Happy Memorial Day! A great day to remember all those people who we lost to defend our freedoms here in America. Poyo also says to try and not confuse today with Veterans Day, which it seems some do.
Welcome again to another fabulous edition of things I like and don’t like. I try to balance them out but sometimes I dislike more than I like and sometimes I like more than I dislike. So sit back and enjoy my ramblings.
Amazing So Many Covers Spider-Man
Amazing Spider-Man #800 comes out this week and it has so many covers. So many! It’s also a $9.99 book. Thanks Marvel, nothing beats you throwing in a few more pages in a comic book to jack the price up. How about rewarding your readers with perhaps a $4.99 cover price and eat into some of those profits Disney seems to be enjoying?
So that’s two things I don’t like then, a billion covers to choose from and a heft price tag. Red Goblin has already appeared so I’m not anticipating a big new emerging character to be introduced in this issue (it’d be really sneaky if they did) but instead just some “amazing” Dan Slott story telling that will change Spidey’s future forever, all for Nick Spencer to disregard when he takes over.
So that’s some good news then, this issue means we are closer to Dan Slott’s run on Spider-Man, which is something I like.
Buy Cover A or the cover you like and be done with this one. Save your hard earned dollars on other spec prospects this week.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
I was lucky enough to see Solo this past Friday on opening day and I walked in with zero expectations.
I actually really enjoyed the movie. I was a bit skeptical of the Han casting (so I had some expectations, sue me for caring about my Star Wars movies), but I thought he did a way better job than anyone else could have likely done.
Donald Glover as Lando was classic, he nailed that character.
Another surprise is a droid that stole the show for me with their witty humor like we saw in Rogue One. That goes to L3-37.
Overall I really liked the movie. It’s not going to be my favorite Star Wars movie but I think they did a splendid job. The scene when Han and Chewy sit in the pilot’s seat in the Millennium Falcon bought back some 80s youth nostalgia for me. It was great to see some of the scenes played out from all of Han’s stories he can’t seem to stop talking about in his older days.
There was a surprise character appearance I thought was a great addition to this movie as well. Sure he was shown through a hologram message but it’ll be interesting if they bring him into a few more back story movies they likely have planned in the future.
Walking Dead Day
I understand that Walking Dead still has it’s hardcore fans. But with numbers dropping for the TV series and what seems to be more people not caring as much for the comics (seriously, every issue had the chance of going up in value at one point), I think this is just a sad attempt of a cash grab for yet another reprint of issue #1. But really, a globally celebrated event? Kirkman really putting himself on the highest pedestal he can think of.
And one would think they could come up with a great looking cover but it’s Adlard’s artwork depicting a homage style cover of Tony Moore’s classic cover in front of a comic book store. If you ask me, the artwork is terrible looking. I sure hope that’s not the final artwork. Is it me or does it seem like Rick has his pants on backwards? But it gets better, if you own a shop, you can get your shops logo or name on the cover.
Yes, get your logo on your own very Walking Dead #1 15th Anniversary comic book. I’m sure there’s a limit and we all know how much we love specific store logos on our books right? Even FCBD people will pay more for the books that aren’t stamped by the store. I have a local shop that’s still trying to unload their ASM books that did this very thing years back.
Horrible idea and unoriginal. Image needs to hire some new marketing people if you ask me. Seems they are a little desperate with their recent tactics of 2nd print announcements, flip flopping on store variant stance and so on.
The Magic Order Again?
Last week I said I didn’t like the no second printings for issue #1. Because you know, Image is trying to make comics “collectible” again while also doing the same very tactics that ruin it.
This week I realized that there might not be a second printing scheduled but it sure does seem like there’s a bunch of store specific variants for this new book. Which one should you buy? Well, if this book does happen to heat up any, go with cover A. But buy the one you like most if you plan on keeping it for the personal collection.
I’ve seen the SDCC, C2E2 ReedPOP, A Place In Space and Port City Comics so far for pre-sale. I’m sure there’s going to be more and more along with the 4 or so covers that Image is doing themselves.
The only thing I really like about this book is the artist, who Anthony still can’t say properly.
That’s all I got for this week. I hope everyone enjoys this 5th Wednesday of the month for new comic book day which are usually slower but seems like there’s more interesting books this week than in weeks past.
I havent seen Solo yet, but ive read/heard about the unmentioned return of an old character. That is awesome, because that character needs more screen time. It makes me giddy to go see it.
Yeah, it was a total surprise for me.
Idk that appearance really makes you question the Staw Wars timeline and brings in a million other questions that don’t have answers even if you are a fan of the animated shows. The actor did a good job but still looks older then Harrison Ford as Solo in the first Star Wars I thought. For no lightsabers battles it was an ok movie worth a watch. The Aura Sing mention was my favorite part.
Yoda is 900 years old. Lifespans in force sensitive beings in the Star Wars universe is already established. His appearance doesn’t question any time lines, for me.
Yeah and even Chewbacca claims in Solo he’s already 190 years old.
Also in Solo you can clearly see he’s aged as well from his earlier appearance in the timeline.
I believe Kirkman is taking a solo flight on WDD, to circumnavigate the globe. I believe this is what he is referring to as when he says ‘Globally celebrated event’. It is literally him celebrating TWD as he flies around the world, alone. ?
I didn’t see solo yet but I went solo to see deadpool 2. See what I did there? I definitely liked it.
I liked Deadpool. The end credits were classic.
With what appears to be Andrew Lincoln, Danai Gurira and Lauren Cohan leaving “Walking Dead”, it’s going to be high time they wrapped up the show .. some consideration might need to be given to the comics folks are holding .. just a thought ..
I read Lauren Cohan is splitting time doing other projects but will be back for the show, only committing to 6 episodes of next season.
Not sure what they planned if Rick does leave and they can’t convince him to stay, he’s the entire story. Some might not believe it but when Rick dies or leaves, the story ends.
Honestly they need to wrap it up, I know Daryl has his followers but he can’t pull off being the main character with his renegotiated 20 million dollar deal.
The show is well past it’s Prime .. I hope AMC gives us that have stuck with it a kick ass wrap up season ..
Yup, end it now and end the comic book. Both are past their prime.
Agree ..
You know, this makes sense. Andrew Lincoln is the primary star on this show. He’s seeing his co-stars get time split from the show to go do other projects and I’m sure he has to turn down offers cause he’s almost in every single episode. So after 9 seasons, he’s probably really itching to move on to other things now.
Yeah, well, if you look at Danai Gurira and “Black Panther”, that just has to make Lincoln chomp at the bit .. I knew Michonne would be leaving the minute I walked out of the Theater at the end of Panther ..
I’m doing a write up now about this news, it’s worthy of its own article.
Now, if Kirkman wants to develop a new show, centered around Civilization rebuilding after the “Feudal Lords” period that we’ve been in, I’m fine with that .. but it is time to move on to a new narrative
These days, “Fear the Walking Dead” beats regular “Walking Dead” .. AFAIC ..