As always, only read on if you do not mind spoilers. While we mask the spoiled images, the supporting text is not masked. Also, language alert, it is The Walking Dead after all.
The Walking Dead #165 is out tomorrow and has a pretty big cliffhanger of an ending.
When we last left off, Alexandrea was still under siege from the zombies at the end of Whisperer War. The Saviors were waiting in the wings to make their move.
Negan takes such joy in his work. But…
Rick to the rescue. Negan is his old smarmy self.
Meanwhile, Eugene’s side project gets noticed in a big way.
Andrea, Michonne, and the rest of the riders are still pushing the zombies towards the ocean.
Looks like it is working.
The Saviors make their move.
And former savior Dwight gets a warm welcome.
A really warm welcome
Meanwhile, Eugene, Andrea, and the rest of the riders hit a road block.
And Eugene steps in to the rescue.
That works out in typical Eugene fashion.
Not well that is
Andrea to the rescue then….
But Eugene really has taken to the hero role.
Everyone chips in to help….
But is it working…..
And our cliffhanger…..
In case you missed it…..
So give us your thoughts on the “Oh $#!+” moment….. Just look at her neck…..
19 thoughts on “Spoilers: The Walking Dead #165 Big Cliffhanger”
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You mean you didn’t see the bite on her neck?
I saw it. Not sure if everyone else would but have appended the post
Yeah I saw you did and was like “whoops,how do I delete”
She’s up the creek. Time for Rick to hunt for a new toy.
Michonne’s available.. her love interest lost his head.. literally, lost his head!
I wasn’t looking at his neck man
Is that a bite or a bullet? Either way it’s been awhile since we lost a major player in the series.
Bite. Google Walking Dead 167 cover image
I’m really reaching here but, maybe in all the commotion Eugene accidentally bit her.
That cover shows no bite.. sigh!
Well, I actually liked Andrea in the comic but she was annoying in the show. Was so happy she died in the show..
I hated her in the show. But the cover shows Rick’s reaction to her being bit.
Yeah…. It’s a dead giveaway with the gun in his hand.
I’m hoping it’s just a gun shot
If Andrea dies. WE RIOT!!
Nah…. She can die. It’s what people in the zombie apocalypse do best.
since andrea is long gone in the show, and it seems like michonne is replacing her, do you think this will happen to michonne in the show?
Probably not. They got rid of Andrea on the show because she was kind of lame (better choice of words than I thought)