Its nice to walk into your local comic shop on Wednesday and pick up your comics. Its even nicer when the comics you pick up on Wednesday are selling for multiple times cover price. These are the Wednesday Winners. Here is what this week’s look like:
Yesterday was a great day to pick up comics. Multiple winners this week.
Die #1 4th Print – The most recent, and possibly smallest print run on the hot series has sales up to $16.00
after the cheap ones got picked off.
Avengers No Road Home #6 – Undercutters set in on this one, but most recent sale was still at 2x cover, $7.99
plus shipping.
Dark Red #1 – A lot of books off the pre-game report are popping up here. This one is selling for $8-$9.99
Immortal Hulk #15 Marvels 25th Anniversary Cover – Cool cover selling for $10-$12
Naomi #3 – Probably the last of the low print run issues. Sales are at $10 – $15
All in all not a bad week. Some minor wins (after undercutting set in) such as Rise #1, which is still a $6 book, and Knights of the Golden Sun #5
, which have listings at $6 now.
The Blessed Machine was a good read.
Yeah, I was hoping my shop got these but they didn’t. Really wanted to pick one up to read.
Going out for a short box today Poyo, need a Blessed Machine? They had two last I visited.
Naomi #3 was a great issue this story gets better and better.
If something comes out from Hulk in Avengers No Road Home #6, I think it’s a hold instead of a quick flip.
I agree. Holding onto copies.
Naomi is a winner for sure. Fantastic story and art!
even if naomi numbers jump will still be low print run, i doubt it gets back to 24k of issue 1, in next few issues
I dunno…hype just keeps building. No one is sleeping on this series anymore…..spec value for future issues may be pretty much dead…at best long term holds.
Forbidden Planet have a Virgin Variant of Die #1 4th print
Naomi #3 is a definite Wednesday winner. 1st Appearance, very low print. Already doing $20 shipped.
I got three.
My shop had none by the time I got there. They haven’t been ordering heavy on them when I asked.
Print run on #2 was 15,838. That is down nearly 10K from issue #1 (2 covers). I would suspect that most shops didnt sell a lot of #2s by the FOC of #3. Meaning, I think the print run on issue #3 will be 13-14K. Lots of potential there, I think.
issues 4 & 5 should see print increase but i doubt either issue hits #1 print size. if bendis can make her even half as popular as miles these first books will be monsters.
The Justice league #20 individual issues are getting scarce which is making a sets of all 3 getting heat. Immortal Hulk #15 sales very slow for me now. Also, I found the nice DarkRed #1 exclusive limited to 300 on Ebay and thought I’d share.
I’m enjoying Naomi as well. I like all of Bendis’ stuff and he’s originally from Cleveland where I live. He did some entertaining comic strips in our local Plain Dealer newspaper back before he moved away and became a popular comic writer.
Love the Naomi series. Couple weeks ago lots of copies where on the shelves, now totally cleaned out.
I saw a couple issue 2s on a shelf today…was looking for issue 3, as the two copies I have are damaged…so I left them there.