Aloha CHUniverse, and welcome back to Weekend Specs! This week we have a big rumor that Sony is putting out a Nightwatch solo film ahead of the Spawn reboot. Heartthrob a low print Indy book was optioned as well this week. Also we have a possible villain for Punisher revealed in the recent teaser trailer. Lastly a few easter eggs that took me multiple viewings and years to find before I noticed them. Let’s jump in!!!
Web of Spider-Man #97, #99
1st Kevin Trench, 1st Nightwatch
So apparently Marvel is going to rush out a solo Nightwatch movie by Sony as a middle finger to Todd McFarlane. Supposed official announcement coming soon of the wannabe Spawn movie. This whole arc of Web of Spider-Man might be worth a pickup as I recently wrote this book up in a previous post.
Heart Throb #1
This small print run Oni Press book has been optioned. Will it go anywhere only time will tell. But it’s a cheap spec and has three covers. The Fleetwood Mac homage is kinda funny, can’t get over those dangling balls.
Punisher vol.6 #13, #14
1st William Rawlins
From the newly released Punisher show teaser some are saying he appears in a brief clip. This might also be a clip of Jigsaw pre completely destroyed face. Cheap spec, villains from Netflix shows do see a little pop.
X-Man #1 1st Nate Grey
With the introduction of Cable in the Fox film franchise one must ask what does that mean for Cable’s brother from another dimension. X-man is one of the top power level characters in Marvel along the likes of Franklin, Legion, Phoenix, etc.. Also let’s not forget Nate’s arch nemesis Onslaught who’s first appearance I’ve wrote up in the past. Don’t sleep on these books because they are in dollar bins, they may pan out in the next couple years.
What if Vol.2 #30 1st grown up Valeria?
I just wrote up Valeria Richards/Von Doom and her many different first appearances, not long ago, in Weekend Specs for the rumored F4 reboot. In my back issue searching I ran across another book that could be considered her first that isn’t talked about at all. I like to search What ifs? lately because a few of them have hit and done well, found this in the dollar bin and couldn’t be happier.
Longshot #1, and Giant Size X-men Annual #10
1st Longshot
So after watching AOA probably about a dozen times, I noticed there’s a little boy with Longshot’s haircut in a background shot. In all my searching I haven’t found anyone that has mentioned this. There’s mention of the hand in a tank of the Collectors in Guardian of the Galaxy as being a Longshot easter egg, which it is and is actually unintentional. No mention of the little boy with the blonde mullet in AOA though. I believe Longshot #1 is the first appearance even though Giant Size X-men Annual #10
says introducing Longshot on the cover. I’ve highlighted these books in the past with Mojo’s 1st appearance in a cheap villains spec. I do think we will see a Longshot at some point in film.
Sleepwalker #1 1st Sleepwalker
Good ol Sleepy, this pick goes with the book above, an easter egg I missed a dozen times. Sleepwalker’s outfit appears in the background of Big Hero 6 film along with some other Marvel-verse easter eggs. You can see them here (page 3). Big Hero 6 returns this November in a television series with the original cast. The show has already been renewed for a second season before its first episode has even aired. A couple rumors go along with this, that some Marvel characters will cameo in the television series and that this will lead to Big Hero Six 2 or let’s call it Big Hero 7.
So there you have it friends this weekends edition of Weekend Specs. I find it funny how you can watch a movie multiple times and miss little things, but maybe one of these little things missed may have importance down the road. I also want to say the Batman Harley Quinn cartoon is a good watch and Harley is pretty funny. Stinking up the Batmobile. I should have another PGX unboxing article coming up soon, as well as a write up for the Guardians of the Galaxy ride and the Disney collector’s store. We will be on vacation soon and plan on checking out some of the comic stores we order from in California and Arizona on our trip. Jesse James here we come! Until next time friends, thanks for reading and happy hunting!!!
12 thoughts on “Alana's Weekend Specs: Wannabe Spawn”
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Thanks Alana.
Found 4 copies of heartthrob for about $3 each so grabbed those as well as a couple of others you recommended!
The Punisher villian could be bushwacker as well. He had a mechanized arm that hid a small arsenal.
Love these speculation picks!
Picked up a few sets of Web #97 & 99 when rumors were circulating that Spawn Jr (Nighwatch) might be in Homecoming. Of course that turned out to be false… I did pick up a couple more with this news on the cheap….BUT the rumors also mentioning Spike Lee as the possible director….I don’t know with that. Tread lightly. Pick some up for sure, but only if you find them cheap. Local comic shops are still probably a good place to find them. If a movie does materialize it won’t matter who directs it, the book will spike upward (no pun) for a short period at least…”IF” by some miracle the film turns out to be good the character might become popular and move from D lister a B lister….but that is a whole lot to ask for! Since Nightwatch has been talked about and rumored for a while now I would think Sony wants to do something with him. Cautious optimism with it. I just hope they change the costume a bit so it isn’t an obvious rip off of Spawn. McFarlane has wads of cash…I could see him taking this to court!
If McFarlane lost the Haunt suit that Marvel had against him, Todd totally has a case for infringement against them with this character design. IMO
Yeah….. If this movie goes all the way, I would expect a pretty major costume re-deign… The character isn’t well known at all, so I think it would be foolish on their part not to .
Love these, Look forward to them!
Longshot#1 is definitely the 1st appearance of Longshot. Uncanny X-men Annual#10 is just his first appearance outside of his own mini-series. It is the 1st appearance of the X-Babies, though! People hate them, but I’ve always been a fan of them, lol. And I am also a big fan of the Mojoverse in general. Since Longshot was originally a Marvel Universe character, not an X-men character, and Marvel recently tried to emphasize that with Longshot’s own comments in “Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe”, I was hoping he’d be a shared-use character that Marvel could actually bring him into the MCU.
Hearthrob is a great read. I’ve been buying it all along. I think I got an extra of #1, but may need to seek out more…
#awesomesauce . any web of spierman between #50-100 are super cheap. all great pick ups. uncanny x-men #10 has been on my rader for some time. as I thought the x-babies would make a great animated series. and I still need to watch the a.o.a. movie. I am buying all punisher keys . including the meed binder and trapper keeper products fromt he mid 1970s. I recentally scored a few sets of longshot just in case. and batman Harley Quinn was #awesomesauce and may be in my top five animatedharley Quinn moments of all time . just for the music and fast food place sceens alone . thank you for doing weekend spec and have a great day #testify blind adam out
I just wanted to say that you’re awesome. I love reading your articles.
Books a Million ( & probably 2nd and Charles) had copies of Heartthrob #1 marked down to $1.00, just picked up a couple regular cover. There is a Season Two #1, so watch out on buying that one instead of the real #1. They also had the Fried Pie variants for $4.99.
Picked up Web of Spiderman 97 and 98. Saw #99 – but passed it up as the condition was just awful. Might go back to my LCS and grab them anyway. Art work for these Books is also awful. Hurts my eyes just trying to read the books.