12 thoughts on “Spoilers: DC’s Year of the Villain #1, The Face of Leviathan”

  1. Is this guy a new villain called leviathan or the face/leader of the evil Leviathan corporation that 1st appeared in Batman the Return?


  3. There is a spoiler for it. So no one recognizes the guy so we know it’s a first appearance of a major figure but just not who yet.

    I enjoyed the first chapter in the book, exciting to see the LOD in action.

    The promo page at the back makes me think we’ll have to wait until event Leviathon to find out who this is behind the rise of the new Leviathan.

    I hope they don’t drag it out until issue 6 for the reveal. With DC’s history of delays that could be years from now to get 6 issues out the door.

      1. I read Convergence… not even sure how I lasted through it. But I’m with you, I just have zero desire to read DC event titles.

        1. I haven’t even started batman damned or doomsday clock yet, knowing the DC trend…

          1. I haven’t read Batman Damned either, I only had to check out his wang… Doomsday Clock I read the first issue.. haven’t touched any of them since.

  4. After flipping through, it’s an easy pass. DC events have been absolute garbage for at least a decade, tis won’t be the one to change it.

  5. KEEP THE FAITH True Believers!!!!!!!! Buy a shovel, some bottled water, candles, blankets and canned food just in case. ALWAYS BE PREPARED!!!!

    Just Imagine if Stan Lee had been a boy scout. When really good is the exception to the rule that makes it all the more special. It also makes it under ordered and under appreciated until after the fact when the prices start to explode.

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