New Comic Spec Review Video for 4/10/19

Each week, Anthony from Comics Heating Up puts out a video spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this week’s for delivery 4/10/19:

17 thoughts on “New Comic Spec Review Video for 4/10/19”

  1. Good info and nice haircut my man. Didnt care for Little Bird after my first peek, but I respect your research and will get one for potential value. BTW, way to be first out the gate on spec vids!

    1. Little Bird’s writer is already tied to movies and shorts as a director/writer/editor/producer so I’d expect this one to be on the radar of getting optioned and probably eventually made into a show or movie.

      I read the first issue, I really liked it. It kind of filled the void of my love for Spread without it being Spread. Maybe it was the wintry type apocalyptic type scenes in it that gave off the similarities.

      1. Im picking up what youre laying down there AP….my perspective can change when I “walk a mile in another’s shoes.” Thanks for the additional insight on the book.

    2. I think Sunday night is too late to post them but it’s the time slot I have available to do them. Little Bird didn’t really do it for me but if it is being shipped around… I have stashed a couple away just in case.

  2. Anthony, what did you mean by “…as you get CLOSER to adult age…”?

    Do you have a mortgage? Do you have a wife and kids? Do you havea full time job in which you rely on to pay for necessities in your life?

    I’m sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but If you answered yes to one or more of these questions you may already be an adult.

    And just becauseyou read comic books or play with/collect toys doesn’t negate that fact!


    Keep up the great work! A lot of us other adults appreciate your efforts!

    1. I know what he meant. He meant getting older makes you realize you are no longer immortal and your time on earth is coming closer, every single day. 😉

    2. I am married with kids, have a mortgage and investments, I have a full time job. I will be 45 near the end of the month. But please, do not tell me I am an adult yet. (Or Middle Ages for that fact) I am not ready for that. Lol.

      1. Adult is just a title for your aged, physical presence. It is not a state of mind.
        And there is no such thing as being mature. People we see as ‘mature’ are just better at hiding their immaturity.

  3. Hey Anthony I appreciate all your effort here, as well as the others here on the site. I hear you on the middle age idea, I’m 47 and I’m like oh man, I’m no longer considered “young” lol. I guess you’re as young as you feel.

  4. 20 = young person
    30 = old young person
    40 = young old person
    50 and above = old

    I’m 50 and look to be in decent shape; still work out a lot and am relatively fit, but definitely notice I get tired quicker, can’t run as fast, musculature isn’t as defined, etc. Things like heart disease, afib, high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. become harsher realities at 50, too.

    This post is so uplifting. ?

    1. Age according to our made up “years” term is just a way to say how many times you’ve circled the sun.. Instead of saying I’m getting older, I just tell people I’m gaining more experience while my body is decaying. 😉

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