Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 226th edition of the open forum!

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?

154 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

    1. I need to give a shout out to wells for sending me some sweet Brazilian edition foil Lee Bermejo Star Wars comics.

          1. I did too. But, the 1st costumed will be interesting to see. Unfortunately I got rid of my 165s a while back. I may have 1 or 2 left in a box. Haven’t checked yet.

            1. I think I still have 165 around here too. I rearranged and consolidated boxes in order. In the one room I have 59 short boxes. That is not all that I have either. So I have a lot of what heats up just out of sheer volume of comics I own.

              1. I flipped my 165s before I read my copies and the Host of Venom mini. When I read those runs, I was like ‘damn, I shouldnt have sold those’. I remember thinking that Sleeper seemed like a neat twist on the highly overused symbiote trope that Marvel runs with. *I just checked, and I did keep at least one copy of #165. ?

  1. My pick up list, unless any spoilers compel me to buy differently is:

    Venom 11 CV A and Watchmen CV
    GOTG #2
    Avengers no road home #2
    Aquaman #45 full Namma appearance
    Black Order #4 hyuk lee CV
    Avengers #15

  2. The new swamp thing dc 100 page giant seems to be flying off eBay. Sales around $12 shipped. A 1st appearance of some character, Char-man? May be he reason.

          1. I didn’t say the price was popping, but there have been 15+ sales (not including lots) of the book in the last 2 days, most of which are $12+’shipped.

            I agree, not worth my time but something to keep an eye on…the best NM copies will be gone in the next several days I predict…and if this does pop you could be left with VF/NM or worse condition copies.

            I grabbed one copy, but because I liked the Capullo cover. Made sure it was the best of the 6 copies they had.

            1. Profit is profit. bigger is better of course but as heat cools down on a book you take what you can get before it turns into a loss and into dead inventory. Who knows when the dead inventory gets hot again. Make it up one books like Span 293 which went off the charts for about 2 weeks with a $2.99 cover price. I found a book yesterday that I bought several copies of 10 years ago that I check and it’s trending 19.99 or more raw.

                1. Profit is profit. Think of all the books that you’ve bought that will likely never make their way above the 50 cent bin box status.. Live the speculator’s life with no regrets I say.

                2. @MattCouden, if you took that $25 and invested it in 5 hot books the next week, and sold those for double cover, rinse and repeat, then you have earned more than what IH2 is worth now. Yes, its a bit of leg work, but, its a much better way to approach those premature sales. For every premature sale, there will be 5 that you’ll be glad you didnt hang onto.

          2. An extra $5, or a free comic, is always worth it for me. $5 for 5 minutes work is not that bad. Not to mention that the book has 2 1st appearances. If you can get decent copies, it is well worth the investment/speculation, imo. Mind you, Im in Canada so I have zero access to these books. If you can walk into a walmart, buy 10 copies of this book, and turn that $50 into $100 (potentially more), that isn’t something I would walk away from or dismiss so easily.

              1. I believe they are only available in the Wallymart Mega Store (or whatever it is referred to as). And Canadas locations are not those types of Wallymart.

              1. The PISA rankings for academics has Canada ranked 6th in mathematics, science and reading, while the US is ranked 31st.


                PISA is the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment. Every three years it tests 15-year-old students from all over the world in reading, mathematics and science. The tests are designed to gauge how well the students master key subjects in order to be prepared for real-life situations in the adult world. Why choose 15-year-olds? Because in most countries, at the age of 15, students can decide whether or not they want to continue their education. They therefore need to be equipped for adult life.

    1. From what I understand, DRog, it is the 1st of a new female character named Briar, who teams up w/ Swamp Thing. It is also the 1st of the new villain Char Man.

      1. I flipped through it and saw Briar…not familiar with her but maybe it’s that. The Char Man looked to be wiped out by the end of the story…might have been a one-and-done character.

        1. Could just be all hype right now as well. Only available at Walmart. Some people avoid Walmart like the plague (myself included, totally dislike Walmart) so they’re seeking them out in the secondary market.

          But then again, these odd ball type issues with first appearances seem to hold their value over time if the characters prove worthy.

          1. Its no different than the week to week wednesday spec that we talk about, imo. A 1st is a 1st. In fact, I think the Wal Mart ‘exclusivity’ kinda helps drive the spec.

      1. Is Wulfborne a mini or an ongoing series, @BrianMiddletonJr?
        Its always fun to have a creator join us in CHUs forum. Cheers.

  3. I see that DC once again pushed back the release date for Batman Damned #3. I’m glad I didn’t pre-order any. I’ll just wait for my signed copy of #1 to come so I can get rid of it and my 4 copies of #2 all at once.

  4. hey gang, I am picking up venom #11 all 3 covers. sharkey #1,g.o.g #2,avengers #15-b true belivers both of em and a copy ofuncanny x men #435 wwinter is really buming me out have to miss a shazam&maybe a Donny cates siging winter co go suck it love you all blind adam out

  5. Pre-ordered these books:

    AQUAMAN #45

    Also picked up a couple Immortal Hulk #1s since they were at cover price.

  6. Looks like the comic creeper is out there again from reports. Love that some people who have no lives, wives, jobs, and are so bitter that they have nothing else to do other than trying to tear down other people. Guess when you don’t work and sit around all day the comic creeper has nothing else to do but complain about people’s sites and groups. Must be a sad life

    1. He certainly had his comic justice warrior hat on last night, as usual. The creeper has So much self manufactured outrage. Has anyone ever seen his comic police badge. I heard its shiny. I wonder, when he reads this, if he will again make another post asking others to compliment him. Lmao. (Isnt that what Dictator Trump does too?).

      1. Lol. You always give me a good chuckle. FYI: I was corrected by a good friend last night when using the phrase “Dictator Trump”. I was told I was giving him too much credit.

        1. I agree with your friends assessment, JanMan. Trump is a soulless grifter. He is not intelligent enough to be a dictator. Try as he might.

          1. Keep snarky political comments out of CHU! Not everyone shares your personal political views. Getting overly political or politically insulting on this site will only cause arguments and possibly even drive newer readers away or even regulars who are just getting sick of it all! It would be just as easy to say Obama was a traitor that gave money to Iran or that Pelosi wants to usurp the presidency and be a dictator or that Sanders is one step away from being a full blown communist. Fact is none of that is true just as Trump is not even close to being a dictator. Stop this polarized political nonsense and keep it about freaking comic books!

            1. Comic books. Comic books. Comic books. I agree 100%. Keep the politics to Facebook. Talk comics here. This is an oasis. An escape from all the crap going on in the outside world. I don’t care if you are a Democrat or a republican or somewhere in between. It doesn’t matter. We are all here for comics.

              1. I’ll tell you one thing. Just about everyone on here who has gotten overly political, outside of those politics, I think I would like quite a bit. I am in CA. A very liberal state. Most of my friends lean left a little or a lot. We keep politics out of it at all times. Been friends with them for decades now.

      1. The creeper is a guy who moderates another comic spec group. This particular individual who likes to think of himself as the be all to end all of comic police. He posted on his group, which I think the post has been removed now, about how Tony had released spoilers for the GotG#2 book that came out today and accused Tony of Pumping up the issue in order for Tonys secrect friends to unload their copies of the 1:25 incentive for said book. It is rather humorous, imo.

        1. There are just some people that are so toxic and bitter that they spend more time worrying and bad mouthing everyone else than doing something constructive. I don’t bother going to the soon to be dead google plus but people love to send me screen shots of others toxicity

        2. But in all seriousness.. If Tony has secret friends then I’m not one of them. Most of the time I don’t see the spoilers until he posts them.. a real jack ass I tell you.. won’t even show me the spoilers, the guy who hasn’t set foot in a comic shop pretty much for 3 months now. 🙂

            1. One could argue that BS (comic creeper) was pumping the Sabrina #1 Hughes exclusive. He posted about it, even though he claims that store exclusives are ruining the hobby, and then him and some of the other mods and his friends bought up a substantial portion of the 500 print run, then continued to count down the book on their site, as it was selling out on the stores site, in order to make people feel ‘rushed’ to go buy it. If he didnt make a post about that book, it would not have sold out as fast as it did, if at all. Said store is local to me and I am privy to who bought what from that store. Now, for some reason, BS praises his obvious pump while going around accusing everyone else of exactly the same thing. The ironing is delicious.

                1. The Simpsons, particularly the Conan O’Brien years, are a big part of my psyche. My posts and lexicon are littered w/ obscure Simpsons references. Im glad you share that w/ me, David.B.. i know Tony is in that club too.

                1. Not to mention that Stadiums web site has constant pop ups that tells you who bought what and when.

                2. And, several members of that group posted in the thread, how many copies they bought. One mod stated he bought 20 copies of the 500 print run. Thats 4% of the entire print run, according to his word, that one mod, of the group with the pump post, had purchased. So, 1/25 copies will be in the hands of one speculator. It doesnt take to many people to make that 1:25 number become 1:12 or 1:6 or 1:3.

                3. ‘Yes – but unless you look at their website all the time – you will not be able to track it.’

                  Exactly. If one wanted too, they could take the time to determine certain facts about sales from Stadium, based off of those pop ups. Im glad you see my point.

  7. Might want to check your local Ross found the giant sized Marvel Legends Deadpool, Black Panther, and Hulk for $15 each.

  8. Avengers No Road Home 2
    Black Widow 2
    Black Order 4 (both covers)
    Just stuff I’m going to read this week it looks like.

  9. I was traveling in Indiana & while at a mall with the family stopped into a Thinkgeek store (we don’t have those where I live). They had a comic spinner & a few small boxes of more recent comics all bagged & boarded.
    Picked up a copy of Immortal Hulk 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 & 11 (x2) all at cover in beautiful shape.
    Was a nice unexpected surprise!

    1. That’s a good deal. I don’t recall seeing comics at my local ThinkGeek stores. Must of been a one off or employee unloading their collection or something.

    2. Which ThinkGeek were you at? I’m in Indiana and haven’t seen comics at them before so I’m certainly interested.

      1. This mall was called the “Tippecanoe Mall” (sp) in LaFayette. My son lives in Frankfort. We just went there to kill time & was great as my wife had put a “no comic shop searching” rule into effect for the trip lol.
        There was a spinner towards the back & 3 boxes of varied books in the very back (by marvel legends figs).
        All were bagged/boarded & had a scan/price scan code on the bag. Lot of titles from both DC/Marvel, but no variants/only A covers.

          1. Even better than a new wife is an old wife. If you managed to get rid of the 1st one, why the hell would you get a new one. ?

  10. My pick ups today have been delayed due to heavy snow here in the Baltimore Washington region. Did pick up a Captain Marvel #17 (first series, first red costume) a Submariner #1 and a Marvel Premiere #15

        1. Those weeks are the best!…Where you want to feel more guilty about your purchases than you do because of the sheer awesomeness of what ya bought!..if that makes any sense. Nice pick ups! That Sub Mariner #1 may be the big winner if Marvel ever introduces him in their film U!

  11. Picking up:
    Monstress 20

    Terry Moore announced a new series, Five Years: “What would you do if you knew the world had five years left? If you could do something about it, would you? Who would you call for help? The Terryverse joins together to fight a common enemy and the countdown begins in May!”

    Eric Powell announced The Goon 20th Anniversary Tour with a stop in Portland, OR.

      1. I found a copy of the early Ant Series that had a Spiderman #1 cover swipe (cant remember what issue, i think it was #3 or #4), in the $1 bins a few years ago. I sold it for a hefty profit, but I now regret selling it. I wish that book was in my PC.

  12. Putting in calls hoping to get a GOTG #2 Scalera and the Return of Wolverine #5 Granov Variants before they’re snatched up.

  13. ant was a fun book.larry had a sweet variant back in the day.tony what shape is the subby in?love that book.just scored a sweet collection. animal man s#1-25,doom patrol s#19-87,unfunnies #1 the rude cover a few he said she said books .it had the amy fisher one haven’t sceen this book in years. as well as two copies of asm #375&spawn s#1-25 all for $125 I am happy. i to want to know who the comic creeper is.lucky charms are #awesomesauce and is the young animal line worth reading?love you guys blind adam out

  14. Anyone read High Level #1? Apparently I pre-ordered 3x Variant copies – not sure what I was thinking at the time…

    Looks like a little lift on ebay ($10 + shipping), but wondering if it’ll die out by the time I actually have them in-hand.

      1. Yep. I used to pick up every #1 from Image and other Indie presses. Now I have a box of #1s that I’ll hopefully get above cover for ‘someday’. Cutting back on that pretty heavily…

          1. It pretty much seems that for every new Image title, it’s 1 out of every 50 goes on to become a hit title. I hate saying this but they certainly put out more garbage than hits.

              1. I just had to pull out my box of ‘currently worthless Image #1s’ to look for my Old Guard #1 1 per store foil. Ebb, baby, ebb.

                1. Is it heating up finally? Right after Old Guard option was announced, one of my local shops still had a stack of #1 in the $1.00 bin. I passed since I checked the market and most were being listed at $9.99 with the market swamped and not a whole lot of movement at the time. Figured I’d save my dollar for something else.. like a Snickers bar or something.

                2. Yeah, that’s why I passed when I saw them. Sure they were a buck each but from the looks of things I would have sat on them for quite some time.

  15. Good pick ups this week for spec:

    Miles Morales #3 (1:50 variant for $20)
    Red Hood #25 (Putri variant in NM for $6)
    Civil War II #3 (1:10 Noto variant NM for $8-these are starting to sell because of the supposed tie in to Immortal Hulk storyline)
    Immortal Hulk #2 (2nd prints X2 for cover)
    Immortal Hulk #4 (X2) & #5 (X2) for cover
    Sandman Universe The Dreaming #2 (X4 cover)
    Aquaman #2 (New 52) for $2
    Catwoman #44 and #66 (Hughes covers for $2 each)
    Grendel #39 & #40 (Comico run last two issues for $1 each)-these are going into PC
    Knights of the Golden Sun #4

    Saw two copies of Guardians of the Galaxy (1:25 Scalera variant) at two different shops, but they wanted $35 and $45 for them. Too high for my tastes.

    BTW, received my Kickstarted Once Our Land II hardcover yesterday with sketch. Haven’t had a chance to read it, but it is massive and looks awesome. Very happy.

    Good hunting everyone!

    1. I do not think the Noto is a 1:10 for Civil War #3. Im not certain. I know some feeBay listings are claiming as such. I sold 2 copies of that book last week and did not advertise them as 1:10s.
      That book is tied to Hulk due to the fact that it is the issue where Hawkeye arrows Banner in the face, thus killing him and subsequently killing the Hulk. But, Hulk no die. Hes Immortal. ?. We do not see Hulk again until the last panel of Avengers #682, in the cave.

  16. Some highlights from my pickups this week was:
    Guardians of the Galaxy Cover A and 1:25 Scalera incentive
    Return of Wolverine Kubert variant
    Venom 11 Cover A
    Batman 65 Cover B
    And lastly, Black Order Cover B which I like cover A better but I’ve been collecting all Black Orders Cover B in the series so I plan on completing that set.

  17. The only especially notable thing for me this week at the shop was getting that, “Avengers, ” #15 with Captain Marvel on the variant for cover-price. Will either list it and make a small profit or maybe keep it in the ol’ personal collection as it is quite a nice cover.

    In terms of what I could find through my usual sleuthing within various online stores and buy-sell-trade groups or apps, I was able to acquire an, “Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite,” #1 for $35 dollars, and a #2 for $10 from one person. I already have #3-#6 but couldn’t locate those in any of my short-boxes so I bit the bullet and got those two comics for a solid price so that I can then maybe make a bit of scratch listing the full first mini-series online or selling it at a local comic-show.

    Speaking of good internet deals and comic-shows, I was able to get a CGC 9.8 of, “Thor #337,” which features the first appearance of Beta Ray Bill for an absurdly good price. The hours I spend in random Facebook groups or on apps full of junk listings make finds like that quite worth it. I have a chum who is a vendor at a local comic-show here in Saint Louis who might be interested in buying it or trading some stuff for it. Someday I’ll get the funds raised to a own a decent-quality first appearance of Moon Knight in, “Werewolf by Night,” #32.

    That’s been my week.

      1. I have a tentative deal with the person I buy and sell to local comic-shows so I’m not sure if I’d want to cancel that although it wasn’t an official deal yet so I might be open to discussion with you. I don’t want to clog the comments here with our own personal discussions/sales so if you want to email me at we can exchange phone numbers or Facebook messenger names, etc. and chat!

  18. Struck out on a lot of open order variants today, but pulled a FCBD Umbrella Academy out of a box of free comics. Looks to be NM or better!

      1. I’m not sure what I want to do just yet. Will likely follow your auction and see where it ends up…

        Do you think it’s peak is now?

  19. with the marvel shows being canceled from Netflix .do you fell it will effect the first appernces a tad?except for daredevil witch is a major key of course?the asm #129 should do all right as well.and was there a roger rabbit comic book?need something to get signed by the Jessica rabbit actress in two weeks .love you guys blind adam out

    1. There will still be one more season of Jessica Jones cough cough Hellcat Cometh on Netflix. Just this week the guy in charge of Marvel TV pretty much said there not done with the characters and we should see them in the Disney streaming sooner or later, or in those exact words but something like that.

    2. I picked up first appearance of Iron Fist last night. Got it cheap. Deals to be had. Still a great time to buy key books. ASM 129 has come down in price too.

  20. Scored good this week.

    Incursion b&w
    New x-o
    Dr strange
    Miles Morales
    Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
    Knights of the golden sun
    Amazing nightcrawler
    Return of wolverine kubert x4
    Love romance Young guns X2
    Venom watchmen x2
    Avengers 15 parel x4
    Hulkverines 1:25
    Guardians of the Galaxy 1:25
    Old man Quill 1:25
    Return of wolverine 1:25
    Stronghold 1:10 x2

    Plus it was a full blown blizzard and I was the only guy there so I offered to shovel out the enterance while I waited and was rewarded with an employee discount for the day lol. I love my shop! Just over 50 bucks after tax

      1. I live just inside WI but “work” and hit the lcs in MN. We didn’t get too much today, 9″? But it all fell in like 10 hours

    1. Wow…26 books for around $2 each…and 4 strong 1:25 variants included in those numbers. I wish that shop was near me!
      Sounds like you probably rec’d a 50% employee discount…? Do they actually sell their 1:25’s at cover? No shops around me do that. My main LCS has been raising its prices on its ratio variants and I am none too happy about it. Enjoy your situation while it lasts! I doubt I am the only one envious of your score this week.

      1. Yeah they usually do sell for cover. Lately they’ve pulled a few and did double cover for a 1:25 or a little more for a higher ratio but most are on the rack. It’s nice when nature separates the men from the boys and I get first crack at everything. Really is a great store.

  21. My pickups this week (although not as good as Garrett’s haul) included…

    Aquaman Ax2
    Batman B…still wondering why Superman is on this cover.
    Catwoman B
    Nightwing A & B…waiting for someone to do something meaningful with this Joker’s Daughter character.
    High Level B
    Avengers No Road Home B
    Avengers A & B
    Doctor Strange
    Friendly Neighborhood Spidey
    Guardians of the Galaxy 1:25 variant
    Hulkverines (Skrull variant)
    Love Romances one-shot B…for the cover.
    Miles Morales Spidey A
    Old Man Quill A
    Return of Wolvie (Kubert variant)
    Venom (A, Skrulls, & Watchmen homage)
    Wolverine Infinity Watch (Skrull variant)
    Star Wars Adventures C

    Could not find a Hulkverines 1:25 anywhere….even after making several calls. I was probably lucky to get my GOG 1:25 variant…it was in demand and very scarce. Still pursuing a few other 1:25’s, but I am getting the impression that shops around me are either ordering less ratio variants or they are being set aside for select customers…not as many seem to be making it to the open shelf. I picked the best Return of Wolvie Kubert variant that I saw…these dark covers can be tough to find in nice shape. Only one copy of each was present for the following books…High Level B, Avengers B, Love Romances B, Venom skrull variant, Star Wars Adv. C, and Punchline. And I only saw 2 copies of the Venom Watchmen homage. But I was able to get 2 more minty first prints of Venom #9…my LCS had a bunch, but not all were in great shape.

  22. Finally picked up my pulls for this week. The DC table was pretty empty, but then again, they didn’t put out many books this week. Seemed to be a pretty good supply of Marvel books, though, but I stuck with my pull list:

    Aquaman #45 (Cover B Cully Hamner)
    Batman #65 (Cover A Chris Burnham)
    Batman #65 (Cover B Jeffrey Alan Love)
    Catwoman #8 (Cover B Tony S. Daniel)
    Damage #14
    Justice League #18 (Cover B Will Conrad)
    Nightwing #57 (Cover B Jeff Dekal)
    Teen Titans #27 (Cover B Alex Garner)
    Wild Storm #20 (Cover A Jon Davis-Hunt)
    Seven To Eternity #13 (Cover A Jerome Opena & Matt Hollingsworth)
    Avengers #15 (Cover A David Marquez)
    Avengers No Road Home #2 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri)
    Black Order #4 (Of 5)(Cover A In-Hyuk Lee)
    Guardians Of The Galaxy #2 (Cover A David Marquez)
    Hulkverines #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Greg Land & Frank D’Armata)
    Marvel’s Avengers Endgame Prelude #3 (Of 3)
    Old Man Quill #2 (Of 12)(Cover A John Tyler Christopher)
    Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Phil Noto)
    True Believers Captain Marvel Binary #1
    True Believers Captain Marvel Earth’s Mightiest Hero #1
    True Believers Captain Marvel Kree Skrull War #1
    Venom #11 (Cover A Ryan Stegman)

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