Greetings to my Comics Heating Up and Awesomesauce families. Thank you all for checking this article out each and every week. Before we get into the list, here are some random thoughts and musing…
Did you know you can get Jolt cola on eBay? I can’t wait to get it. The blind community, and those that like audio books, should check out Graphic Audio, they put out the best audio comic books on the market. I listened to DC 52 and now I am listening to Countdown.
I am excited to see Dwayne, the Rock, Johnson as Black Adam soon In two weeks I will have a big announcement for everyone. One last thing, if anyone needs cosplayers for an event, email Also, if you have a Shazam #28 for sale, Black Adam is the man. Now lets make
some money on some comics cause you can’t teach that
1. Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1 – Some people know about this small printed and cult book. This first issue of a mini series is hard to find. Crazy good, between $30-75, but, and I have never seen these the low, come copies on eBay starting at $7, which you never see
2. Adam Legend of the Blue Marvel #5– You know I love final issues. Usually have a much smaller print run. This one is no exception and is almost impossible to find in the wild. Goes for $25 and up
3. DC 52 Weeks #12 – 1st Isis (modern). The Rock will lay the smackdown on Superman, as well as Shazam. The Rocks says he needs his love Isis in this movie as well. If Warner Brothers had a brain they would use the Black Adam story in 52 as source material. This book is in dollar boxes as most issues of 52 are make this a ten dollar bill
4. DC 52 Weeks #23 – First Black Adam Jr. It brought a tear to my eye when that talking crocodile destroyed Black Adam Jr. He was fun. But he finds a talking animal in a mad doctor’s house, and you think he was a friend
w.t.f. but this is also a very cheap book $1-3
5. DC 52 Weeks #45 – Awesome Black Adam cover plus bBlack Adam destroys an entire nation, because you don’t f with Black Adam $1-3
6. All Star Squadron #51-54 – this is one gem. This is the first pre-crisis Mr. Mind and the monster socity of evil. Got to love this group; a worm, a witch, and a dummy. Can’t beat that Mr Mind is #awesomesauce and
it would be neat to have him ont he big screen $5
7. DC Comics Presents #33 – Superman and Shazam, this is a nice spec play. I feel it might be Superman vs Shazam in the movies or a team up but this is a cheap book and a must read for pre crisis Shazam fans $5
8. DC Comics Presents #49 – this is the third appearance of Black Adam in the bronze/copper age. Collectors Item Classics Special Edition C58 Superman vs Shazam is his second. Everything Black Adam should be on
your radar $25 and up
9. The Crow: City of Angels #1-3 – Kitchen Sink, this movie is fun, not the original Brandon Lee iconic movie, but still fun. This mini series shows the original ending of this sequel and these are cheap. The crow will make his comeback. Are these key? Hell no, but for the Crow “got to get em all” crowd, well here you go $3-5
10. Amazing Spiderman #76 (volume 1) – first Randy Robertson. Will Robbie Robertson’s baby boy make it into Homecoming. I hope so. And in a market where first appearances, especially undervalued ones, have a chance to shine well then this is a perfect storm $10 and up
11. Amazing Spiderman #51 (volume 1) (volume 1) Well, speaking of Randy’s dear old dad. Robbie Robertson makes his first appearance in this silver age classic, as this is the second Kingpin and the first Kingpin cover. $10
and up
12. Image Plus #7 – credit goes to Topher S. for this one. I now need to go snag this, but according to Topher, this is the first appearance and preview of God Country the, new image smash hit. Is it really the next saga let me know please? $5
13. Marvel Team Up Annual #4 – Power Man,Iron Fist, Daredevil, and Purple Man, all Netflix characters. You also get Moon Knight, who could be coming to the show. Seems like a Defenders episode to me.
14. Mary Jane Watson Toon Tumbler Baltimore Comic Con 2006 – not a comic book. However these pint glasses are quit popular, just eBay search the frosted X-Men ones. This lovely Mary Jane Watson one was a exclusive from Baltimore 2006. One I can never find for sale on eBay at that. I will gladly pay a nice fee for one (email me) $25-50. There is also a Gwen Stacey from 2007 and a 2011 Stan Lee tumbler that I know of. Toon tumblers are #awesomesauce
15. Shazam #35 – final bronze age issue of the first volume of the big red cheese. Final issues from this era are tough to find and are highly collectible $10
16. Superman #20 – Gleason showed the cover for this issue on his Twitter. The new costume looks sweet. This cover is dope. Pre-order it
as I see it being just like #10
17. DC Holiday Special 2016 – I am calling this the “first appearance of the super sons team”. I really liked the story with Batwoman. The story was great too and it is a ghost in the wild as it has a low print run $7-10
18 Domino #1-4 – Domino is coming to Deadpool 2. Her and Cable. X-Force #11 is a $20 book and this mini series is still really cheap $10-20 a set. WTF? Domino will be great
19. Beavis and Butthead #3 – yes this is in quarter and fifty cent bins. Damn shame because you have Beavis and Butthead, the voice of a generation, my generation, reading a comic book with Mary Jane Watson drawn by John Romita Sr. Plus Venom and Carnage as well. I say this twenty eight issue series is just amazing and needs a price bump
20. Shazam #8 (volume 1) – the amazing thing about the bronze age Shazam series is how many 100 pagers the series had. All tough to find in high grade. However #8, reprints the Marvel Family #1 from the golden age. This dude made his first appearance in that golden age classic, Ted Adams, the greatest Marvel. The nation destroying member of the JSA. Shazam #28
gets all the love but this book shouldn’t be overlooked same goes for JSA #21
where he becomes a member of the team as I could see him being used in a Suicide Squad movie down the road $20 and up
o.k. I need to finish up the countdown audio book and I have a meeting with a model tomorrow. As always thank you guys for everything. I love you guys and hope to see you at a show sometime soon.
now that I fade away I find myself obsolete
blind adam out
14 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems #41”
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Definitely gotta pick up some sets of domino for my personal collection. For that cheap how can you not?
They got one set on ebay for $6 right now (buy it now).
I spent my weekend doing some comic organizing and unearthed my old Beavis and Butthead graphic novel, which contains the Carnage and Venom skit. So it made me laugh when they made the list this go round.
Thanks for the nod bud. I fell like the Image Plus books are undervalued now, considering how many each store gets and how they are manhandled I bet they do alright down the road! Great article, love that Beavis & Butthead comic!
I agree with you on the Image Plus being under valued. I have been telling people to grab these for the previews of upcoming books. Not to mention the Negan back story. These are gold at $1.99.
I have been buying multiple copies since issue #1.
I went to a comic show and sold a bunch of my comics for a dollar after sorting-out any of the ones I knew had value. I realize now I actually kept the, “Blue Marvel,” issues I had in the dollar-items not realizing it actually has some apparent value. I maybe should have been suspicious when someone eagerly bought all five issues from me for five bucks, but I figured they just liked the character. Whoops! At least I kept my stuff featuring X-23 out of the dollar bins and have sold some of that old stuff for a decent amount thanks to the buzz surrounding, “Logan,” and how it may feature her.
Nice picks as usual Adam.
The beauty of being on the site for a while is seeing stuff crop up like DC Holiday Special, which I think most dismissed when it came out a couple of months ago!
Very nice list! Loaded up on Shazam 28 years ago and picked up a few of ISIS’s first appearance but I am wondering if she will make it onto the big screen at least with her name intact. Hollywood has gotten so politically correct the past decade I can’t see them using her and calling her “ISIS”. I hope I’m wrong.
Agree with them possibly avoiding using Isis name, but nothing to do with PC, more to do with what the media will make of it and any negative connotations with what our TV/radio news call “So-called Islamic State!”
is all star squadron 51 the first app of the crew and why pick 51 to 54?
all star squadron #51-54 fetures mr mind and the crew and is #awesomesauce so I put it ont he list. plus all star squadron back issues are undervalued especiallyt he keys #58and imagte plus stuff will do well int eh future blind adam out
The DC Holiday Special has been selling between 12-16 pretty consistently for a while as it was specced as 1st Super Sons team-up story before release. My main lcs has about 40 copies left because of the $10 tag which is why many shops under ordered it. The big 2 don’t get that books priced that high really don’t sell well on release and often end up in discount bins. Deadpool is a perfect example- every book that is priced @ $9.99 from current series is readily available and easy to find as they collect dust on shelves.
Yes the Image +are extremely undervalued not just for the previews and 1st apps but the Negan origin series in them as well. These are pretty htf in the wild and hard to find in high grade due to being magazine size. Only 1 shop out of 8 immediately around me carries them and that shop is the smallest. I picked up the entire run up to current last week from there for a buck an issue. I’m not a fan of previews as 1st apps personally but if the market is buying them, I’ll flip them