Savage Avengers #4 is in stores tomorrow. It has something I have been waiting for, the first appearance of Savage Venom. Venom has a new look and a new power it seems.
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Too bad the 1:25 Bianchi variant has the Punisher looking like Chunk from the Goonies. All $20 and under copies have disappeared off the bay. Midtown has it for 21.50.
I meant Sloth but y’all get my drift.
Is this Eddie’s Symbiote or a new one? Symbiotes are becoming the ‘New’ Mutants of the Marvel Universe. An overpopulated mess of who is who.
I believe a different one
Can’t be two first appearances of Savage Venom so which is wrong?
The one from venom 13 comes from a dreamstone. This one is an ancient symbiote.
That turned out to be the dream stone venom and not savage venom
Perhaps 1st full app of Marrow God
I want the symbiote that comes from the balck lagoon!
Is this the same dragon Venom as on the cover of Venom (2018) #2 3rd Print?