Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 248th edition of the open forum!

What was your favorite announcement coming out of SDCC?

Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?

61 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. So is the 250 edition of the open forum going to be a double sized card stock cover issue?

    Gotta do something tacky to commemorate the milestone…

  2. Bought a 1:50 Thor vol4 #1 1:50 Robison variant other Thant that it was the cheapest SDCC week for me as didn’t care for any variants and had the majority of books to pop off Marvel news already. Also have the 1:25 MCP #6 2nd print preordered which is going nuts now.

    1. Yeah, I’m not understanding why it’s going nuts. I everyone had fair warning it was coming and the first print was already nuts before 2nd print FOC…1st cover appearance, I understand… but it’s just a page of the interior….not inspiring by any means. So if you are willing to pay $200 now, why didn’t you pay $35 a few weeks ago??

      Can’t see this holding on. eBay is going to flood, my prediction. We’ll see…

      1. 2 of the $$$$ copies sold are from same seller that now has one at $300 I don’t think his sells are legit just fake sells. Trying to fabricate the market. But I do see a couple legitimate sold copies for $$$$.

  3. so overstreet has the edge of spider verse #2 for $10 in 9.2….and how long has this book been out??? a f joke.
    this comment should be under the whats grinding my gears section.

    1. Odd that some prices aren’t updated. Generally, majority of comics are overpriced in Overstreet guide with minority underpriced. Despite errors, guide is still useful overall.

  4. Got a Spawn SDCC 299 for $30 as a pre-sale. Was pleasantly surprised that the seller went through with it.

    1. Speaking of Spawn, I just went into my basement side room looking for Thor books and came across a Spawn 174. Had it since it came out.

  5. Thor #8, where Thor’s identity os revealed to be Jane Foster, is getting a lot of buzz. There were Phantom Variants for the cover that had print runs of 3,000 and lower. The black and white is selling for $16 range. You can grab it plus 6 other variants for $14.99 here Phantom Variant Lot

    1. Cool! Ordered one of their sets for the pc. Free shipping to boot plus a Spider Gwen #1. Not bad at all!

  6. I did spend more than I thought I would this SDCC mainly because I was not expecting Blade to be revitalized. Picked up a 6.5 of Tomb of Dracula #10 right before the prices began to go nuts. An impulse purchase to be sure, but the prices have spiked big time. About a 50% increase so far. Not bad for half a week.

    Outside of that I was a little disappointed that Sersi was not introduced to be a character in the Eternals film. Seems kind of odd to leave her out since she is a major character in the comics. Maybe a sequel or maybe they just haven’t introduced the entire cast yet…although it seems to be pretty full already.

    I Sent a total of 6 copies of Eternals #3 to CGC (two separate orders) over the past four months. Have a small stack of #5 and #2, most in high to higher grade that I probably would rather have sent…in hindsight anyway. Will jut have to make another CGC order in the next month or so. The wife will certainly give me one of “those” looks.

  7. Frank Cho’s Ballpoint Beauties Deluxe HC signed
    Hellblazer 2 & 3 vol. 1
    2x Teen Titans 32 Alex Garner Lobo cover

    Unnatural 12 Kendrick “KUNKKA” Lim Virgin Variant Set

    Anyone else enjoying Legion?

      1. If you haven’t found one, I recommend looking for the Cho variant of Jungle Tales of Cavewoman 1. I think it is is first published comic work and first cover. I have a 9.6 signed slabbed copy. Hard to find. The Ballpoint book showcases his new style, but I wish it spent a little less time on the process. He shows multiple steps for almost every picture in the book.

    1. I believe there is approximately 2500 diamond accounts. So, the 1 per stores are around 2500 or so (5000 for 2 per, obviously). This is not concrete data, but this is the number I have heard throughout the years, if I am not mistaken.

  8. I pre-sold my MCP 6 1:25 for $150, so when I found out my LCS was charging $80 for it, it was kind of disappointing. After fees & shipping I ended up with about $40 profit, which is still nice, but I thought this was going to be a bigger event. I’ll take $40 over $0 any day though.

    They also got in my copy of TMNT 95B (cover price) to go with my 95A, 51A & 52A.

    That’s it for this week…

  9. Pickups today (non-pull list):

    White Knight 1B
    True Believers Carniak

    Batman 609 NM- ($10)
    Thor 8 x2 NM- (Jane = Thor reveal, black cover)

      1. I pre-ordered multiples of A & B to be safe, but I heard shops might end up getting shorted their orders even if they got them in before FOC. Apparently it’s because IDW prints overseas and their effective FOC is earlier… is there truth to this?

    1. I’m not really sure what’s going on with TMNT 96 on Midtown’s website. I was online when the 7/31 releases went up and they were limited to 1 copy per person and already sold out. Odd. Either they had only a few copies available online or they never made them available. I added both covers to my “Wish List”, so maybe they will have copies available later. Perhaps they are holding them back for their stores? It seems weird.

      1. Sometimes I think things are sold out before the go up the week before. Either they don’t order extra stock or they decide not to sell. Very odd to see that with a regular open order
        …usually it’s the incentives or higher priced items this happens to.

        I plan to show up when my lcs opens to try and grab it. If not, oh well.

        Much like the 1:25 McP6 I’m not getting why it’s sold out…issue 25 was hot before FOC of 96.

  10. I had a good day today. I walked into one shop to pick up a recent order, and I was handed a copy of MCP6 1:25 2nd. I forgot I had preordered it. I then picked up this Heavy Metal Mag from 1980 that caught my eye. And then on my way home I got the mail and my ANW2 1:25 Lopez arrived. Its a definite 9.8 candidate from what I can gather of it. Very happy.

    1. I got a copy of Nyoka the Jungle Girl #34 from 1949 for $1. It’s about a 2.5 but still in amazing shape for being 70 years old. Just a cool cold comic.

          1. My buddy picked up a MAD Magazine from 1959, yesterday, for $1. Very cool to have those old books in the collection.

  11. not much tnot much today.picked up copies of the amazing dr pepper man#1 batman s#608-619 the animated movie is amazing and well done .gardians #7,copies of wizard magazine #137&oni double feature #12plus a bunch of sdcc stuff wish I was able to buy spawn but had no luck with that or any of the idw books.going to rest love you guys blind adam out

    1. shoulda hit me up, had the wife in line buying the spawn on wednesday night, heard they sold out by thursday morning. Thinking of having Mcfarlane sign it while hes in Boston.

    1. Seems some are trying to say it’s significant due to costume change? Some listing at $19.99 but seems most if not all have sold for $3.99 or so.. I wouldn’t classify this a winner just yet.

      1. Where is the precedent for any book holding any significant value due to a costume change? Spidey doesnt count because his Black Suit is technically a new character (Venom Symbiote). Whoever/If anyone is pushing this, that seems like a stretch, imo.

        1. A costume change is of minor significance but there have been above average prices before. Examples include Tales of suspense 48 amd Daredevil 5. I wonder why first appearance of Harley Quinn’s modern costume isn’t valuable?

          1. It’s an homage to secret wars 8. Probably the only reason people want it…combine that with a low print run and you have yourselves a $15 comic.

            Can’t see this being sustained. Homage completionists will get their copy now and after that initial surge the hoarders will begin to dump inventory.

          2. I believe you answered your own question, Stanley. The DD book and the TOS book are Silver age, and hard to find in high grade. The Harley costume change book is a modern (and her original costume is, by far, her superior/best costume).

  12. So many SDCC variants, So little Time.
    For me :
    Spawn 299 SDCC variant
    Walking dead 193 SDCC
    Immortal Hulk 20 Alex Ross sdcc exclusive
    All the DC variants ( Silver Foils are friggin Hot )

    Best reads this week : House of X , Batman White knight

    Best cover : Wonder woman – Cheeta … friggin Amazing Cover

  13. My pick-ups this week included…

    – Action A
    – Batgirl (both cvrs – for new Oracle)
    – Batman Beyond B
    – Batman Curse of the White Knight A
    – Detective A (Joker!)
    – Flash A
    – Martian Manhunter B
    – Wonder Woman A
    – Amazing Spidey A
    – Fearless B
    – Guardians of the Galaxy (both covers)…is Rocket really gonna die in this storyline?
    – House of X (Brooks variant) – disappointed it was not a wraparound cvr…only half the pic! Anyone else under-whelmed by the selection of lackluster variant covers for the start of this new series?
    – Valkyrie Jane Foster (Hetrick variant x2 and 1:25 variant)
    – Web of Venom Funeral Pyre
    – Middlewest
    – Redneck
    – Weatherman B
    – Archie vs. Predator (Tucci variant)
    – Dark Red

    – My shop said they didn’t get the Marvel Comics Presents #6 2nd prints yet…not sure what the problem was.

    – I was thinking of picking up the Marvels Epilogue, but passed – didn’t think it was worth $5.

    – I did get a 2nd Wolverine Captain America Weapon Plus one-shot (cvr A), but still on the hunt for cvr B…I should have picked it up last week when I saw it.

    – And I bought 2 of the Walmart Black Cat #1 variant cover packs…nice that it is a fresh cover and not just a re-colored logo like some of the other Walmart offerings.

    1. The other half of the Brooks image on the XMen book, will be on nexts weeks XMen book. Connecting variants.

  14. Next week will be a mad dash for TMNT 96… not sure it’s warranted.

    1:10 cover already selling for $50. A&B sets going for $20.

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