It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of June 5th, 2019.
Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.
So what’s grinding my gears this week?
Giveaways and Forums
I like giveaways and I really like pushing the comments to win to our new forums. I really want the forums to succeed as a new community for CHU readers. So if you sign up for the forum to enter a giveaway, stick around. Create a new topic or post a reply to the others. It’s just like commenting here but with more freedom. You can even upload images if you can’t link to them.
The forums have less boundaries and restrictions when it comes to posting your thoughts to strike up conversations with your fellow CHU people.
MARVELous Monday
There will be no MARVELous Monday today. But I like my new logo for it.
Sorry, it was a busy weekend of Month in Review (that stuff really takes a chunk out of your time) and birthday stuff for one of the kids. So I had no time to pick a book to share. This I don’t like cause I really enjoy MARVELous Monday even if you all don’t.
Golden Batman Cover
I mentioned Golden last week in my Trade and Hardcover picks. This week I’m digging the new Batman #72 (Golden Variant). Just a sweet cover. I don’t expect this one to heat up but I love Golden’s work, it definitely deserves more recognition I think.
I’ve been meaning to pick up this series to read ever since the movie. I’m loving this new Killer B cover for Shazam #6 (Shirahama Variant). Shirahama had that great looking Wonder Woman Variant cover back earlier this year.
This one goes in the personal collection if I can find a copy. My local shops have been kind of bare when it comes to cover B.
Birthright Is Still Ongoing?
I was a regular reader of Birthright. Then it just started to get silly for me and drawn out way longer than it should have.
I’m surprised it’s still coming out with issues though. I think there’s been serious delays between books but now judging from the cover and solicitation for issue #36 coming out this week, seems I might of made the right choice in dropping this book. This just looks stupid now to me. Is anyone still reading this title?
On July 1st, 1946, two park rangers made first contact with a monster born of magic. Now Mikey Rhodes must uncover the secret history of Earth if he is to save it from certain doom.
Sesriously, this was a cool story but from that description, there’s now time traveling involved and it’s going from mythical magic & creatures from another dimension to Mikey going soldier with futuristic looking weapons?
That’s all I got this week. Comment below or create your own topic of what’s on your mind over on the forums.
is anthonys spec videos in the forums?? haven’t seen them in three weeks.
Sign up and find out!
Actually no…it’s not.
Sign up but anonymous browsing is allowed as well.
He’s been busy with his sons wrap up of little league. His spec videos will still be posted here when done.
gear grinder
unnecessary shop exclusives of #2 issues and up (3, 4 ect)
especially when the wont is either a mini series or on going that will be lucky to make it to issue 8
wow birthright is still alive and kicking?and it looks so stupit??however that inspirs me.going to find an artist and create my own dam comic #testify. and I am deacating this song to tony as he is the man .and maybe around the time of baltmire comiccon for those of us that are going we should ahv a chu baseball game?? just an idea. love you guys blind adam out