Spoilers: Justice League #19 This is a Job for….

Justice League #19 is in stores tomorrow. It follows up on the mystery of Perpetua.

When you have questions about the nature of reality, of the multiverse, there is only one being to go to….

First up he explains the dimensions, the first five.

And explains the problem with the fifth dimension.

And the reason why…

And what Dytpjg is… and that the dimension they are looking for is not the one they think it is.

And he explains how the multiverse works. (very meta.)

A sixth dimension? And the beings who were there before the multiverse.

So with all the explanations out of the way, its time for a trip.

And of course, this is a job for…..

Who returns very quickly.

While he was only gone for seconds, he was on the other side for a lot longer.

And it is not only Superman who has aged

So our Superman has aged…. Not so fast.

Seems the imp had one more trick up his sleeve

6 thoughts on “Spoilers: Justice League #19 This is a Job for….”

  1. So we can expect Old Man Superman, Old Man Bruce, Old Wonder Lady, Martian Old Man, Old Hawkeye whoever else I left out solicitations next Previews?

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