Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 245th edition of the open forum!
Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
I’ll be interested to hear everyone’s thoughts on Hulk #20. Just a great book that never disappoints & this issue keeps it rolling!
Little surprise on the last page? Is that who I think it is?
It’s the showdown. Nothing really new. Except the Carnage page at the back of the issue.
Look again, page right before the commentary, big white and I believe never before drawn in Marvel.
That is what I was getting at!
I saw that was talking about the main story. This is an after story. Will get spoilers up in a bit.
This Weeks pickups….
Walking Dead #193 x3
Marvel comic presents #6 x3 and 2nd print 1:25
Marvel Spotlight #28 1st solo Moon Knight.
Peter Porker Annual #1 1:50 1st Meow Morales ASM 1st Spider Guin can’t pass up half ratio first appearances.
Hulk #218-230 NM specifically for another NM 1st Moonstone
Marvel Premiers #28 1st Legion Of Monsters high grade.
Does Metatron have a physical appearance in Marvel Comics prior to tomorrow morning? It sounds like he’s only ever been mentioned or talked about prior to tomorrow but never seen? Any thoughts?
Another one I can’t brag about calling a month or two ago as well. Come on spoiler pages.
You can brag about it before allowing Anthony to post spoilers on CHU. Buy a domain. Setup hosting. Setup website. Post content on your website.. spend 5 to 6 years building up audience…. 😉
Anthony can’t spoil something that hasn’t happened yet. I clearly see the road open to the prediction coming true soon. I’ll explain later, with references of course assuming I can figure out which discussion the prediction took place in I think will be coming soon.
Would it still be a spoiler if it was posted in 6 years time? And what fun would a community be, if we were all relegated to our own, individual sites? Isnt the point of CHU to gather and share info as a community? Just saying, Poyo. ?
Check your private messages on the forums!
Fantastic Four Atlantis Rising #1
Drawn or just the voice heard? Online site I looked at listed it as just heard. I’ll have to see if I have a copy.
I can’t find any mention and definitely no visual in Fantastic Four Atlantis rising. There’s a collectors preview for the book that’s mostly a lot of text that the reference could be from somewhere buried in the text but I didn’t see any visuals in that either.
He is listed as the voice of god. So a voice.
Voice of Blonde stabby doesn’t seem to hold much weight for 1st appearance I’m being told this week but that last page before the Commentary pages isn’t a voice, it’s a (to be spoiled by Anthony) physically appearing.
Likely 2nd Print cover page also.
The debate will be interesting to see which book is the one to have for the character’s 1st appearance. Some say there are two versions but I believe they are one the same. Hope this isn’t spoiling too much.
Marvel Comics Presents #1, Blonde Stabby aka Rien is the Narrrator (Voice). It’s not getting any love so far. Fantastic Four Atlantis Rising hasn’t gotten any love and it’s had 24 years to endear itself.
Out in front, it appears that Marvel page is going with Immortal Hulk 20, 1st credit and even using the image.
FF 510. Check it out
While we’re at it, I got Silver Surfer Black Blank cover in today. It’s got the new ultra thin white stuff around the cover but one copy has enough large creases that if it was the actual cover I’d be talking Fine grade.
Are we lowering the grade of a perfectly good book underneath because this flimsy stuff isn’t shipping and handling worth a darn it appears?
I’m assuming we can’t just snatch it off.
I can’t figure why some thinks this is a better option than simply polybagging them to keep the covers clean.
Im fairly certain that CGC does not recognize the condition of the blank cover, when grading. I believe they only grade the actual cover
And pages underneath. If thats what you asked, BJ.
Yes, the book and regular blank cover look great. It’s just that flimsy white stuff covering it that got scrunched up sometime before arrival.
Don’t you take them off?
First time I’ve seen these but if I snatch them off since they’re stapled on doesn’t that now make it incomplete?
If you were to send it for grading with the thin paper attached, the grading company would remove it before encasing it.
Yes. Take it off.
Yeah baby…
…boom chicks wow wow…!
*chicka*….damn spell check….and lack of an edit post feature…?
It’s likely never going to happen on main site. That requires one to have an actual account on CHU and we plan on likely integrating comments into the forums.
Has anyone noticed the paper stock for DC titles seems… like it’s been overly warped, recently? Check out Batman Damned 3 and Doomsday Clock 10 compared to the other issues, the pages are all crinkly, like someone left them in the shower and then dried them out. I thought it was just my copies and that I was going crazy. Well, maybe I am…
Humidity and cheap ass paper lead to this.
Yeah, I notice this from time to time. Stick in bag with board.. and stack a nice size stack on top of them for a couple of days, the waves go away. The longer the better. I also stick a bunch of silica humidity bags around my long boxes that draw out the humidity.
Outside of the routine new books I picked up the following at a local show:
Hulk 158 (Warlock app)
Hulk 228 (good enough for Alana then good enough for me)
Giant sized Spidey #2 (1st meeting between Spidey & Shang Chi)
Thor 163 (Warlock cocoon cameo)
Eternal 3, 5, 11 (I got all 3 in vf/nm for $55).
picking up space bandets #1 all covers .almost won the hero initiavive variant .witch went for a 1k plus. mark millar is the grdeatest of all time the modern ay stan lee #testify. walking dead #192 2nd print 193 50 copies. e. all the true belivers spiderman&carnage books. onie double feture s1&12plus a spot to get a captain marvel #1 autographed by that Larson chick. and sdcc is in two weeks o.k. off to put something into motion love you guys blind adam out
Early 4th of July presents. A decorative free cookie from the bank and advance pdf’s of Fantastic Four 12 and Venom Annual. Nothing spec worthy jumped at me but I really enjoyed that FF. Now to pop over and check death’s Head and Punisher Kill Krew. I have low expectations for those 2. Hopefully DC will release DCeased 4 today for some fireworks.
I love Deaths Head. I’m probably the only one though. I need to rebut the 90s issues.
I can’t say it’ll make my read list. It’ll probably be offensive to those who are against same sex smootchy, kissy over the top and excessive shows of same sex bonding. Say that they are if you want to make a stance and get on with the story telling. This just felt a little too much and forced. I’d have thought it was too much even if they were straight. Give me comics with great stories and not political controversy.
A few potential 1sts that even Death’shead called weak so I’ll let him be the judge of that and probably obliterate them in an issue or two.
I need to update my Yondu comic knowledge base.
Walking Dead 193 2nd Printing out., drop that in the search bar.
Don’t waste time searching it. I forgot there’s no cover art showing so the only thing missing is the shipping date of July 31st EST. Price didn’t increase either so if you just want a reader copy and can wait it might be an option for you.
80’s Goodness!
Dead World (Arrow/Caliber) #1-12
Golden Age goodness!
Black Rider Rides Again! (Atlas) #1
Crime SuspenStories (EC Comics) #6
Strange Tales (Atlas) #26
Strange Tales (Atlas/Marvel) #80
Strange Worlds (Avon) #4
These are a little rough around the edges, but I’m saving them from getting any worse!
I love saving old paper from disintegration
My LCS sold out of TWD 193. I was only planning to get one copy for the PC, so no biggie. They also said they’d be getting more next week.
Got these:
3 copies of Zombie Tramp 61 Stan Lee Tribute
2 copies of Immortal Hulk 20
Gonna hit up another shop soon
Picking up:
nothing this week
Picked up from a $1 box:
Eagle 6 (AH! first published work; I pick them up when I see them and flip them for $20 at swaps)
Slaine 1 (awesome Biz cover and interior painted art)
Tiki Kon is this weekend. I have a VIP pass which includes a bus tour of local home tiki bars. Saw ELO this past Saturday. Bought my pass to Rose City Comic Con and a photo op with Tim Curry. I’m surprised there isn’t more interest for the TMNT 35th anniversary box.
No WD193s around me. Sold out before hitting the rack! I was here when they opened!! Oh well, it’ll be back to cover In a few weeks when shock value wears off.
I had people at opening yesterday but that was for the day long Presale event for the hundreds shipping in by the 15th. Today it’s all DCeased #3 leaving or people calling to make sure I’m open to pick up their presales from the 1st week of June when I was telling everyone to get extra or at least one locked in on 193 when they were ordering Commemorative 192’s.
Pick ups for the week:
TWD #193 (2 copies)-all stores that I visited were sold out once it hit internet last night
Vader Target (1:50 variant)-loved the character of Valance from the old Marvel series of the 1970’s!
Banjax #2
Spec pick ups this week:
Marvel Comics Presents #5 X3 (all for cover)
Spiderman Life Story #2 X2 (for cover price)
Canto #1 (1:10 variant for $20)
Star Wars Tales (Dark Horse) #23 A & B covers (both for cover price)
Django/Zorro #1 (Jae Lee cover A) for cover price
BTW, I know that Donny Cates is doing a ton of Marvel books right now, but does anyone know if Babyteeth is on indefinite hiatus? I really liked that series and haven’t seen a new book in months!
Good hunting everyone!
New female turtle in 95?
Jenny, last page. Please let this lead to baby turtles later. I love baby turtles!!!!!
I got so excited to see a female turtle and thinking about babies I forgot to pop over to Diamond and buy a bunch of copies before coming here. Fortunately that problem has now been corrected.
Everyone left for the fireworks already? I suspect you’re missing the real ones about to begin.
Who was that that gets transformed?
Jennika gets stabbed. There’s a write up with pictures at that place you guys hate.
“As part of her plans for a takeover, Karai tried to get Splinter’s second-in-command, Jennika, to switch sides. When she refused, in TMNT #93…”
turtles rescue her/save the day but are forced into giving a transfusion to save her life. Next thing you know she’ll be looking for a sandy place to lay some eggs. I spent 8 years living in a pet store and then 8 years on a lake with a sandy beach and turtles for pets.
DCeased #4 Advance should be in your e-mail with a link now also from the DC Direct.
DDDAAAAMMMMMNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was big.
Have you finished yet? I’m going back to read it again!!!!!!
Order increased for issue 96 just in case it’s one of those second appearances you call 1st full situations. Wondering if you think they’ll wait until issue 100 to suit her up?
Blonde stabby about to get bumped by Green stabby or would that be Green gabby? I don’t know if she used to talk a lot but I seem to remember the males usually do.
You sure that’s not Eminem turning into a turtle? Doesn’t look like a girl, blonde stabby wins.
I think if there’s a cover appearance it’ll be hot hot. Cover B art hasn’t been released…I don’t see an incentive listed either…I think if there was one it’d be known before FOC…otherwise what’s the point?
Used my Ebay bux to pick up a copy of strange tales 180 and ASM 101.
Picked up a cheap(lower grade) copy of Lois Lane 70 and an ok copy of all star comics 58.
To top it off today, I couldn’t help myself and picked up a copy of Amazing Spider Man 25 which is just an awesome cover of JJJ and 1st Spider Slayer (as well as mention of MJ). Could see the MCU going this route with JJJ for Spidey 3 maybe? Could also continue to beat the ex stark employee drum with the tech if they want to incorporate Smythe.
I never remember to use eBay bux. Also never really earn that much b
I try to make my purchases around month and qtr ends when they’re offering 8-10% back promos. I’ll use that as an excuse to buy a bigger title and get a decent amount back come the following qtr. I bought an AC252 (8% back) and Superboy 68 (13%) last qtr that helped me get to a point where my 101 and ST180 were only 20 bucks out of pocket.
Definitely worth it to snag big fish books that you want for your PC that the markets already set on to maximize savings…
I bought a FF49 during he promotion…got $80 Wanting to burn a virtual hole in my pocket. Got another book I’m eyeing but would like another promotion before my bucks expire.
Heard that.
dear b.j. and everyone else.can we please use spoiler tags when giving details ?I didn’t read tmnt yet so thanks for that .and I for the record love that other site and think it is one of the best sites on the net #testify oh yeah it is called cbsi word to big bird p.h.o.d.
He is talking about Bleeding cool being the site we hate. Yes. You love bleeding cool?
I don’t know anything about spoiler tags but I thought this was supposed to be a spec site so people could run grab/order copies while they were available instead of waiting until the supply was gone or the price was jacked. As for spoiling, she was apparently stabbed in 93 I read from another poster so the medical emergency you should already know about. Only spoiler here is she turns into a new turtle which is big spec news I thought. I’m trying to picture what she’s going to look like when she suits up and how many different Funko items will be coming. T-shirts, hats, keychains, maybe some of those break open eggs she can hatch out of. The possibilities are endless.
I assumed since everyone hates the other place that providing my own picture would prevent me having to drop a link to a place you all hate but will not say why. I wasn’t the first to drop this on the internet. I was just trying to do you a favor and let you know in time to benefit from the knowledge.
I will try really hard to keep things like this to myself in the future if you prefer. No desire to offend. I’m still trying to figure out the Green Lantern/Immortal Hulk gamma crossover thing this week also.
Are you reading this week’s Green Lantern or is it safe to talk about? I hate to ask Anthony for a separate spoiler post for every issue that came out so we can isolate the conversations. Sounds like a lot of work.
It is lol. Feel free to email me. I read the green lantern issue but missed the Gamma connection.
There’s an article , again at that place you guys hate connecting the two books. Something about one’s a fanboy for the others work, IH has Gamma as having a non science magical side when viewed from below or something like that and the GL side this week is pushing Gamma as what sounds like another variation on the Green power battery Juice and some planet (Earth I’m assuming with Hulk causing a big spike or something like that). Here’s a link to the article. It’s better to get it direct than having me trying to translate I think.
Forgot again SPOILER ABOVE!!!!!!!
That’s quite a stretch. Maybe there’s a tease going on in terms of he writers having some fun….but I don’t think it’s something to put to much weight into.
I don’t hate any site…I find bleeding cool annoying with all their adds and rarely visit for that reason alone. I always do my research before jumping on any bandwagons, even when it’s information posted here..usually that’s going to several sites (or apps!) to verify claims or get other opinions on matters. I’m thankful all of them exist.
It’s a long story about my dislike for a certain site. But yes, always fact check and do your own research. Absolutely nothing wrong with using every tool in your tool box.
I scroll for 2 minutes or so but only click on things that seem important there. I actually came back from there yesterday to here to get a second opinion on the turtle thing before even going to Diamond to purchase some. It’s crazy because Tuesday every time I said something, someone said something right after that it felt like. Wednesday hours are passing while I’m watching all the 1:10’s disappear from E-Bay!!!!! That’s the one cover I can’t order from Diamond!!!
They say this is the first girl turtle at Bleeding cool, um what about Venus de Milo?
@BA. Speculation sites = spoilers. Its the nature of the beast. Sorry. ?♂️
this site is family friendally so I can’t really sayhow I feel about bleeding cool.sorry for assuming things plus a friend passed away yesterday and I wasn’t in a good mood.i normally read my books and I was just wanting to read tmnt without the spoilers .have a great 4th of july blind adam out
This seems to imply a copy sold for $99.99 on E-bay. Even gives the time and date but I’m starting to wonder if it’s a glitch.