Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 249th edition of the open forum!

Did you know we have the forum up and running, you can check it out at the official CHU Forum site, go over and sign up.

As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?

67 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. Small mail call for me today. ASM is a longer term spec book, and the ANW3 1:25 and the Zatanna 11 AH! Cover are for the PC. All were about $10 each.

  2. i thought the 5th wednesday of the month were suppose to be a very slow week. i haven’t seen a big 5th wednesday like this in years. tons of pick up this week.

  3. Unfortunately only 2 books for me this week: Powers of X #1 and Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2.

    I underestimated how many books I wanted this month so my budget quickly went under.

      1. So did any of the stores you guys go to have the X-men seeds?

        One of mine did but I passed but might go back tomorrow.

  4. The last week was a good one. I picked up a What If #10 in the Winter for $10, sold it for $75. Bought 2 more at a shop for $65 total, flipped those for $240 and bought a Silver Surfer #1 at a shop for $200, solid VG/FN.
    That is the art of flipping, if only it was that easy every time.

  5. i always always always buy modern books and flip them to purchase high grade silver and bronze age books. and copper too. (but not as much)

  6. been hoarding dirt cheap copies of c-level bronze age marvel titles for a while now (champions, invaders, etc). pretty cool that early issues of nearly 50-yr-old titles can still be easily found in high grade for $4 – $10 each.

    not that omega the unknown will be blowing up any time soon but it feels like yesterday that GotG was firmly in the No One Cares category and eternals books were in dollar bins until like 5 seconds ago.

    1. For some reason I have been getting high grade Omega the Unknown here than there. Doubt anything will ever come of it but like you said it is pretty awesome to be able to buy high grade bronze so cheap.

  7. My kid goes back to school next Monday. What have we done to kids summer vacations? I use to have summer break until the last week of September when I was in school. Insane we push kids harder these days with less time to be kids.

      1. Mine started this week but they get a two week fall break in October and they usually get out a week prior to the rest of the schools. They also get two weeks for spring break. Spread out more over the year instead of a bigger summer break. I think it works out better, they don’t lose so much during summer and usually the boredom has already set in.

        1. Mine go back the last week of August. I remember starting after Labor Day in September in the 80’s. But it does seem like they have more odd days off down here

        2. Easy to agree with shorter summer holiday with longer midterm holidays in modern era. Elementary and secondary students learn better. I think long summer holiday originated for college students employed in jobs?

    1. My kid is going to college in the fall for the first time. September 25th. It gives us a chance to go back to the East Coast (CT) the first two weeks of September.

    2. Is your local school system on a year round schedule or traditional. Traditional will have the long summer and year rounds will have the short summer but longer Spring break and Christmas break.

  8. Pick ups for the week:
    Marvel Comics Presents #7
    TMNT #96 (Cover B)
    Gutt Ghost #1

    Spec pick ups this week:
    Farmhand #1 (1st print) $5
    Farmhand #1 Ashcan autograph by Guillory $5
    TMNT #51 (Blank sketch cover) $15

    Good hunting everyone!

    1. I ended up ordering that signed version of TMNT 97 last night. I think I’d hate myself if I passed on it.

  9. Just two sets of TMNT A B and the 1:10. Had another uncomfortable moment with my LCS for the sake of speccing which I’m not loving…

      1. Basically, I pre-ordered 96 A B & 1:10 the day 95 came out. I asked them how much the 1:10 is and they told me $20. The night before NCBD my LCS emails subscribers a list of books that are in their pulls for the next day, and the 1:10 was listed at $40. I replied telling them I pre-ordered it and was told $20 and they replied , saying they adjusted it to $20 for me, and explained that when they originally checked eBay, copies were going for $20 and have since doubled, which is why they usually price variants week of. This is coming a few weeks after they limited me to 3 copies of MCP 6 when no one else was buying them. They actually said 2 originally but I negotiated up to 3. Until recently, my LCS was selling ratio variants at ratio and not really playing a part in the spec, letting their customers take advantage of that aspect of the hobby. I get that they should also be free to mark up and profit off hot books, but I spend a lot of money there. I’ve spent $550 between two books in the past few months. This stuff just rubs me the wrong way, and although they made it right, it didn’t seem like they were so happy about it… when I went in the next day they were cool and normal but I dunno… I like non-confrontational spec lol

        1. Oh and I pre-ordered the MC6 1:25 2nd print and expected that to be at around ratio and when I got to the counter last week, they had it at $80. I had already sold it at $150 but that cut into the profits…

          1. That sucks. Sounds like they are trying to milk the cow. I totally cut off a shop I would spend thousands of dollars a year in because of this. Thankfully it wasn’t my main lcs but will not be set upon because the guy knows I sell comics. He started checking eBay for prices on everything I purchased after I bought some really valuable ones from him and flipped them. He even looked at my eBay sales. It was weird. So instead of spending thousands of dollars a year at his shop, I now spend $0. Hope he likes making less money or finds another volume buyer to replace me. And this is all after being honest about what I do and giving him tips on books he could flip easily he had on his shelves. But he claims he is there for the real comic fans.

        2. It’s not confrontational spec it’s hostile retail. In this case you have a written agreement to purchase a book at a set upon price. Changing the price is shady.

          1. They’ve been really good until recently, so I hope I don’t have to find a new shop… I’d be really sad if it got to the point you got to with your other LCS. That is really weird btw that they were checking your eBay sales…wtf??

            1. It was creepy. Wasn’t hard to find. He searched for the books that sold recently within 25 miles of his store and found me. Started following me on eBay as well.

    1. My LCS had to kick someone out of the store for trying to buy the 1:10 for $20. The guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer, wouldn’t shut up, and was lying about prices on ebay. My LCS has been pulling the hot books and giving pullbox customers priority first. Then, whatever is left gets marked up. They are really tired of flippers. I preordered 5 of #96 and got the 1:10.

  10. Yo Ant’ny! Forgot to pin this to the top again!

    Struck out in Butt….er…Gutt Ghost so far.

    Canto 2 was as badly damaged as the first prints again. Any others seeing this?

    Picked up The Boys 2,3 &7 for flippees!

    1. Common printing defect shouldn’t diminish the value. Canto’s spine problem isn’t as bad as other defects in the past. For example, rough edges of silver age comics because of dull blade for paper cutting. Many bronze age comics have edges spray painted for identification!

  11. Sigh….Well, I took advantage of the E-bay bucks deal as well as the two year Paypal credit pay off plan and bought a Giant Size X-men #1. Definitely a grail book that I have wanted for a while. No more big key purchases for at least six months. Probably more. Need to re-coop. Time to focus either on much smaller books (price-wise) and selling the hundreds of Eternals books I have amassed the past two and a half years. That should be fun.

      1. Thanks, been putting it off, but with Xmen in the MCU inevitable it was getting to be now or never…Been doing pretty good with Eternals. Haven’t sold a ton yet, but what I have been selling is moving pretty fast and at good prices. Will put more up after the Disney event in late August if they talk about the flick. Even though it is a ways off I think the best time to sell will be when Marvel shows the first trailer. Probably next SDCC. Will still sell a bunch before that though.

  12. So it appears we’re in line to get Peggy Carter as the new Captain America but I can’t nail down which issue it should occur in yet from the solicits. Steve rogers just gave up the suit again in #12. She’s also heading off the What If tv series as well. Any decent guess as to which one’s it and has she suited up before in any additional places we can chase down?

      1. I knew that sounded familiar. I haven’t read the last Exiles series yet. I should have remembered her from the cover of #3. Is it still set in alternative universes with a Peggy Carter that wouldn’t be considered 616 and probably wouldn’t get any love if she picks up the shield for a year or two? I think everything that could ever happen already did in Exiles of what If’s but I can’t remember an Exiles issue staying up in price. Maybe it’s like that Sonic the HedgeHog in this week’s Green lantern Annual with Airwave back from the dead and forgotten.

  13. ive noticed venom annual #1 came out today. didn’t another venom annual#1 come out months ago?? there are two different venom annuals #1?? im confused.

    1. I think I read somewhere that Mavel is releasing these 1 shot stories for a bunch of titles, and for some reason they are calling them ‘annuals’. I cant quite remember the specifics of what I read, but I think these 1 shot stories/annuals are similar to a series Marvel did in the past, but they were not called ‘annuals’. Dont ever question Marvels numbering and titles, it is nearly impossible, most times, to follow their ‘logic’. Its so annoying. When I was a newer reader, 4-5 years ago, it took quite some time to figure out how to collect sequential back issues of ASM.

      1. My problem with the book is it does not say “follows Venom 25” or anything else. Eddie has the symbiote back and there is no rhyme or reason to why.

        1. We’ve got to wait a whole month for the next series issue also to get this straightened out. At least Jarnom has an issue coming this week so we can see how he’s progressing in his brain damaged bonding fest with Conan.

      2. They are rebooting annuals annually now.

        Because anything with a #1 on the cover sells more copies than a number higher than that.

  14. Remind me to quit complimenting Diamond. I jinxed it. Only 2 issues lightly damaged enough to report but 47 comics missing entirely including All my Avengers standard covers so I don’t know if we got the last one with Carnagized Trade Dress like the first 9 One-Page Story tie-ins and all my Batman Who Laughs standard covers and all my 10 ratio Powers of X missing. I haven’t heard from the rep so I’m assuming it’s big enough they have to call it down and have all the box weights figured against what the total weight should have been. By the time they do I’m expecting them to be out of all the replacement copies. all of those books were pretty much guaranteed sales and next week’s order is massive. I think every expensive item from the last 7 months they’re late with is shipping the same week as Absolute Carnage, House of X 2 and DCeased 4.

  15. In three LCS’s Shut out from Gutt Ghost, TMNT 96 and Canto 1 2nd. Saw only one copy of Canto #2 (damaged) and a couple MCP7s.

    LCS’s not ordering big this week 5…

    Also thought my LCS had a copy of Avengers 43 hiding in a long box behind a counter…but I think someone beat me to it…

  16. Picked up:

    BATMAN WHO LAUGHS #7 a & b
    CANTO #2 1:10
    TMNT ONGOING #96 a & b
    AVENGERS #22 ghost rider hidden carnage variant I think?
    POWERS OF X #1 (OF 6) HANS VAR 1:25
    GUTT GHOST TILL WE MEET AGAIN #1 (also got the ash can from Garza’s site.

    Didn’t bother with any MCP #7

    Unexpectedly big week. Kinda wanna keep all of them too! Between all the releases and #drunkenchatson, I’m worn out. 🙂

  17. Pending pick-ups for this week:

    Batman Last Knight #2 A & B
    Batman Who Laughs #7 A & B
    Batman Secret Files #2
    Green Lantern Annual
    JL Dark Annual
    Red Hood Annual
    Star Wars Resistance
    Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge
    True Believers Both
    Thanos (phone kept autocorrecting Thanos to Thanks)
    Venom Annual
    MCP #7

  18. I just read my Daredevil #8 the other night and what do I find in the middle of the Daredevil comicbook? Superior Spider-Man #9. Has anyone heard about a misprint with Daredevil #8? I bought the Carnage-ized cover. I went back to the store and the regular cover didn’t have the misprint, so I bought a new one so I could see what happened in the middle of the comic book.

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