This one is very timely. Right now Hulk is hotter than sin. Immortal Hulk is great spec and great spoilers. Every book attached to it blows up. So here is a fun one from a simpler time at Marvel when they let stuff like this get by. tonight we look at Incredible Hulk #417
We just saw at the end of Immortal Hulk #15 that Rick Jones, who was thought dead, may have come out of the grave. Rick was once married to Marlo Chandler, who once was the Harpy, which happened in Incredible Hulk #604
. Anyway, before Rick got married he had himself a (pretty tame) bachelor party. The bachelor party took place in the Peter David classic issue Incredible Hulk #417
All the Marvel mainstays were there. Ant Man, Captain America, Hulk, Silver Surfer, and more. Captain America even hired a stripper for the party.
Doesn’t look like Cap knew what he was hiring. Poor naive Steve Rogers.
But the real fun starts when Rick Jones provides his own entertainment. Rick pulls out an old soft core “gentleman’s entertainment” movie and shows it off. The big surprise is his soon to be wife, Marlo, is the start of the show.
That’s right Rick Jones shows off a movie featuring his own bride to be much to his surprise.