Marvel Comics Presents #7 is in stores tomorrow. It features the continuation of the Wolverine’s Daughter storyline. Have you seen the show, ‘Adam Ruins Everything’? Well…..
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Wow!!! My mouth dropped *** I certainly hope the book goes now after this upset!!
I meant hope the price on the last issue goes down.
What is the upset? She is still his daughter, but she was created to fight Truth. At least that is what I get from that Page 6 spoiler.
Except she says three times she is not his daughter. Remains to be seen how it plays out though.
Still a new character with claws, I imagine a price increase since she’s not just another wolverclone.
writer said it was his daughter on twitter
So funny all the people who missed out on marvel presents 6 hoping it’s not his daughter . It clearly is , don’t take things literally
Didn’t miss out at all. Sold three copies of 6 as well as 5 and still sitting on one set. Not hoping anything either. Just showing what is put out there. Retailers are not happy I can tell you.
Also, clearly stated Unless, she is doing that “You weren’t there for me so you are not my dad” thing.
I think you guys are missing that shes being metaphorical, that Wolverine is nothing to her and she nothing to him because he was never there for her. Kind of like any kid who had an absent father would say their sperm donor wasn’t their father.
Read the last part of the post. I said that it could be a “you are not my dad because you weren’t here for me” kinda thing.
But how do you kill heat on a book? By doing something like this. There are retailers who are pissed because they ordered stacks and feel they will be left with them.
They should have ordered based on their own demand, not because they “thought they would sell”
Okay my take is that she is created from Wolvie and Sylvie.Whether it’s magic or the old fashioned way.
She feels no connection to him because she was created to fight the demon.
So shes a daughter on a technicality.
The thing is with Hickman showrunning the X men and Soule writing less Marvel books it’s unlikely she’ll show up again after this story.
If Its cover I’ll pick one up. But I wouldn’t pay $10 for it.
Soule just stated on Twitter that she is the genetic daughter of Wolverine. No questions remaining.
See Soule responses. That’s good.
Bleeding Cool has an article where Rich is saying that Rein is not in continuity. Bleeding Cool loves beating the drum at the party and then will turn around and set the fire and pull the alarm. That is how they are and they beat the drum on MCP # 6. This knee jerk reaction to everything is a problem and one that unfortunately, is not going away. Wolverine has had kids before and with the exception of Daken and X-23, nobody cared. He has a son from the future with Mystique. Nobody cared.
Now we want to get Soule involved because it helps justify the money you spent. When has Marvel ever cared about the opinion of their ‘new’ generation of writers if its not Bendis or Aaron and now Cates? I know people have their issues with Bleeding cool but I trust Rich on this one. He tends to be right and he knows his stuff. Also if you think about it, Hickman is the new X-Men Godfather. Have you noticed how anal and meticulous the dude is when he takes over a franchise? He is precise like a mother. He may have plans for Wolverine that don’t gel with this daughter revelation. Collectors need to stop jumping the gun every time something pops off. One day its going to really be a problem and have serious consequences. You can only pacify people with mystery boxes for so long.
This is great. Like hot damn.
I’m definitely watching the market on 6 for either the inevitable crash/spike
“They believed that a combination of the magic in our line with your strength, resilience and immortality could create the perfect opposite to the truth.”
What’s not crystal clear? She comes right out and says she’s a combination of Wolverine and her mom. She’s also got some I was created for a cause and not to be a daughter issues just like X-23 used to have. The only question is whether the creation was traditional, magical or some other method even though it’s pretty clearly shown traditional was participated in in issue #3. The question is does this story wrap up at #9 freeing her from her presently expected life of being a Nothing doomed to fight forever against the truth. She is not a daughter right now and expects to only be a weapon/tool/fighter. By December I’m expecting a #1 from a new series with 14 to 17 Variant Covers to pick from. January at the latest.
What’s not crystal clear Bj, Unless, she is doing that “You weren’t there for me so you are not my dad” thing. However, she does say twice he is not the father and once that they are not family. So, it was very likely A “You weren’t there for me so you are not my dad” thing.
I won’t lie I am king of enjoying this. The comic book companies are now playing the spec game with you but in a different way. It is called the alternate cover and the ‘virgin variant’. When they see you make a rush to grab these books, they will print more and the shops in a desperate attempt to meet the ‘demand’ will order more and then have more copies on their shelves than they can sell. What if Star turns out to be a Skrull? You gotta know there is an angle or a plot twist coming. I mean comics have been doing this to fans for a long time. The difference is we didn’t have the internet or rush from our basements or jobs to go snatch up 20 copies from a desperate shop owner to put on the bay. Times have changed.
I think the chickens are coming home to roost on spec culture over the next couple of years. One day its going to go too far and somebody is going to call a lawyer. Its only a matter of time. A book worth 1 dollar shoots to 50 for a movie that is two years out and a movie that will more than likely be nothing like the book you just payed 50 dollars for.
And that always is the risk. Deadpool 2 was a prime example. Some of the Mike Allred X-Force characters, as well as others, were featured and their respective books shot up. The movie comes out and all the characters were killed in five minutes and it killed the spec on the books. That is the gamble. We advocate buying what you feel comfortable with and never say “buy this book”. In the end, people must do their own due diligence and buy what they feel comfortable with and what they believe in.
And to just throw it out there, we cover the risks under our Disclaimer page, particularly under:
“Please Read: Comic speculation involves risk. Past performance does not suggest future returns. Site is for informational use only. Please only buy on what you are comfortable with. ComicsHeatingUp cannot be held liable for your own purchases made from the suggestions and information obtained on this website.”
Did a lawyer come up with that, or did you guys make that up? Or did you borrow it from another spec site.
Just curious. It’s good to CYA that way.
I have a lawyer I consult
Standard Disclaimer that most sites use.
Actually when it was first written at least half of it was from consultation with a lawyer. Don’t before the Poyo days
Yeah, I added a lot of the generic disclaimer and reused what you had what I quoted.
The problem is, even with disclaimers, a person could still sue.. but if they have a smart lawyer who’s not that greedy looking for easy payday from the person, most would probably say they have no case.
That’s the part throwing everyone. He’s not the parental unit but he is the biological half that supplies the “strength, resilience and immortality” which doesn’t change anything we didn’t already know. She’s a daughter and there’s no way to change that no matter how much she wants to deny it. Some people are reading the first time she’s saying stuff and not reading it thru to get the context that it’s her not wanting to accept him in any role other than gene doner. That hard headed attitude also says she’s ready for a few Fastboob Specials. Looking forward to it.
The thing about this book and imo the whole series is that it is actually a pretty decent story/good artwork. I’ve enjoyed it from issue #1. It wasn’t just a random cliche’d type “another kid of wolverine” plot. Frankly, the story really has little to do with Wolverine in the long run. I
Continuity or not…Marvel is clearly heading in the direction of the supernatural/occult type stories.
Rien would go perfectly along with Satana, Glyph, Daimon, Blade, etc and I would take the odds that we will see her again.