Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 232nd edition of the open forum!
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
Everyone get else get all “Virgin” covers for the Horn Van variant?

On his Facebook page he said they are all virgin copies
I think it’s just an Immortal Hulk 16 cover A and the X-Men 54 I just bought on eBay…
This week I picked up this book. Its in 9.6 or better.

I already owned a copy of this book, as it was one of the 1st books I ever bought off of the spinner racks up at the cottage, back when I was 3 apples high. My copy from my youth is beat to hell with 7000 tics, folds, tears and stains. My new copy is in NM/NM+. 1st Storm Shadow too. Go Joe!
Jealous! Contemplating acquiring a copy. Every time I’ve encountered a raw it’s been way overpriced/overgraded.
I got mine before the hype kicked in. Thankfully.
Ditto. Frustrates me so much. Every time I find a copy, it’s beat to heck and the owner wants a fortune.
The shop where I bought it is kinda clueless, and employs some shady tactics. They bought this beautiful collection, 12-15 long boxes, and didnt price anything. I picked through it and the kid used some comic book realm site to price each book. It was so annoying. Luckily the site is kinda outdated and I can find a few steals. The kid thought it wad a 2nd print and charged me $35-$40 US for the book. It has 9.8 potential. Im going to get it pressed and slabbed I think, as sub’n to CGC is something I wanted to get more into this year.
Unless a website is pulling in real world pricing updates from actual sales of comics to determine value, they’re always going to be outdated or wrong.
This particular site seems to be pretty on point as far as 1st appearances go, and it is not current on the most recent spec , but, like you said, its not hip to other niches in the comic collecting spectrum. Such as cover art, other important issues or certain artists. EG; There was a run of Thors that included #337, 1st BRB. It was priced relatively accurately, but #339, 1st Stormbreaker, was $4.
Nice comic Jay! Another one of my “heart attack” kicking myself comics I sold back in 09 when I should have listened to the Mrs. who has always told me to save them. I am OCD and as a kid my stuff was 9.6 or better….today my son plays with my no swivel arm Grunt. My original Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes are guarding my dresser drawer documents. I also let the boy destroy(over time) my original Optimus Prime, which honestly was therapeutic!
Thx, bud. Im happy to give it a good home. I agree w/ your wife, selling your books was, in hindsight, probably not the best move. But, live and learn. No regrets, my friend.
There is a beutiful hard bound anniversary edition of this book with notes/sketches by Hama & such. It’s not that expensive & makes for a nice display alongside the comic (and is interesting to boot).
Gratz on the book! To me, it is one of the most iconic books of the eighties (and for me/my memories personally..all time.)
Glad you found a beauty!
Sold an almost complete run of G.I. Joe all in NM condition a few years ago…I regret it!☹️
Had a nice find at a half price books tonight…
$1 for a signed Astro City #6. Kurt Busiek even wrote “mike: come fly with us” on it.
Apparently Mike’s flying days are over as I bought it for $1.
Lol. Nice grab.
Poyo, do you have that Legos Heating Up site running yet?
Yes. He has had it up for a while. Check it out at has been up since last fall.. 😉
It’s been neglected a bit this year, too busy with CHU related activities.
My son is getting into LEGO’s now so I’m starting to as well.
Saw a cool Slave 1 set yesterday. 20 years of LEGO Star Wars. Snow Speeder too.
I have the original millennium falcon set. New in sealed box! Not letting my son know about that one for a while.
The Ghost Busters Ecto 1 also seems to have heated up.
I’ve done ok flipping LEGO sets, but I’ve only dabbled a little.
But I’ll move these discussions in your LEGO forum.
I’ve found most of quick flips are in the minifigures from the bigger sets. Most LEGO sets are long term gambles and the ones that really go up in value are the ones still new, in the box.
I have a 3rd generation (i think) Snake Eyes guarding my comic room, as he stands on guard on the book shelf.

The rest of my Joes met an unfortunate end when I discovered pellet guns and firecrackers. ?
And who’s that lying down on the shelf beneath him? Was that an intruder?
I’m wondering if that’s major x in on the spine of that book on the shelf! Blocked by the green circle.
That is actually the box to the RPG known as ‘Car Wars’, brought to you by Steve Jackson Games. I used to play that when I was growing up. It was awesome.

That is Sundown, from the 80s cartoon C.O.P.S..

lmao firecrackers, WD40 and flames with GI Joes who lost the battle..sounds strangely similar to mine
Mine always ended up with traumatic back injuries. Spinal severs. Lol. The rubber bands would get snipped and they would be laying bifurcated in the dirt.
Snagged 2 immortal hulk 16 variants for $8 each,
Got a marvel team up 1:50 for $14. And a few war of the realms 1:50, 1:25, 1:10, for cover. No luck on Amber Blake or major x…
Nice. The Amber Blake one was weird. It’s magazine sized. Not sure how that will go over long term. And we could see the print run diminish because of people not being set up to take care of magazine sized comics.
Well, I went to Mutant Beaver Comics web site to purchase their Immortal Hulk #16 variant. I literally clicked on the link to purchase just as the time changed to 4pm est and they were literally sold out less than five seconds after. Something tells me most of these were pre-sold to dealers who in turn were pre-selling them on e-bay for close to three times the original price. Don’t think I will be giving Mutant Beaver my business in the future.
What was the price?
$24 before shipping.
Ok, I am going to walk this back a bit. I did contact Mutant Beaver and I was told the inventory was split up between them and four other stores and they were only allocated 50 copies to sell at the 4pm opening. Wish that would have been indicated on their website prior. With so few for sale I simply wouldn’t have wasted my time trying, but at least they got back in touch with me and were cordial as well. Not the end of the world.
That’s cool they at least explained to you.
I’m a subscriber to all these sites, except mutant beaver….never heard of them…and only got the notice of the sale from Sad Lemon…which is in the UK and i never order from, lol.
Sad lemon is solid. I like them and their inexpensive overseas shipping.
Them and 7ate9 ship faster than Amorphous, which i could drive two hours to get to the guys locale.
And theres canada’s mutant beaver, which i havent used.
And the comic mint, which i surprisingly havent used, but its most well known so i’m steering clear to avoid traffic
naomi 1….cover A….going for $50 u.s on fee bay (raw)…
Of course they are, I just sold for copies at Less than that This past weekend. They were going for like $25-$30 then
I have cover B along with 2 & e for $60 on fee bay right now…wonder if I should bump it up!
Interesting the price difference between A and B….Given it was a new series and not truly a Killer B cover, B likely is much rarer.
cover A normally hold more value,but gap between 2 is getting a little wide, i suspect you will see cover B get a price bump soon
Hey guys, got a pops heating up page?
I’d love a centralized source of info that i can rely on. I really should get out of the extra game while i’m ahead but… ??♀️
Something we thought of but these things take a lot of time to run.
I totally get it- its alot of material to handle, process and filter in relevant info.
So again, from me and the majority of folks that come by, thanks for everything you do!
I always used poppriceguide when I collected funko
Nothing new for me today. I think I’m going to take the month off and just do my pre-orders, no new store pickups.
Just booked my HeroesCon hotel. Once I get my room # I will post it for my CHU rock stars. If we sell our farm before the con, Im planning on trashing my hotel room Saturday night like Led Zeppelin, The Who or the Stones. Anyone game?
So many people are going. HeroesCon is a great show. I need to go down there sometime.
It’s only a 7 hour drive for ya.. 😉
Yeah. 7 hours.
Could be worse.. 7 hours for me heading west doesn’t even get me to El Paso or out of the state of Texas.. 😉
Did somebody say party?
Id join you, but Im banned from traveling to the USA due to my rockstar like partying up here in the Great White North, back in my day.
Funko has a new App in the apple store that tracks current price trends of POPS!, I have only used it a few times but they seem fairly accurate. It dosnt have everything though, sitting on a Funko Freddy as Kylo Ren and just sold a Cobra Commander that isnt listed on thier app. Not sure if that helps but atleast its a start.
Appreciate that, its still new and theyre still transitioning from being stashpedia, but i’m looking at more new limited release spec things kinda like whats reported here
DCeased #1 was GREAT!!!!! This series is going to go big and memorable if the other 5 issues are a fraction as good as #1.
Um. You read the full issue and didn’t offer to share? Do I need to log into Diamond to read it?
Yes, Advance retail Copy with my Diamond number all over it so I can’t share. Tripled my order for #1’s though. The curse of retail hitting hard again. Excited and no one to talk to but the puppy. She doesn’t mind spoilers and I doubt Diamond cares if she did. Heroes in Crisis had great cover art for #1 but the story didn’t wow and I’m hoping for a strong finish even though in hindsight it probably should have been only a 3 issue story. DK Metal we got a cool new villain out of a forgettable story. Man of Steel Bendis ruined the super sons. No Justice was too big in scope but at least we get some Legion of Doom occasionally now in Justice League. White Knight #1 didn’t wow me and peaked at #3. Naomi’s been a good story but I’m not ready to holler great yet. Doomsday Clock #1 felt like a glass of water for someone dying of thirst but tossed us right back in the I can barely remember what happened/lost all the momentum with the delays stretching it out to almost a two year pace. Justice League Vs Suicide Squad was okay and highlighted by getting Killer Frost into the Justice league for a while. Don’t get me started on the whole Wedding fiasco/disappointment. Freedom fighters is telling a good story but it’s still not knocking it out of the park. This feels like DC’s finally putting out something almost as good as Immortal Hulk only without the Qty Variants to encourage overbuying. I’ve still got the last page image stuck in my thoughts several hours later. I better tell the puppy about it one more time to make sure she gets it.
I liked metal. Heroes in Crisis lost me. I stopped caring. Same with the Watchmen crossover which I cannot even think of its name at the moment. Downloaded the pdf. Gonna read soon.
I enjoyed the Metal One-Shots and sold a ton of them. Would love to hear a second opinion from the professionals before FOC on DCeased though even if it’s Spoiler Free. I feel like it’s going to be even better once the art’s finished and I don’t have store numbers in the way. I also prefer reading left to right instead of top to bottom.
I just read it. Damn. Very cool concept and the way they did it was not at all like Marvel Zombies, which was what I feared.
Would you say it’s safe to advise the readers to add a copy to their pull lists?
Oh yeah. I want to see how this plays out.
Cosmic in origin, Global in impact! I actually watched Golden child with Eddie Murphy last night because I had that itch to see someone fighting evil in their granny panties and this reminds me of the kid in how he’s untouchable but if they get him to eat that Rice pudding tainted with blood he’d be corrupted. Kind of like the techno-virus. Now the DC’s hero’s need to find a cure for blood pudding’s techno-viral equivalent.
DCEASED #1, 2 (OF 6)
1- “I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was Death, and Hades was following close behind him.”-Revelation 6:8
A mysterious techno-virus has been released on Earth, infecting 600 million people and turning them instantly into violent, monstrous engines of destruction.
The heroes of the DCU are caught completely unprepared for a pandemic of this magnitude and struggle to save their loved ones first…but what happens to the World’s Greatest Heroes if the world ends?
New York Times best-selling writer Tom Taylor (INJUSTICE) returns with a terrifying new tale and is joined by artists Trevor Hairsine (LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT) and Stefano Gaudiano (The Walking Dead).
2- Millions are dying every minute. Heroes and villains alike are falling. Can the Justice League unite to find a way to stop the spread of death? Can they save humanity from extinction? Can they even save themselves? The key to survival may hinge on the last moments of one of the World’s Finest Heroes…
taking the week off.have not been feeling well this week.however I am about to scroe the flash Gordon Whitman 3 packs of s#31-33 for a signing with sam jones .I have also been searching with no luck for a copy of betty&veronica #251 where they wearug boots. and inmortal hulk is insane #awesomesauce insane .love you guys blind adam out
Is it the boots one or the high heals one the one that is more desirable
So the immortal hulk 16 2nd print is getting shop variants from Frankie’s and Comicxposure and another shop Not yet known to me (I’ve just seen the cover).
I guess Marvel really made a good sales pitch to these shops that they need to get in on this 2nd printing fad. Usually there’s at least a 1:100 or higher ratio incentives that help offset the costs that these shops get bundles of. Instead they’ll each get 120 copies of the 1:25 incentive I guess (assuming these come in 3000 trade print runs) Which again is going to kill its value on the secondary market for that 2nd print 1:25 cover….
That’s 360 copies to 3 stores assuming all 3 ordered all 120 copies each and plan to release all of them all at once. Do you have the production numbers for the issue in total and how it compares to the qty of 1st Print copies?
Picked up my pull, only missed out on the B cover for Deathstroke #42 but that might come later on. The pull:
Adventures Of The Super Sons #9 (Of 12)
Deathstroke #42 (Cover A)
Green Lantern #6 (Cover A Liam Sharp)
Green Lantern #6 (Cover B Lucio Parillo)
Harley Quinn #60 (Cover B Frank Cho)
Justice League #21 (Cover B Jae Lee)
Suicide Squad Black Files #6 (Of 6)
Young Justice #4 (Cover B Dan Mora)
Wonder Woman #67 (Cover B Esteban Maroto)
Justice League #20 (Cover C Jorge Jimenez Left Variant)
Walking Dead #190
Avengers No Road Home #8 (Of 10)(Cover A Yasmine Putri)
Conan The Barbarian #5 (Cover A Esad Ribic)
Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Gerardo Zaffino)
Immortal Hulk #16 (Cover A Alex Ross)
Major X #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Rob Liefeld)
Marvel Team-Up #1 (Cover A Stefano Caselli)
Solo A Star Wars Adaptation #7 (Of 7)
Star Wars #64 (Cover A Gerald Parel)
True Believers Avengers Nebula #1
True Believers Avengers Thanos Vs The Marvel Universe #1
War Of The Realms #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Arthur Adams & Matthew Wilson)
I think we should all take our hats off to Anthony and Poyo and the rest of the gang here for making this the best comic spec group/site/whatever around. If you need proof check the other major site and notice their responses to a little constructive criticism about One of their articles. I hate even bringing them up but it just illustrates the expert stewardship of the chu leadership and the great community that you guys have built here. Again, thanks and great job!
Thanks brother. All are welcome and honestly all opinions are welcome.
That’s why I read this site for spec and not others: the writers are awesome and approachable. Anthony, Poyo, and Mel V are guys who I feel like I could shoot the breeze with about comics at my LCS on a Wed. and enjoy the heck out of it. Other sites don’t feel that way to me, for whatever reason.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents and keep up the great work guys!
Spider-man Deadpool #47 is going crazy now because of Major X cameo. 20 to 30 dollars
According to Liefield, it’s Deadpool 10. Can still be had, but prob not for long. Enjoy the weekend. Peace
Nice. Thanks for the heads up.
Since when does an artists opinion on first appears determine the value of a book?
You got it ?
Rob is pretty bummed that Spider-man/Deadpool #47 is going for more than his Major X #1 book right now at resale. His own character that he created (written/drawn/designed) came out on a whole week before (albeit small) on a book he wasn’t involved with.
He addressed this yesterday evening on Twitter & Instagram. He’s clearly pissed because it undervalues his own issues that he’s directly involved with. He wrote that his own store Deadpool variant featuring Major X came out the week prior, however these were only available directly from him via mail & at C2E2. I would say from a public buying perspective that Spider-man/Deadpool #47 is the first appearance/cameo even though it irks him. He threw the artist of the issue under the bus, as well as Key Collector Comics for just making that information public. He deleted his social posts criticizing because he realized that by addressing the book he only made the value go up.
If this character does blow-up for any reason, I am sure CGC will note Spider-man/Deadpool #47 as a cameo appearance of Major X in the notes and Rob’s own store variant as just a character cover appearance.
Rob Liefeld sure does act like a whiny baby at times.. Dude needs to grow up…
This is awesome! In your face Liefeld!
What’s the current status of Venom? I lost track when the symbiote was on a dog. Who if anyone has the symbiote?
Does an established character getting a new coming out count as a 1st appearance or does it have to wait until they get a new name to go with it like immortal Hulk? Been confusing myself with today’s advance PDF again.