Spoilers: Walking Dead #192, This Changes Everything

Walking Dead #192 is in stores tomorrow. It follows up on the events of issue 191. Not going to get into too much so just check out the spoilers below.

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11 thoughts on “Spoilers: Walking Dead #192, This Changes Everything”

    1. Man you just time-warped me back to my college days with that song. LOVED that band!

  1. White Rick dies and out of the ashes we get Black Rick just in time for Dark Phoenix. The teets have run dry Robert Kirkman.

  2. All the stuff Rick has lived through, all the enemies he has overcome, and he gets killed by some punk add bitch. Dumb.

  3. Been over two years since I watched the show or bought the comic. Gotta say, I just don’t feel any sort of loss and don’t miss any of it. That’s just me and I’m sure there are still some out there that still do enjoy them, but for me, it’s obvious no “endgame” was ever planned and it shows…Which is a shame.

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