Books hit the shelves Wednesday mornings, but sales go on before that. Here is what our picks are doing on eBay going into Wednesday morning.
This week is a very slow one. Here is what is doing what.
Regular Covers
Naomi #5 – creeping up in price, recent sale at $5.50
Aberrant Season 2 #2 Cover B – Awesome cover, only one seller on eBay currently. Has sold for cover price
Ratio Variants
Spider-Man Life Story #3 ACO Variant – 1:25 Variant, a copy has sold today for $30
Marvel Tales Iron Man #1 Cover B Incentive Jen Bartel Virgin Cover – none on eBay. Only recorded sale on this one was $80
for this 1:50 variant.
Let me know if you see anything that we are missing. Like I mentioned, not a lot going on this week.
Naomi 5 is a bust DC milking the Kirkman cow.
Naomi going to have as many different first appearances as Valeria Richards. Not good!
Spoil me, please!
I am 2 minutes out from posting. Please refrain from posting spoilers in the comments please.
Ah, my apologies then, I didn’t know!
No. It wasn’t really directed at you David.
Okay then, I just apologize for how I am in general then, lol.
I apologize all the time.
I apologize so much I usually apologize for apologizing.. I’m sorry for saying apologize too many times. See, there I go again, apologizing. 😉
Poyo, how Canadian of you. You’re in the wrong country!
Its a 6 issue mini. Not sure how that can be classified as milking anything.
I was able to flip 2x Last Stop on the Red Line for $20.
Nice. Where did you sell them
Nice. For anyone not aware, looks like Midtown has these back in stock again.
It’s still in stock at Diamond and mycomicshop also. Not sure why anyone would pay stupid money for a book any store can still order for them for cover or less. I’m starting to think Dark Horse sits on extra copies that don’t go to Diamond unless they sell out. I keep getting reorders filled for Umbrella Academy Hotel Oblivion every couple weeks including 3A coming in next week. How long’s UA been on Netflix now? Comichron only reports print runs in terms of sales to stores from Diamond. I doubt there’s anyone out there printing total print runs including unsold stock from ALL sources.
Just ordered some more copies just in case it turns into a $5 book eventually. Even in stock at the “Memphis thru Local” place so I should get them quick from Diamond.
One could argue it’s stupid for someone to walk into a comic shop and buy a ratio variant for $70 when they can buy it for $20 off eBay… 😉
There is no way to tell total unsold stock.
Not every one lives near a comic shop. Not everyone is as savvy about ordering books online.
Exactly, there’s a “sucker born every day” and someone willing to take his money away from him born too somewhere. That’s why we make the comments so a few CHU members reading this know to check other sources before running off to buy copies at $10 a pop prior to the supply of $3.99 or less unsold copies from source runs out (assuming it does any time soon).
On a brighter note, mycomicshop finally ran out of $7 a copy NM Venom 13’s.
Trust me I want as many people as possible to read CHU. And join the new lead rolled out forum. Sadly people don’t do research and just jump. It is no different than them buying over priced variants
That depends on what’s referred to as overpriced. If a variants original price out the gate is $75, this is the equivalent of paying around $200 for the same variant the day it’s released even though thousands of stores have it in stock at the $70 to $75 price. Even more equivalent would be if the variant itself was still orderable at the time from Diamond.
I imagine what you’re referring to is the occasions where secondary market prices and even primary sellers are now undercutting already set prices weeks or even months after the release date.
Take today for example. I just purchased 10 to 30 copies of multiple 1 per store Marvel variants for prices ranging from $1 and some change up to maybe $3. If I chose to hop over to the bay and dump them for $5 a copy because I got a great deal on them, it doesn’t mean the copy you paid $25 for is now only worth $5 and should be sold for that price. It also doesn’t mean that you should send your customers there to buy their copies just because they’re cheaper than yours even though you know you have a fair price and an investment that makes matching my dump it price stupid for you.
Even further, dealing with places like E-bay you’re SUPPOSSED to be getting better prices since you give up a lot to shop there including the ability to inspect the item prior to purchase, you’re risking shipping hassles and headaches as well as possible expense, you can’t be sure that you’re not supporting some crooks meth lab funding with comics he stole and even if everything goes great, there’s still delayed satisfaction waiting for it to arrive while praying this isn’t the idiot who tossed it in an envelope with no cardboard and no hope of arriving undamaged.
All that and you can also be sure the E-Bayer is giving nothing back to your local community of value. They’re not sponsoring your grandkids little league, donating to your nephews school wrestling trip to the Nationals, hiring your neighbors kids after schools and on weekends to sort comics, sweep, assemble bags and boards, etc… Is the E-Bayer going to give you a great price on all or some of your collection just because they know you and you’re in a bind for cash and can’t wait to parcel things out one at a time? Free Comic Book Day, Batman Day, Halloween Comicfest, every time you turn around there’s an excuse to buy stuff to give away to you and your kids. Tons of other varied perks exist that have value to many people other than chasing a cheaper copy at a questionable source.
Let me know if you are interested in selling some of those $1 one per store variants.