $15 off $50
Hot Cash (Active 1/11/17 for HT+1 Members – 1/22/17)
$15 off $30 – VHZEMLNJ
$15 off $30 – BNP5QPR3
$30 off $60 – 7D3JTT6H
$45 off $90: MRKDAJLV
$60 off $120: AP5WWSBG
$75 off $150: FXSZ5BRD
Box Lunch Money (Active 1/12/17-1/22/17)
$20 off $40 HGCHL8MR
$40 off $80 JU7USCU6 (NEW)
My Saga #41 only turned up today, I just assumed I’d get the corrected copy as it is so late, but got the misprinted one lol not that it seems to be doing much price wise…