Welcome once again to the weekly ramblings. I try to focus on the news and events around the current week.
What do I have in store for this week? As I’m typing this it seems it’s going to be a lighter like and dislike week but I’ll let you all be the judge of that.
The news of Jeff Lemire’s Descender continuing on with a new story titled Ascender got me smiling.
Although I’m a little behind reading Descender, I’m sure I’ll be picking up Ascender once it hits store shelves as Lemire rarely disappoints, certainly a top 5 writer in my book currently.
Batman And Catwoman… Sitting in a Tree..
Catwoman left Batman standing all alone up at the alter in the mega issue Batman #50? Who didn’t see this coming right? Batman is a loner and anyone who though they were gonna actually get married was fooled.
Mark this as things I like. I hope all you retailers didn’t go to heavy on that marketing PR of a book. Now Tom King, can we drop the dumb love stories and get on with Batman being Batman? If I want a soap drama, I’m sure I can find some “All My Children” episodes in the VHS section at my local Half Price Books.
His new book Farmhand hits shelves this week. I’ve already read it with a advance digital review copy but I liked it so much, I just want my physical copy now.. and issue #2 to be released already.. perhaps #3 as well. That’d be great!
Free Comic Wednesdays
Anthony posted up a giveaway this past week as did Shawn B.. Gotta love the free comic giveaways by just commenting your name for the most part. You give us your name, Anthony uses that for his upcoming world domination plans, you might win some great comics. What more could you ask for?
You all just hold on though, I’m hoping to have a really fun giveaway (in the near future) but you have to pay attention to Poyo’s posts and possibly comments for clues. But I’m hoping it’s going to be a really great giveaway and you’ll hopefully have fun trying to win.
Wednesday Winners Gone Again…
With all the great spec books, what happened to the Wednesday winner posts? Anthony, you tease. You brought them back a few weeks ago but none since. Perhaps I could get off my lazy chicken butt and do them myself. I still love you Anthony.
Ding Dong Dan Slott’s Gone
Just had to throw it out there one more time that Dan Slott is officially gone now from Amazing Spider-Man since Nick Spencer takes over this Wednesday for the web slinger.
We should throw a huge virtual party to celebrate.
That’s all I got this week folks. Tell me what you like or dislike this week in the comments section.
I was walking through a neighbourhood in my home city of Toronto last week and came across this sign. I thought it is amazing and wanted to share it with you guys.

Nice. Didn’t Canada officially recognize Jedi as a religion?
Thought that was England
Maybe, cant recall. I’m sure it was a consensus survey and wasnt actually real.
I did not know the answer to that question, Poyo. But after a brief research job, No. Canada has not recognized Jediism as a real? religion. In 2001, 21000 Canadians put there official religion as Jediism on that years national census. However, that number had dwindled to 9000 by 2011. The article I have quoted here also mentioned that official religions’ clergymen can act as a person who is authorized to solemnize marriage. And no recording wedding has been officiated by a Jedi. ?
I actually liked Slott’s last year on Spidey after hating Spider Island and other crappy stories (Superior was really nice too).
Some writing wasn’t terrible but I think he did far more harm than good overall. His worst writing was with Silver Surfer to be honest. I love Silver Surfer but his take on it was awful.
Don’t Like: 1000 covers to new Marvel “#1’s” Too overwhelming! If I had an interest in the new Cap, or Spider-Man, I just going to simply pass. It’s Too Much!!!
**I will, however, buy that Invisible Woman FF #1 by Artgerm! But couldn’t they saved the rest for #2, 3, and 4? Would make a nice set, but not all the same book.
Tis why I just buy Cover A when a reboot happens and they have 15 billion covers.
Oh great Agentpoyo do you like keeping polybagged comics in the polybag…..or do you not like that and transfer them into a proper bag and board?
I remove. Polybags destroy the comics over time.
Thanks I’ll do the same. I never really thought about it too much until I tried to bag and board some polybags I received recently. The xmen wedding issues. Looked terrible and I was wondering if I was doing more damage than good.
Definitely remove the polybag if it is only there to hide the cover image.
Oh, I forgot about deadbeat eBay buyers in my dislike list.
So I had some Walking Dead Auctions end. Some deadbeat named zombiesniper66 bid them up likely never having the intention of paying for them. The buyer actually asked to only pay for one of the 2 auctions he won cause he didn’t have enough money for them but then said he would pay later on when he did. After a week, I started the whole non-payment process.
Poyo says, if you can’t afford to buy stuff on eBay then don’t bid on stuff on eBay. It’s a pretty easy concept to live by, even outside of eBay. If you can’t afford it, don’t go shopping then.
So to all your sellers out there, block zombiesniper66 as he’s a deadbeat buyer. We should really put together a eBay deadbeat buyer list that people can use to easily copy and paste to block deadbeats like this guy.